E-Mail Exchange: Anand, Mia - contribution

28 June 2015

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From: Chamila Seppenwoolde

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019, 10:41

Subject: Fwd: contribution

To: Arun Dohle

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Van: Hilbrand Westra

Date: di 14 jul. 2015 10:43

Subject: Re: contribution


Cc: UAI - Chamila Kwakernaak , UAI - Anand Kaper , UAI Secretariat

Dear Mia,

It was good to met you in The Hague. I would have loved to have the possibility to talk a little more and get acquainted a bit more.

But the reason why I write you is because I talked to Anand about the paper he promised you. I am looking into that right now but was wondering what you specifically would like to be mentioned in the paper so I can focus on that, while UAI is been involved in many cases and I would like to share a few of these but maybe its easier to select if you have any wishes in any specific field.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hilbrand Westra

On 22 June 2015 at 21:39, UAI - Anand Kaper wrote:

graag een korte impressie van illegal adoption waarmee UAI mee te maken heeft gehafd.

Vind je het belangrijk dat er een organisatie is die dit werk en belangen voor geadopteerden vertegenwoordigt?

UAI is een vrijwilligersorganisatie die alleen kan bestaan door uw bijdrage! Steun ons en word actief binnen de stichting of word donateur - NL54 RABO 0118 6545 27

Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Cordialement | Mit freundlichen Grüssen | Cordialemente | Con cordial saludo,

Anand Kaper | ????? ????

Secretary General UAI | South Asia and Internal Affairs


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---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mia Dambach

Date: 2015-06-22 6:53 GMT+02:00

Subject: RE: contribution

To: UAI - Anand Kaper

Dear Anand

Thanks very much for your two contributions – especially sharing your testimony – so honest, frustratingly sad and yet hopeful that there will be change. Just a few comments:

a) Personal testimony – as the handbook focuses on illicit/illegal practices, maybe you could explicitly emphasise more the fact that lack of birth registration is a contravention of international law, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which then is the perscursor to frustrations for adult adoptees seeking to know their identities. So whilst not an illicit practice such as lack of mother’s consent, being sold as a child etc, it is also an illicit practice that needs to be addresed. It would also be good to mention how you personally have “learnt” to cope with the frustration of not knowing exactly where you come from.

b) UAI – would you be able to add specifically any work you have done on the issue of illegal adoptions. How has the organisation dealt with this issue and assisted the affected persons?

As an aside, your English is great and I will only need to make minor editions to the final contribution. I wish I could write as fluently as you in another language – probably French for me as I am an Australian living in the French part of Switzerland.

Many thanks again for your contribution and look forward to hearing from you soon

Warmest regards

Mia Dambach

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01

E-mail: mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org

Website: www.iss-ssi.org

Protecting children and uniting families across borders since 90 years!

Protéger les enfants et réunir les familles au-delà des frontières depuis 90 ans !

Proteger a los niños y reunir a las familias más allá de las fronteras desde 90 años !

De : UAI - Anand Kaper [mailto:uai.agkaper@gmail.com]

Envoyé : samedi 20 juin 2015 12:58

À : Mia Dambach

Objet : contribution

Dear Mia,

Hereby I'll send you the contribution form my side.

1. Personal testimony

2. Information about UAI.

I think UAI is an important foundation in the adoption field.

Though English is not my mother tongue, my contribution will not be in grammatically perfect English. Hope you'll understand.

If these contributions need some more additions, please let me know.

Vind je het belangrijk dat er een organisatie is die dit werk en belangen voor geadopteerden vertegenwoordigt?

UAI is een vrijwilligersorganisatie die alleen kan bestaan door uw bijdrage! Steun ons en word actief binnen de stichting of word donateur - NL54 RABO 0118 6545 27

Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Cordialement | Mit freundlichen Grüssen | Cordialemente | Con cordial saludo,

Anand Kaper | ????? ????

Secretary General UAI | South Asia and Internal Affairs


Dit bericht kan informatie bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De UAI aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt met risico's verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten.

This message may contain information which is privileged or confidential. If you are not the named addressee of this message please destroy it without reading, using, copying or disclosing its contents to any other person. Any addressee should be aware that Internet e-mail is subject to risks; The UAI therefore denies any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of Internet e-mail.


Vind je het belangrijk dat er een organisatie is die dit werk en belangen voor geadopteerden vertegenwoordigt? UAI is een vrijwilligersorganisatie die alleen kan bestaan door uw bijdrage! Steun ons en word actief binnen de stichting of word donateur - NL54 RABO 0118 6545 27

Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Cordialement | Mit freundlichen Grüssen | Cordialemente | Con cordial saludo | ? ???? ???????

Hilbrand W.S. Westra | ???

Chairman UAI Foundation


Dit bericht kan informatie bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De UAI aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt met risico's verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten.

This message may contain information which is privileged or confidential. If you are not the named addressee of this message please destroy it without reading, using, copying or disclosing its contents to any other person. Any addressee should be aware that Internet e-mail is subject to risks; The UAI therefore denies any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of Internet e-mail.

Arun Dohle

Wed, 26 Jun, 07:21 (7 days ago)

to me

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Chamila Seppenwoolde

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019, 10:44

Subject: Fwd: Fwd: contribution

To: Arun Dohle

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Van: Hilbrand Westra

Date: vr 26 jun. 2015 08:31

Subject: Re: Fwd: contribution

To: UAI - Anand Kaper

Cc: UAI - Chamila Kwakernaak

We hebben vele. Waarom de casus van Rahul niet opvoeren. Ik zal dit stuk aanvullen.

Op 22 jun. 2015 21:39 schreef "UAI - Anand Kaper" het volgende:

Arun Dohle


Wed, 26 Jun, 07:21 (7 days ago)

to me

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From: Chamila Seppenwoolde

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019, 10:47

Subject: Fwd: contribution

To: Arun Dohle

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Van: UAI - Anand Kaper

Date: zo 28 jun. 2015 22:38

Subject: Re: contribution

To: Mia Dambach

Dear Mia,

Thanks for your swift reply. And also thanks for the compliments regarding my English writing skills.

Hereby I send you the revised contribution (only my personal testimony). For the UAI part, I'm still waiting on some reply from Hilbrand. He knows more about the work UAI has done in discovering illegal adoptions.

Warm regards,