Reply Cab Timmermans, HR and JUST will reply

5 December 2016

From: []

Sent: Montag, 5. Dezember 2016 22:22


Subject: FW: Open Letter

Dear Mr Dohle,

Thank you for your message to First Vice-President Timmermans.

We have received the open letter that you addressed to all Members of the Commission.

Your letter was replied to by DG HR (see attached letter).

We have transmitted your message to DG HR and DG JUSTICE (as regards the questions relating to adoption), who will reply to you further.

Best regards,

Bernd Martenczuk

Van: Arun Dohle

Datum: 2 december 2016 15:13:30 CET


Onderwerp: Antw.:? Open Letter?

Dear First Vice-President Frans Timmermans.

We briefly spoke on 1 December 2016 at the 10th European Forum on the Rights of the Child.

I am left flabbergasted by your statement that you don't know the letter of MEP Ana Gomes about the situation of EU civil servant Mrs. Roelie Post.

And even more by your statement not to be aware of "the issue".

Hereby I resend the two mails I sent to the College.

Please let me know which actions are being taken to reverse the pro-adoption U-turn made under the Barroso I and II Commission, and how the European Commission will deal with the untenable situation of Mrs. Post.

I keep myself available for further information.

Please watch THE TRAFFICKERS, in which Mrs. Post speaks out.

and this article here about criminal investigations in Belgium.

Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans:

Yours sincerely,

Arun Dohle