Egroup: ban together?

13 February 2004
From:  Chi4adopt@a...
Date:  Fri Feb 13, 2004  1:09 pm
Subject:  ban together?
I know all of you are as sick and tired as I am of hearing this garbage about the children from Romania being bought/sold/murdered/used for body parts/sexually abused, etc., etc., on and on and how the children should stay in fostercare, blah, blah.  I for one think that those of us who have adopted should ban together as private adoptive families and speak out once and for all with one big voice about the TRUTH!!!  We can pool our money and pay for an entire 1 page ad in the most prominent Bucharest paper.  We can state once and for all that we didn't buy our kids and that we all would be willing to allow any legitimate government authority the right to investigate the welfare of the children that we adopted in Romania.  Also, that we support the rights of birth families to keep their children in Romania and next would be national Romanian adoptions but after that INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION should be priority over fostercare/institutions. 
I've already spoken to several on the list privately and also some adoption lawyers in Bucharest----so far I have positive feedback.
I would like to know how all of you feel about this suggestion?  What more/less should we say---should we sign all of our names in a petition form--I think it would be good to show real families names.  Please comment.  If we get enough who want to finally state the truth in writing for the entire world (at least Romania) to see, we can pool the money and I'll take care of getting it in the paper over there.  It won't be officially through the agency I work with, but a private endeavor.  Vali can watch for the ad to come out to testify that it happened for everyone who participated. 
What do you all think????  Let's speak out!
Debbie Price,
Executive Director
Children's House International
360 380-5370
fax: 360 383-0640
From:   "Vali Nas" <vali@v...>
Date:  Sat Feb 14, 2004  2:27 am
Subject:  RE: ban together?
I think Debbie's idea (please read below) is really GREAT. Of course I
would be willing to watch for the ad and let everyone know.
Furthermore, I would certainly watch for any subsequent positive
reaction in the Romanian media and would keep everyone posted (don't I
I believe that the 1-page ad should contain photos of your children. As
a matter of fact, what if the whole ad would be an open letter from the
kids to the Romanian people, to let them know that the horror stories
they hear and read about almost daily are nothing but lies? The letter
could express the children's anger that their parents are portrayed as
murderers, child traffickers etc. It could also express their sorrow
for the thousands of Romanian orphans who are being denied the right to
an adoptive family, the right to happiness and a normal life. And to
prove that they are alive and well, photos would be included. The
letter should be signed by all the kids and each signature could include
the child's age and the place in Romania where he/she was adopted from.
The letter should be written in Romanian (obviously), and I offer to
help with the translation.
I imagine a whole newspaper page looking like a photo album page, filled
with photos of happy children. If it's true that a photo makes a
thousand words, imagine the impact of a newspaper page filled with
photos of beautiful kids.
OK, here are the most important Romanian daily newspapers:
1. "Adevarul" (the Truth)
Published daily (Monday through Saturday). Distributed nationwide. The
average issue readership is 451,000 persons. The broadest readership
(number of persons who read/scanned a daily newspaper in the last 3 - 4
weeks) is 2,788,000 persons. Readers by gender: male (58%), female
(42%). More details (readers' age, level of education, social grades,
personal net income) at
You can see their advertising rates at
. And another link: (in
Romanian only).
2. "Evenimentul zilei" (Day's Event)
Published daily (Monday through Sunday). The Friday edition is the most
important. Distributed nationwide. The average issue readership is
150,000 persons. Target: readers between 25 - 60 years old, average+
income, high school and university graduates.
You can see their advertising rates at
4e8076588766df00711c (will open a pdf document). The page is in
Romanian, please let me know if you need help. And another link: (in Romanian
3. "Romania libera" (Free Romania)
Published daily (Monday through Saturday). Distributed nationwide. The
average issue readership is 150,000 persons. Target: readers between 20
- 60 years old, average income.
Advertising rates at (in Romanian
4. "National"
Published daily (Monday through Sunday). Distributed nationwide.
"Romania libera" and "National" belong to the same press group, so an
add may be published in both.
Advertising rates at (in
Romanian only).
5. "Libertatea"
Published daily (Monday through Sunday). The Friday edition is the most
important. Distributed nationwide. The average issue readership is
270,000 persons. Target: readers between 18 - 48 years old. Smaller
page size than the rest of newspapers.
Advertising rates at
From:   "Vali Nas" <vali@v...>
Date:  Sun Feb 15, 2004  3:38 pm
Subject:  Distribution list
I have compiled a list of names/addresses of politicians and media, both
foreign and Romanian. Also listed are the relevant names/addresses for
the major foreign funding organizations in Romania: USAID, UNICEF, the
European Union, the World Bank.
1) Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne, Vice-Chairwoman of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence
E-mail: enicholson@e...
Address 1: European Parliament, Bât. Altiero Spinelli, 10G209, 60
Wiertzstraat, B-1047 Brussels, BELGIUM
Address 2: European Parliament, Bât. Louise Weiss, T11082, Allée du
Printemps, BP 10024/F, F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE
Address 3: House of Lords, 2 Vincent Street, London SW1, UNITED KINGDOM
2) Elmar BROK, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human
Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
E-mail: ebrok@t...
Address 1: European Parliament, Bât. Altiero Spinelli, 10E130, 60
Wiertzstraat, B-1047 Brussels, BELGIUM
Address 2: European Parliament, Bât. Louise Weiss, T06063, Allée du
Printemps, BP 10024/F, F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE
Address 3: CDU-Europabüro, Turnerstrasse 5-9, D-33602 BIELEFELD, GERMANY
3) Günter Verheugen, European Commission Enlargement Commissioner
E-mail: Guenter.Verheugen@c...
Address: Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels, BELGIUM
4) Prime Minister Tony Blair
Address: Office of Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London, SWI 2AA,
5) President George W. Bush
E-mail: president@w...
Address: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
6) Vice President Richard Cheney
E-mail: vice.president@w...
Address: Office of Vice President, Old Executive Office Building,
Washington, D.C. 20501
7) Secretary of State Colin Powell
Address: U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
8) Attorney General John Ashcroft
E-mail: AskDOJ@u...
Address: Office of Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, 950
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001
9) Ion Iliescu, President of Romania
E-mail: ioniliescu@p...
Address: Cotroceni Palace, 1-3 Geniului Blvd., 711471 Bucharest 5,
10) Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Presidential Counselor, head of the
Department for International Relations
E-mail: smiculescu@p...
Address: Cotroceni Palace, 1-3 Geniului Street, 711471 Bucharest 5,
11) Nicolae Vacaroiu, President of the Senate
E-mail: vacaroiu@s...
Address: Romanian Senate, 1 Piata Revolutiei, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
12) Committee for Labour, Family and Social Protection within the Senate
Constantin Balalau, Chairperson
E-mail: pd@s...; cmun@s...
13) Valer Dorneanu, President of the Chamber of Deputies
E-mail: vdorneanu@c...
Address: Parliament Palace, 2-4 Izvor Street, Bucharest 5, ROMANIA
14) Committee for Labour and Social Protection within the Chamber of
Deputies Smaranda Dobrescu, Chairperson
E-mail: cp07@c...
15) Adrian Nastase, Prime Minister of Romania
E-mail: premier@g...
Address: 1 Piata Victoriei, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
16) Cristian Schink, Press Officer
E-mail: cristian.schink@g...
Address: 1 Piata Victoriei, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
17) Elena Dumitru, Minister, Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and
E-mail: presa@m...
Address: 2-4 Dem I. Dobrescu Street, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
18) Eugen Bejinariu, Minister Coordinating the General Secretariat of
the Government
E-mail: sgg@g...
Address: 1 Piata Victoriei, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
19) Gabriela Coman, Secretary of state, President of the National
Authority for Child Protection and Adoption
E-mail: office@a...
Address: ANPCA, 7 Gh. Magheru Blvd., Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
20) Bogdan Lehel, Executive Secretary, Romanian Adoption Committee
E-mail: cra@d...
Address: 1 Piata Victoriei, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA, Phone-Fax:
21) Michael Guest, US Ambassador to Romania
Address: 7-9 Tudor Arghezi Street, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
22) Rodger Garner, Mission Director, USAID Romania
E-mail: rgarner@u...
Address: Opera Center Building, 1-5 Costache Negri Street, 4th Floor,
Bucharest 5, ROMANIA
23) Lucia Correll, Senior Child Welfare Advisor, USAID Romania
E-mail: lcorrell@u...
Address: Opera Center Building, 1-5 Costache Negri Street, 4th Floor,
Bucharest 5, ROMANIA
24) Pierre Poupard, UNICEF Representative in Romania
E-mail: bucharest@u...
Address: 48A Primaverii Blvd., 011975 Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
25) Jonathan Scheele, Head of Delegation of the European Commission in
E-mail: Jonathan.SCHEELE@c..., delegation-romania@c...
Address: 18 Jules Michelet Street, 010463 Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
26) Angela Filote, Spokesperson for the Delegation, Press &
Communication Officer, the Delegation of the European Commission in
E-mail: Angela.FILOTE@c...
Address: 18 Jules Michelet Street, 010463 Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
27) Daniela Rosca, Children/Youth Information Campaign, the Delegation
of the European Commission in Romania
E-mail: Daniela.ROSCA@c...
Address: 18 Jules Michelet Street, 010463 Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
28) Dan Petrescu, External Affairs Officer & NGO Liaison, World Bank
Office in Romania
E-mail: dpetrescu@w...
Address: 83 Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 2, ROMANIA
29) Alison Mutler, chief correspondent for the Associated Press in
E-mail: amutler@a...
30) "Adevarul" newspaper
Cristian Tudor Popescu, Chief ecitor
E-mail: redactia@a...
31) "Ziua" newspaper
Sorin Rosca Stanescu, Director, E-mail: ziua@z...
Adrian Patrusca, Chief editor, E-mail: patrusca@z...
Rene Parsan, Chief social department, E-mail: rene@z... Ioana Radus,
Coordinator special pages, E-mail: ioana@z...
Address: 4 Ion Campineanu street, Bucharest 1, Postal office 1, C.P.
32) "Evenimentul Zilei" newspaper
Cornel Nistorescu, Director, E-mail: corneln@e...
Dan Turturica, Chief editor, E-mail: dante@e...
Laurentiu Ciocazeanu, Deputy chief editor, news - inquiries, E-mail:
laurc@e... English version E-mail: webeng@e...
Address: 1 Piata Presei Libere, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
33) "Jurnalul National" newspaper
E-mail: jurnalul@j...
Address: 1 Piata Presei Libere, D block, 8th floor, Bucharest 1, ROMANIA
34) "Nine O'Clock" newspaper
Radu Bogdan, Publisher & Chairman, E-mail: radu.bogdan@n...
Gabriela Bogdan, Chief editor, E-mail: gabi.bogdan@n...
Carmiola Ionescu, Staff writer, E-mail: carmiola.ionescu@n...
E-mail: ziar@n...; nine@o...; redactie@n...
Address: 202A Splaiul Independentei, ground floor, Bucharest 6, ROMANIA
35) "" online newspaper
Lisbeth Kirk, Editor, E-mail: euobs@e...
Mihaela Gherghisan, Enlargement, E-mail: mg@e...
Address: 203 Rue Belliard, bté 5, B-1040 Brussels, BELGIUM
36) "The Daily Telegraph"
Martin Newland, Editor
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Staff writer
E-mail: readrel@t...
Address: Telegraph Group Limited, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London
37) "The Economist"
E-mail: letters@e...
Address: 25 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1HG, UNITED KINGDOM
Michael Shafir, Central/Southeastern Europe, E-mail: ShafirM@r...
39) "Southeast European Times"
E-mail: info@s...
40) "Le Monde"
Mirel Bran, correspondant à Bucarest
E-mail: courrier-des-lecteurs@l...
Adresse: 21 bis, rue Claude-Bernard, 75242 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE
From:  Maire Hayes <mairechayes@y...>
Date:  Mon Feb 16, 2004  10:51 am
Subject:  Re: [Romanian_Adoption] Distribution list
I think this is a great idea. Since Ireland has presidency of the EU right now I've included some more address's. One is Pat Cox who holds the presidency. The second is Brian Crowley who got involved a few years ago through me. He was the only MEP in Ireland who responded to my email petitions. The 3rd is our Prime Ministers email address,
Mr Pat COX
Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party, Member of the Bureau
European Parliament, President
Parliament's Bureau, Chairman
Conference of Presidents, President
Union for Europe of the Nations Group, Member
European Parliament, Member
Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market, Member
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Substitute
Committee on Fisheries, Substitute
Delegation for relations with the United States, Member
Fianna Fáil Party
Brian did a lot of work for me 2 years ago with the petitions and the Baroness. Some of his letter are in the file section on Romanian_Adoption homepage.
EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Phone: 01 - 6194123
Fax:    01 - 6621899
From:   "Vali Nas" <vali@v...>
Date:  Tue Feb 17, 2004  12:36 pm
Subject:  RE: [orphans2u] A fund to support domestic adoptions in Romania?
First of all, regarding your letter to the Romanian media: I haven't
seen it yet, but you know I'm doing my best to scan all the newspapers
here and will let you know if it's published (let's hope it will).
Second, with regards to the newspaper ad, I hope it would be more of an
international effort, not just American. I have been in contact with
other lists, and we have the French and Australians interested to
contribute. I'm sure there will be some Canadian members as well. I am
now reaching for the Italian and Spanish adoption communities (I'm
especially interested in the Italian one, since they were targetted by
the baroness's critics and will certainly want to defend themselves.
So, you see, you don't have to worry for the Romanians seeing just the
rich Americans lobbying. It is true that many Romanians consider
international adoption to be prevalent over domestic adoption. The
truth, however, and we all know that, is that Romanians simply cannot
afford to adopt. Very few Romanian families apply for adoption (some
cannot afford because of poverty, others don't want to adopt because
they are biased against Roma kids or special needs children).
You probably didn't know that there are no fees involved in domestic
adoptions which are free of charge, so there would be no need to start a
fund to support them.
I think the idea of a newspaper ad is a better one and would have more
impact, mainly because of the photos of happy children.
From:  Chi4adopt@a...
Date:  Wed Feb 18, 2004  9:44 pm
Subject:  cost of ad
I received information today that the ad, depending on the newspaper we use, will cost between 5,000-7,000 Euros for a full page.  I wonder if we have enough families to cover the high costs of this ad?  If not, maybe we should try a half-page ad--closer to 2,000-3,000 Euros.  Any thoughts? 
Debbie Price
From:  Chi4adopt@a...
Date:  Wed Feb 18, 2004  9:53 pm
Subject:  article/reply