Angry e-mail from Nigel to Arun regarding issue with Guidelines. Fwd: Reminder, newsletter

3 December 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Nigel Cantwell

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 7:28 PM

Subject: Re: Reminder, newsletter

To: Arun Dohle

Cc: Mia Dambach , Laura Martinez-Mora , David Smolin


I am responding to your latest email purely in my personal capacity. To understand at least one reason why no one rushes to reply to your missives, you might like to read again the "open submission" that you posted on 14 May this year. The many untruths and unfounded ad hominem attacks contained in that post are thoroughly unacceptable. As I have mentioned to you before - apparently to no effect whatsoever - you would do well to desist from this odious practice.

Your unwavering obsession with the Guidelines being "only welcomed" is frankly alarming. UNGA employs the term "welcomes" notably in relation to texts that were initiated externally - it did the same, for example, regarding the Paris Principles.that are nonetheless now viewed as a foundational UN-approved text for the protection of human rights at national level. Obviously, UNGA will only "welcome" documents of which it approves. Using the terms "endorse" or "approve" to describe its decision re the Guidelines or the Paris Principles is therefore anything but "grossly inaccurate" or "misleading".

In addition, if you take the trouble to look at the paragraphs surrounding the "welcome" term, you will surely surmise that UNGA not only approves but actively encourages the promulgation of the Guidelines:

“Considering that the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, the text of which is annexed to the present resolution, set out desirable orientations for policy and practice with the intention of enhancing the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and of relevant provisions of other international instruments regarding the protection and well-being of children deprived of parental care or who are at risk of being so,

1. Welcomes the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, as contained in the annex to the present resolution, as a set of orientations to help to inform policy and practice;

2. Encourages States to take the Guidelines into account and to bring them to the attention of the relevant executive, legislative and judiciary bodies of government, human rights defenders and lawyers, the media and the public in general;

3. Requests the Secretary-General, within existing resources, to take steps to disseminate the Guidelines in all the official languages of the United Nations, including by transmitting them to all Member States, regional commissions and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.”




Nigel Cantwell

120 route de Ferney, CH-1202 GENEVE

+41 22 733 8069 - (mobile) +41 79 706 3833

Le ven. 29 nov. 2019 à 09:33, Arun Dohle a écrit :

Dear Mia and Nigel,

unfortunately i didn´t get yet any reply from you.

Please send me a reply or at least a confirmation of receipt.

Best regards

Arun Dohle

From: Arun Dohle []

Sent: Donnerstag, 14. November 2019 08:57

To: Mia Dambach; Nigel Cantwell

Subject: newsletter

Dear Mia and Nigel,

as usual i read your newsletter with great interest.

As you know we greatly differ on the question of subsidiarity and whether adoption is a child protection measure.

We highlight also on every conference and meeting we have that the Guidelines were not “ adopted” by the UN General Assembly.

They were only “ welcomed “ by the general assembly.

Jaap Doek himself also points this out.

To use the word “ approved” here in your newsletter is grossly inaccurate and misleading. Kindly see attached screenshot.

I request you to rectify this.

On another note, when will ISS start an internal research into criminal adoption practices of your network?

For example ICSW,


Waiting for your response


Arun Dohle


Warm regards

Arun Dohle

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Jaap Doek - Guidelines on Alternative Care, were not approved