Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Michelle Landry, has today announced Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA) as the successful provider delivering the Morrison Government's $4.75 million redesigned Intercountry Adoptee and Family Support Service (ICAFSS).
RASA will be the lead agency delivering the ICAFSS over the next five years, from 1 July 2021, following last year's competitive grant round.
The intercountry adoption community will continue to benefit from the Government's investment to support the delivery of this important service.
Assistant Minister Landry said the redesigned ICAFSS, led by RASA, will provide the intercountry adoption community with access to free, nation-wide intercountry adoption-specific support, including therapeutic care, community capacity building and a new small grants program.
"As part of the redesigned service, people with lived experience of intercountry adoption will have an opportunity to have their say on how the program is designed, implemented and delivered, so it meets their needs."