DRAMA MICU?EISORINA,feti?a de numai8 ani,luat? dela familia care...

17 June 2019

DRAMA MICUZEISORINA, the little girl of only 8, taken by the family who she grew her date for adoption in the US, she took the street over 300 people! State authorities, IMPOSSIBLE!

More than 300 people protested in Baia de Aram on Sunday, empathizing with the Sarmatian family, who was left without one of the girls he had taken from the orphanage and raised them, and now the authorities they gave it to adoption for a couple in America. If, initially, the Mehedinti Court refused to accept the adoption, the court's argument being in the meaning of the little Sorina to remain with the family that grew up, the judges at the Court of Appeal

Craiova have finally determined that the 8-year-old girl is taken from this family and left in the USA. The S?r?mat village, which had priority in adopting the baby, according to Romanian law, accuses officials of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Mehedinti committed a series of forgery in the documents filed in the court file.

The wives Mariana and Vasile ?r?m?t wanted to take a little girl in the placement, but they returned home with two little girls. Andreea had at that time nine months, and only she wanted to take her wives, except that her neck Sorina, a girl of only one year and two months, was hanging on the woman and she did not let go. Since then, the ones two grew up together in the house of the Sheremat family in the Negoie?ti village, near Baia de Aram?, as two

sisters. They share the same room, they are dressed the same way, they go to school together, they are practically and Mariana and Vasile call them "mommy" and "daddy". It must be said that the Sarmatits have two children, theirs, who are now married to their homes. Andreea adopted it after some time, but Sorina did not she met the conditions of adoption, because she was interested in her an aunt from time to time, but husbands

They did not even conceive of not adopting the little one. When Sorina could be legally adopted, those from DGASPC Mehedin?i this maternal care assistant Mariana S?r?mat and her husband, moreover, have prepared the land, in the sense that they caused her to sign a document stating that she was not interested to adopt Sorina.

Sorina's nightmare started ...

... in August last year, when Gabriel and Ramona Sacarin, two Romanians settled in the United States of America, opened an action in court to allow judges to approve their adoption. At that the girl of only seven years and four months was, as now, in the care of the maternal nurse Mariana

Saram. By request to the Mehedinti Tribunal, the Sacarin spouses requested inter alia to order the some mentions in the civil status register, as they intended to add Sorina to the name "Valerie" to give a good deal to their pals in New York, when the little guy was to accompany them to the US.

In the case file, the two spouses filed documents by which the US authorities had declared them fit international adoption, these being prepared by the Alliance for Children Agency and sent to the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA), and the application for international adoption, registered in the National Adoption Register of Romania. The court case shows the essential conditions of international adoption, ie from the date of stay the decision to open the adoption procedure and the start of the adoption procedure international one year has passed, and during this time, no adopter, or family, has been found adopter with domicile in Romania. That one year, for Sorina's adoption, was due on July 12, 2018, to which the authorities they were required to take steps to find an adopter in Romania and not to go to the list international adopters. However, since February last year, that is five months Prior to the completion of the term, DGASPC Mehedinti generated the list of eligible families for adoption

international, according to the ruling of the Mehedin?i Tribunal, from where the Ramona and the Gabriel Saracin.

The representatives of DGASPC Mehedin?i argued that Mariana S?r?mat, as assistant maternal, had lost priority to adoption because in July 2013 and April 2014 she had declared she did not want to adopts the minor who was in the placement, at a meeting he had with an employee of the institution, without a record of this being done. "We have been mistaken for a few years, that we can not adopt it and have it for adoption without letting us know.

Case manager Violeta Morjan signed a document that she also informed my wife of agreed to not adopt it, "Vasile S?r?mat said. Judges at the Mehedin?i Tribunal found that the only information of the maternal nurse was report of the first opening of the internal adoption procedure in 2013, after a few months from when the little girl had been taken from the orphanage by maternity care, and after July 2017, when the second the procedure remained final, no one has announced Mariana S?r?mat. Or, in the context it did not a record was concluded between the foster parent and the case manager, the assistance was required in connection with the possibility of adopting Sorina in July 2017-July 2018. However, in the month April last year, Mariana S?r?mat submitted the application for adoption to which DGASPC Mehedin?i responded that the minor is already in the process of matching with a family from abroad. "Those from DGASPC Mehedinti have never informed this right of priority, although in the last 7 years the little girl grew up with them in the house. Normally, papers had to be made, verbal minutes had to be made information, they have been informed that they have this right. There is no evidence that this information has been made. Since the adoption decision, she had to wait for a year to identify an adopter in Romania, and if they did not exercise this right of priority, look for another adopter in the country, in the DGASPC did not wait for a year, and after about 6 months they identified this family in the US and began the adoption process, "said lawyer Cristian Dumitric?.

Within three months, until the end of the term, the Sarmatian spouses made four requests for release attested as a family able to adopt, but the DGASPC responses were drawn to xerox: "the child is in a process of matching with a family from abroad ". Magistrates of the Mehedin?i Tribunal found that, instead of prioritizing these adoption requests and to issue the attestation, although this was the obligation, according to the law, to reject the application for adoption internationally, DGASPC Mehedinti did the opposite: postponed solving family demands On the ground that the minor is in the process of matching with international adopters, although in the term of one year after the final adoption of the adoption procedure was open, could not begin one

such an international matching process. On this line of argument, the Mehedinti Court rejected the request for international adoption approval,

appraising it as unfounded, and found that in the meetings between the minor and the international adopters, in the matching procedure, as it results from the compatibility reports, their relationship a it was difficult. In conclusion, the judges found that the girl does not want to leave the country and wants to stay in continued in the care of the Särämäs, this aspect being recorded in a verbal hearing of a the only 8-year-old girl, attention !, concluded in the Council Chamber last November, in the absence, the only 8-year-old girl, taken from the family who grew up and gave her to adoption in the US, pulled out in the streets of ...assistant but also "American" adopters, when she said she did not want to be adopted by the Saracin family! The Mehedinti judges' notice was challenged, and at the Craiova Court of Appeals, things took a unexpected turn: the solution was abolished and the adoption of Sorina was finally granted to the spouses S?r?cin.

Since then…

... the little girl and the Sarmatian family are being terrified at the thought that "Americans" will come to take the little one, especially because there have already been some attempts that have left the child's sequelae. Two cops came to the family gate Saram. A few weeks ago, they said, in a tone unsuitable for the situation, that "Anyway, you will we're coming with the bailiff! " The Szeklers went home to Negoie?ti to take Sorina, but she resisted and did not want to follow. Then they went to school, and when he saw the so-called adoptive father the little one was scared, asked the teacher to hide her under the chair, "come to steal it". At school in Sorina, the wives of Searin went along with a lawyer from Craiova, the husband of a judge, office colleague with the one who tried the file in the appeal, argue some sources, without a bailiff, who had an intimidating attitude towards the teaching staff.

"On the first day when they came to our house I tried to explain that the girls grew up together, I am dressed the same way, go to school together, do not break them and they said to me in a tone, "Lady, I have I spent $ 30,000, I will never leave without a girl, and I have a passport. " I told them I was selling the car, sell the house, and give them the money back, only to keep the girls from being reared as two sisters,explains Mariana S?r?mat, willing to do anything to keep Sorina in the family.

It must be said that ...

... the husband of the Searcin, who lives in New York, has two children: a 5-year-old boy and a little girl who has about the same age as Sorina. At a purely speculative level, there is a theory with dramatic accents, namely, that the daughter of the two husbands in The United States would have some health problems and Sorina would be compatible with it, which has been postponed some medical analyzes would make it possible to transplant an organ. So far, this theory was not denied, and was further fueled by the exaggerated interest of this family of "Americans" for a Roma girl. Even after the public appearance of Little Sorina's drama or even after the protest attended by hundreds of people in solidarity with the authorities, Mehedinti authorities, DGASPC, IPJ, DIICOT, or other institutions, have not announced that they have opened an investigation to verify public-sector issues.


DRAMA MICU?EISORINA,feti?a de numai8 ani,luat? dela familia care

a crescut-o?i dat? spre adop?ieîn SUA, a scosîn strad? peste300 de

persoane! Autorit??ilestatului, IMPASIBILE!

? Claudiu Matei ? 17 iun., 2019 ? Dezv?luiri ? 75,230 Afisari

Peste 300 de persoane au protestat, duminic?, la Baia de Aram?, empatizând cu familia ??r?m?t,

care a r?mas f?r? una din feti?ele pe care le-a luat din orfelinat ?i le-a crescut, iar acum, autorit??ile

au dat-o spre adop?ie unui cuplu din America.

Dac?, ini?ial, Tribunalul Mehedin?i a respins încuviin?area adop?iei, argumenta?ia instan?ei fiind în

sensul în care micu?a Sorina s? r?mân? la familia care a crescut-o, judec?torii de la Curtea de Apel

Craiova, au stabilit, definitiv, ca feti?a de numai 8 ani s? fie luat? din sânul acestei familii ?i s? plece

în SUA.

Familia ??r?m?t, cea care avea prioritate la adoptarea micu?ei, potrivit legilor din România, acuz?

func?ionarii Direc?iei Generale de Asisten?? Social? ?i Protec?ia Copilului (DGASPC) Mehedin?i c? au

comis o serie de falsuri în documentele care au fost depuse în dosarul de la instan??.

… so?ii Mariana ?i Vasile ??r?m?t au dorit s? ia o feti?? în plasament, numai c? s-au întors acas? cu dou?

feti?e. Andreea avea, la acel moment, nou? luni, ?i doar pe ea voiau s-o ia so?ii ??r?m?t, doar c? de gâtul

femeii s-a ag??at ?i Sorina, o feti?? de numai un an ?i dou? luni, ?i nu i-a mai dat drumul. De atunci, cele

dou? au crescut împreun?, în casa familiei ??r?m?t din satul Negoie?ti, de lâng? Baia de Aram?, ca dou?

surori. De altfel, împart aceea?i camer?, sunt îmbr?cate la fel, merg împreun? la ?coal?, sunt, practic, de

nedesp?r?it, iar lui Mariana ?i Vasile le spun ”mami” ?i ”tati”. Trebuie spus c? so?ii ??r?m?t mai au doi copii,

ai lor, care, acum, sunt c?s?tori?i, la casele lor. Pe Andreea au adoptat-o, dup? ceva vreme, îns? Sorina nu

îndeplinea condi?iile de adop?ie, pentru c? se mai interesa, din când în când, de ea o m?tu??, îns? so?ii

??r?m?t nici nu concepeau s? nu o adopte pe micu??.

În momentul în care, din punct de vedere legal, Sorina putea fi adoptat? cei de la DGASPC Mehedin?i i-au

ascuns acest lucru asistentei maternale Mariana ??r?m?t ?i so?ului acesteia, ba mai mult, ?i-au preg?tit

terenul, în sensul în care au determinat-o s? semneze un înscris prin care spunea c? nu e interesat? s-o

adopte pe Sorina.

Co?marul Sorinei a început…

…în luna august a anului trecut, când so?ii Gabriel ?i Ramona S?c?rin, doi români stabili?i în Statele Unite

ale Americii, au deschis în instan?? o ac?iune pentru ca judec?torii s? le încuviin?eze adop?ia sa. La acea

dat?, feti?a de numai ?apte ani ?i patru luni, se afla, ca ?i acum, în grija asistentei maternale Mariana


Prin cererea adresat? Tribunalului Mehedin?i, so?ii S?c?rin solicitau, printre altele, s? dispun? ?i efectuarea

unor men?iuni în registrul de stare civil?, întrucât inten?ionau ca Sorinei s?-i adauge ?i numele de ”Valerie”,

ca s? dea bine în fa?a amicilor lor din New York, atunci când micu?a urma s?-i înso?easc? în SUA.

La dosar, cei doi so?i au depus documente, prin care autorit??ile americane îi declaraser? ap?i pentru

adop?ia interna?ional?, acestea fiind întocmite de Agen?ia Alliance for Children ?i trimise Autorit??ii Na?ionale

pentru Protec?ia Drepturilor Copilului ?i Adop?ie (ANPDCA), iar cererea de adop?ie interna?ional?,

înregistrat? în Registrul Na?ional pentru Adop?ii din România.

În dispozitivul instan?ei se arat? condi?iile esen?iale ale adop?iei interna?ionale, adic? de la data r?mânerii

definitive a hot?rârii de deschidere a procedurii de adop?ie ?i pân? la demararea procedurii de adop?ie

interna?ional? s? fi trecut un an, iar în tot acest interval de timp s? nu se fi g?sit un adoptator, sau o familie

adoptatoare cu domiciliul în România.

Acel termen de un an, pentru adop?ia Sorinei se împlinea la data de 12 iulie 2018, pân? la care autorit??ile

aveau obliga?ia de a face demersuri pentru g?sirea unui adoptator din România ?i de a nu accesa lista

adoptatorilor interna?ionali. Cu toate acestea, înc? din luna februarie a anului trecut, adic? cu cinci luni

înainte de împlinirea termenului, DGASPC Mehedin?i a generat lista cu familiile eligibile pentru adop?ia

interna?ional?, se arat? în sen?in?a Tribunalului Mehedin?i, de unde a fost selectat? familia Ramona ?i

Gabriel S?r?cin.

Reprezentan?ii DGASPC Mehedin?i au invocat faptul c? Mariana ??r?m?t, în calitatea sa de asistent

maternal, î?i pierduse prioritatea la adop?ie, întrucât în iulie 2013 ?i aprilie 2014 declarase c? nu dore?te s?

o adopte pe minora pe care o avea în plasament, în cadrul unei întâlniri pe care a avut-o cu un angajat al

institu?iei, f?r? s? fie încheiat un proces verbal în acest sens.

”Ne-a dus în eroare câ?iva ani, c? nu se poate adopta ?i au scos-o pentru adop?ie f?r? s? ne în?tiin?eze.

Managerul de caz, Violeta Morjan, a semnat un document, precum c? a adus la cuno?tin?? ?i so?ia mea a

fost de acord s? n-o adopte”, a declarat Vasile ??r?m?t.

Judec?torii de la Tribunalul Mehedin?i au constatat c? singura informare a asistentei maternale s-a f?cut în

raport de prima deschidere a procedurii de adop?ie intern?, în 2013, dup? câteva luni de la momentul când

micu?a fusese luat? din orfelinat de asistenta maternal?, iar dup? momentul iulie 2017, când cea de-a doua

procedur? a r?mas definitiv?, nimeni nu a mai anun?at-o pe Mariana ??r?m?t. Or, în contextul în care nu s-a

încheiat un proces verbal între asistentul maternal ?i managerul de caz, era obligatorie informarea asistentei

în leg?tur? cu posibilitatea de a o adopta pe Sorina, în intervalul iulie 2017 –iulie 2018. Oricum, în luna

aprilie a anului trecut, Mariana ??r?m?t a depus cererea de adop?ie la care DGASPC Mehedin?i i-a r?spuns

c? minora se afl?, deja în proces de potrivire cu o familie din str?in?tate.

”Cei de la DGASPC Mehedin?i nu i-au informat cu acest drept de prioritate niciodat?, de?i, în ultimii 7 ani

feti?a a crescut la ei în cas?. Normal, trebuiau f?cute înscrisuri, trebuiau f?cute procese verbale de

informare, s? fi adus la cuno?tin?? c? au acest drept. Nu exist? nici o dovad? c? s-au f?cut aceste inform?ri.

De la hot?rârea de deschidere a adop?iei, trebuia s? a?tepte un an de zile s? identifice un adoptator în

România, iar dac? dumnealor nu-?i exercitau acest drept de prioritate, s? caute un alt adoptator în ?ar?, în

schimb, cei de la DGASPC n-au mai a?teptat un an ?i dup? aproximativ 6 luni au identificat aceast? familie

din SUA ?i au început procesul de adop?ie”, a afirmat avocatul Cristian Dumitric?.

În decurs de trei luni, pân? la împlinirea termenului, so?ii ??r?m?t au f?cut patru cerere pentru eliberarea

atestatului ca familie apt? s? adopte, numai c? r?spunsurile de la DGASPC erau trase la xerox: ”copilul se

afl? în proces de potrivire cu o familie din str?in?tate”.

Magistra?ii Tribunalului Mehedin?i au constatat c?, în loc s? solu?ioneze cu prioritate aceste cereri de adop?ie

?i s? elibereze atestatul, de?i aceasta era obliga?ia, potrivit legii, ?i s? resping? cererea de adop?ie

interna?ional?, DGASPC Mehedin?i a procedat tocmai invers: a amânat rezolvarea cererilor familiei

??r?m?t, pe motiv c? minora se afl? în proces de potrivire cu adoptatori interna?ionali, cu toate c?, în

termenul de un an de la r?mânerea definitiv? a deschiderii procedurii de adop?ie, nu puteau demara un

astfel de proces de potrivire interna?ional?.

Pe aceast? argumenta?ie, Tribunalul Mehedin?i a respins cererea de încuviin?are a adop?iei interna?ionale,

apreciind-o ca neîntemeiat?, ?i a constatat c? în cadrul întâlnirilor dintre minor? ?i adoptatorii interna?ionali,

în cadrul procedurii de potrivire, a?a cum rezult? din rapoartele de compatibilitate, rela?ionarea acestora a

fost dificil?.

În concluzie, judec?torii au constatat c? feti?a nu dore?te s? p?r?seasc? ?ara ?i dore?te s? r?mân?, în

continuare în îngrijirea so?ilor ??r?m?t, acest aspect fiind consemnat într-un proces verbal de audierea a

feti?ei de numai 8 ani, aten?ie!, încheiat în Camera de Consiliu, în luna noiembrie a anului trecut, în lipsa

asistentei maternale, dar ?i a adoptatorilor ”americani”, când a declarat c? nu dore?te s? fie adoptat? de

familia S?r?cin!

Sentin?a judec?torilor de la Mehedin?i a fost atacat?, iar la Curtea de Apel Craiova, lucrurile au luat o

întors?tur? nea?teptat?: solu?ia a fost desfiin?at? ?i adop?ia Sorinei a fost încuviin?at?, definitiv, so?ilor


De atunci…

… feti?a ?i familia ??r?m?t tr?iesc teroriza?i la gândul c? ”americani” vor veni s-o ia pe micu??, mai ales c?

au existat, deja, câteva tentative care au l?sat sechele copilei. Doi poli?i?ti au ajuns la poarta familiei

??r?m?t. În urm? cu câteva s?pt?mâni, ?i au afirmat, pe un ton neadecvat situa?iei, c? ”Oricum, o s? v-o

lu?m, c? vin cu executorul!”.

So?ii Sec?rin au mers acas? la Negoie?ti s? o ia pe Sorina, numai c? aceasta s-a împotrivit ?i nu a dorit s?-i

urmeze. Apoi au mers la ?coal?, iar în momentul în care l-a v?zut pe a?a numitul tat? adoptator micu?a s-a

speriat, i-a cerut înv???toarei s-o ascund? sub catedr?, c? ”vin s? o fure”.

La ?coal? la Sorina, so?ii Sec?rin au mers împreun? cu un avocat de la Craiova, so?ul unei judec?toare,

coleg? de birou cu cea care a judecat dosarul în apel, sus?in unele surse, f?r? un executor judec?toresc,

care a avut o atitudine de intimidare la adresa colectivului didactic.

”În prima zi când au venit la noi în cas? am încercat s? le explic c? fetele au crescut împreun?, sunt

îmbr?cate la fel, merg la ?coal? împreun?, s? nu le desp?r?im ?i mi-au zis pe un ton «Doamn?, eu am

cheltuit 30.000 de dolari, eu f?r? feti?? nu o s? plec niciodat?, i-am f?cut ?i pa?aport». Le-am zis c? vând

ma?ina, vând casa ?i le dau banii înapoi numai s? nu despart? fetele c? sunt crescute ca dou? surori”,

explic? Mariana ??r?m?t, dispus? s? fac? orice pentru ca Sorina s? r?mân? în familie.

Trebuie spus c?…

… so?ii Sec?rin, ce care locuiesc la New York, au doi copii: un b?ie?el de 5 ani ?i o feti?? care are

aproximativ aceea?i vârst? cu Sorina.

La nivel pur speculativ, circul? o teorie cu accente dramatice, mai exact, aceea c? feti?a celor doi so?i din

SUA ar avea oarece probleme de s?n?tate ?i cum Sorina ar fi compatibil? cu aceasta, lucru stabilit în urma

unor analize medicale am?nun?ite, ar exista posibilitatea transplant?rii unui organ. Deocamdat?, aceast?

teorie nu a fost negat?, ba mai mult a fost alimentat? de interesul exagerat al acestei familii de ”americani”

pentru o feti?? de etnie rrom?.

Nici dup? apari?ia public? a dramei micu?ei Sorina ?i nici dup? protestul la care au participat sute de

persoane în semn de solidaritate cu aceasta, autorit??ile din Mehedin?i, DGASPC, IPJ, DIICOT, sau alte

institu?ii, nu au anun?at c? au deschis vreo anchet? pentru verificarea aspectelor semnalate în spa?iul public.