Fwd: MFoF redovisar slutrapport om indikatorer

2 July 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Per Sundberg

Date: Thu 2. Jul 2020 at 13:50

Subject: SV: MFoF redovisar slutrapport om indikatorer


Dear mr. Dohle,

Since Sweden ratified the UNCRC in 1990, the country’s governments have been working in accordance with the Convention. In order to fulfil the obligations under the Convention Sweden has adjusted many regulations and laws. Now, as of the 1st of January 2020 Sweden also adapted the UNCRC as a national legislation.

In 1996 Sweden also ratified the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. A fundamental idea of the Hague Convention is that states are responsible for ensuring that the best interests of the child are taken into account in every aspect of the adoption process. The Convention allocates responsibility between beneficiary countries and countries of origin.

MFoF is the central Swedish authority in accordance with the Convention. We follow international developments and different countries' policies and legislation on adoption issues. As part of this, we cooperate and exchange experiences with authorities and organisations in other countries, such as other countries' central authorities, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the International Social Service (ISS) and UNICEF. We also participate in conferences where international adoption issues are addressed.

The Hague Convention takes into account the principles set forth in international instruments, in particular the UNCRC, and the United Nations Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption Nationally and Internationally (General Assembly Resolution 41/85, of 3 December 1986).

The two Conventions somewhat differs in scope. Where the UNCRC is a Convention with a general focus of the best interest of the child, the Hague Convention focuses only on international adoptions. Both Conventions, however, have the same objective at hand, to protect the child and make sure that the best interest of the child should be highlighted.

According to the Hague Convention, international adoption should only be an alternative if the prerequisites in Article 4 and 5 are met. Among many other things, this means that the Hague Convention advocate national solutions before international adoptions.

MFoF is of the opinion that Sweden adheres to both conventions. In accordance with the mandate given to MFoF by the government, the Authority is responsible for international adoptions. Since responsibility is limited to this, the Authority cannot comment on other areas, but the Authority is of the opinion that in the field of international adoptions there is no violation of the kind that you describe in your email. If you have other information, we are of course happy to accept this, as it is of the utmost importance for the authority that Sweden does everything to ensure that children are treated according to the Hague Convention and the UNCRC.




Per Sundberg


010-190 10 89

Myndigheten för familjerätt och föräldraskapsstöd, MFoF

Box 35

931 21 Skellefteå

010-190 11 00


MFoF är en statlig kunskapsmyndighet med ansvar för familjerätt, föräldraskapsstöd och familjerådgivning. Vi arbetar också för att internationella adoptioner till Sverige ska ske på ett lagligt och etiskt godtagbart sätt. MFoF är personuppgiftsansvarig för behandlingen av dina personuppgifter. Vi behandlar dina personuppgifter för att kunna kommunicera med dig. Läs gärna hela vår information om behandling av personuppgifter på vår webbplats.

Från: ACT [mailto:info@againstchildtrafficking.org]

Skickat: den 2 juni 2020 08:58

Till: Per Sundberg

Ämne: Re: MFoF redovisar slutrapport om indikatorer

Dear Mr. Per Sundberg,

we are following the developments in sweden with regards to international adoptions closely.

Which normative framework does sweden use ?

The Hague Adoption Convention or the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Both convention do severely differ. The latter doesn’t consider adoptions as a child protection measure and sees residential care and foster care as suitable manner of public care.

The Hague Adoption Convention makes adoption the preferred option. It doesn’t see foster care or residential care anymore as appropriate care.

If Sweden uses the Hague Adoption Convention, how does Sweden justify the systematic violation of the UNCRC?

As we are working on an article, i d be glad to receive the answer as soon as possible.

Thank you for the cooperation.

Best regards

Arun Dohle


On Tue 2. Jun 2020 at 12:19, wrote:

Läs mer om detta via länken nedan.



Best regards,

Arun Dohle


For Indian adoptees: Roots searches



Best regards,

Arun Dohle


For Indian adoptees: Roots searches

