Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China

9 December 2017

---------- Doorgestuurde bericht ----------

Van: Jolijn van Haaren

Datum: maandag 11 december 2017

Onderwerp: FW: China adoptee roots

Aan: Deters , "Kruit, mr. drs. Y. van der - BD/RSJ/ADV" , Chamila Seppenwoolde , Iara de Witte , Aysel Sabahoglu | Terre des Hommes

Hi Allemaal,

Zie hieronder documentaire over China van de BBC.



UNICEF Nederland

Jolijn van Haaren

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Van: David Smolin []

Verzonden: zaterdag 9 december 2017 07:34

Aan: Mia Dambach

CC: Nigel Cantwell ; Jolijn van Haaren ; irc-cir ; Smolin, David

Onderwerp: Re: China adoptee roots

Sorry to bother everyone again, but just watched the full 25 minute film---I don't know if you all watched the full version, it does add a lot.

This has a lot of significance for adoptive parents who keep important information from their adopted children for years---note the discussion of that around minutes 11 to 12:

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Best wishes,
