Fwd: AGD response to your email of 8 October 2017 [DLM=Sensitive]

12 April 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Sarah Burn

Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 at 03:12

Subject: RE: AGD response to your email of 8 October 2017 [DLM=Sensitive]


Cc: Damon Martin

Dear Mr Dohle,

Thank you for your email to Mr Damon Martin and for your concern regarding Rupali/ Paula. Damon is currently on leave until early May and I am acting in his position in his absence.

Unfortunately we are unable to comment on our assistance with any individual to a third party without their consent so unfortunately I cannot advise you if in fact we are involved with Rupali at this time.

Thank you again for your time and concern, should we require your assistance on any matter we will be sure to get in touch.

Kind regards,

Sarah Burn

Coordinator, Intercountry Adoption Service


Suite 501, 80 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011, Australia

T: (+61) 2 9267 0300 F: (+61) 2 9267 3886

sarah@iss.org.au www.iss.org.au Like us on Facebook facebook

Defending children • connecting families • across the world

From: ACT [mailto:info@againstchildtrafficking.org]

Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2018 9:22 PM

To: Sarah Burn

Subject: Fwd: AGD response to your email of 8 October 2017 [DLM=Sensitive]

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: ACT

Date: 10 April 2018 at 13:19

Subject: Re: AGD response to your email of 8 October 2017 [DLM=Sensitive]

To: Damon Martin

Cc: ICAPrograms , Intercountry Adoption

Dear Damon,

if i m not mistaken then Sandi actually is and has been active in World Families Australia.

They have been providing money under the guise of projects to Preet Mandir. Kindly see the attached document

I find it frankly also pretty sad that in the story which has been made public about Roopali, that the fact that we traced the mother in the first place has been conviniently left out.

Some months back Rupali / Paula got back in touch with me. She´s still in a mess. Also she hasn´t had any contact with her indian mother since 8 months so far she told me.

I suggest in her interest, that you contact our social worker Anjali Pawar who traced the mother in the first place. Better of course would that the issues mentioned above get sorted out

Most likely Anjali can pretty quickly find out where Rupali´s mother is and what happened. The situation has to be resolved. I don´t like it when i read in chat´s with adoptees like Rupali the word " suicidal".

Kindly inform me what exactly you are going to do to help Rupali.

Best regards,

Arun Dohle


For Indian adoptees: Roots searches


On 13 October 2017 at 02:10, Damon Martin wrote:

Dear Arun,

In relation to your comment about Sandi Petersen’s role with ISS Australia being a conflict of interest, I would respectfully disagree with you. Sandi has never held any statutory role in intercountry adoptions and throughout her career has only worked for non-government organisations providing voluntary post adoption support, which she continues to provide as part of her role at ISS Australia.

Also in regards to your accusation that Lynelle Long is defaming your organisation, unfortunately I cannot intervene in this issue. Note Lynelle was previously contracted by ISS Australia to assist with the development of The Colour of Time, but she is not a ‘consultant’ or current contractor or employee of ISS Australia.


Damon Martin

Manager, Intercountry Adoption Service / Manager, NSW Office

Suite 501, 80 William Street, Woolloomooloo, Sydney NSW 2011, Australia

T: (+61) 2 9267 0300

damon.martin@iss.org.au www.iss.org.au

Defending children • connecting families • across the world

From: Intercountry Adoption [mailto:Intercountry.Adoption@ag.gov.au]

Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 9:46 AM

To: 'info@againstchildtrafficking.org'

Cc: Damon Martin ; 'ICAPrograms'

Subject: AGD response to your email of 8 October 2017 [DLM=Sensitive]


Dear Mr Dohle

Thank you for your email of 8 October 2017 to the Australian Attorney-General’s Department.

We acknowledge the concerns that you have raised in relation to the passing of Mr Kushal Kurtze. With regard to your request that an investigation be conducted into the death of Mr Kurtze, such investigations are a matter for the authorities in the relevant Australian state or territory.

As you may be aware, this department is the Australian Central Authority for the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. Responsibility for managing Australia’s intercountry adoption programs was transferred from this department to the Australian Department of Social Services (DSS) from 1 January 2017. DSS also funds the Intercountry Adoption Tracing and Reunification Service delivered by International Social Service Australia (ISS Australia).

You have raised concerns about the role of ISS Australia and suggest that there is a conflict of interest with an ISS Australia employee. We note that your email was also addressed to Mr Damon Martin of ISS Australia and expect that Mr Martin will respond to you on those issues.

You have also mentioned the possibility of Australia re-opening its program with India. You may wish to raise questions around the India program (which is currently on hold) with DSS directly at icaprograms@dss.gov.au.

We trust that this information is of assistance to you.

Yours sincerely

Susan Davis

Principal Legal Officer

Attorney-General’s Department

From: ACT [mailto:info@againstchildtrafficking.org]

Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 4:48 AM

To: intercountry.adoption@ag.gov.au; Damon Martin

Subject: Death of Kushal Kurtze

Dear Attorney General,

the Preet Mandir adoptee Kushal Kurtze died on around 10th March 2017. It s apparently not clear whether he committed suicide or died of misadventure.

Sure is he was trafficked. His adoptive parents had commissoned the search to us, which we partially solved.

Likewise we fully solved the cases of Paula Karvounaries and some other cases such as Julia Rollings.

ISS AUS employs to my knowledge Sandi Petersen , who is the counselor in Paula s case as well as in Kushal s case.

She has been since years deeply involved in Intercountry Adoptions, for example still with Lakew.

Definitely here is a conflict of interest.

I request you to open a full fledged criminal investigation into the death of Kushal.

I am pretty convinced that if our work in tracing his family wouldn't have been jeopardized, he d still be alive today.

What exactly was ISS role here?

What the role of Sandi Petersen ?

Sadly the consultant of ISS , Lynelle Long ( ICAV) is systematically defaming my organisation and work all around the globe.

I urge you Mr. Damon Martin to put a stop to this immediately.

I remain very surprised that Australia seems to reopen the india program.

It is remarkable that none of the old trafficking cases has been resolved and that ISS get s federal government funding for searches while not being capable of solving one single case in India.


Arun Dohle



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