Fwd: Reminder: File National Archive
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: ACT
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 1:33 PM
Subject: Reminder: File National Archive
Dear Ms. Giepmans,
i didnĀ“t yet receive a reply to my below email.
Arun Dohle
From: ACT [mailto:info@againstchildtrafficking.org]
Sent: Montag, 2. Dezember 2019 09:36
To: tgroot@fiom.nl
Subject: File National Archive
Dear Truus,
We are working on a book regarding international adoptions and the role of the various actors in field.
During our research we came across the below file while researching the database of the National archive.
We have been informed that we need your permission to inspect those files.
Kindly grant us permission without delay.
I note that I never received a reply up to now to my last email to you and that our organisation is still not listed on your website. This is now more than one year ago.
Best regards
Arun Dohle
International Social Service
Periode: 1955-1976
12 Rubriek V: Algemene Correspondentie, 1955-1956
13 Rubriek V: Algemene correspondentie. 1957
25 Rubriek V: Algemene correspondentie., 1958 (*)
40 Rubriek II: I.S.S.-Nederland Nationaal en Vluchtelingen., 1960
54 Rubriek II: I.S.S. Nederland nationaal: algemene correspondentie
en vluchtelingen., 1962 (*)
93 Rapporten houdende adviezen, uitgebracht door de I.S.S. aan de
Haagse conferentie voor het Internationaal Privaatrecht en aan
verschillende multinationale lichamen over adoptie. 1960-1965
97-104 Rubriek I-1: Correspondentie met International Headquarters.,
113-121 Rubriek I-3: Informatie van International Headquarters.,
129-137 Rubriek II: I.S.S. Nederland, Algemeen., 1968-1975
163 Ingekomen memoranda over de adoptie van kinderen uit het Verre
Oosten, in het bijzonder Korea en Vietnam., 1966-1967
166 Rubriek II. Nederland., 1966 (*)