Dutch Parliament unanimously adopted: Motion Omtzigt

24 September 2019

Pieter Omtzigt’s motion regarding whistleblower Roelie Post has been unanimously approved by de Dutch Parliament.

The Dutch parliament will request First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, to come up with a decent solution.

Part of the Omtzigt motion is also to address the child trafficking problem within intercountry adoption.

We are awaiting further steps to be taken by the Dutch Parliament towards the European Commission.


The Motion which was voted unanimously by the Dutch Parliament:

21 501-20

European Council

Nr. 1471


Proposed September 4, 2019 The Chamber,

after hearing the deliberation,

noting that Mr Timmermans spoke clearly about the protection of whistleblowers;

noting that Mrs. Roelie Post wrote a whistleblower letter to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands,

when the Netherlands was President of the European Union;

noting that the problem she raised, child trafficking in intercountry adoptions, has by no means been resolved;

calls on the Dutch government and Mr Timmermans to come to a decent solution for both the case and the person concerned and to inform the House of this before 25 October,

And proceeds to the order of the day.


kst-21501-20-1471 ISSN 0921 – 7371 The Hague 2019

House of Representatives, 2018-2019 session year, 21 501-20, no. 1471

filed under: Blog
