EurAdopt's annual meeting

May 2008

EurAdopt's annual meeting


Scenarios and challenges of intercountry adoption


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Scenarios and challenges of intercountry adoption

4th-5th April 2008

Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore

Venice - Italy

The International Convention "Scenarios and challenges of intercountry adoption" shall be held in Venice, c/o the "Fondazione San Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio" on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th April. The Convention is addressed to Italian and foreigner legal and psycho-social workers, but also to adopting and adoptive parents, adult adoptive children as well as to all those who are somehow sensitive to adoption. The Convention is part of the EurAdopt General Meeting. EurAdopt, of which CIAI is one of the founding members, is an association of 26 organizations, from 13 different European countries, which are all authorized to carry out intercountry adoption.

The Convention aims at offering an opportunity for analysis and debate on intercountry adoption. Starting from the present scenario as a means of comparison between the Italian and other European experiences, the discussion will revolve around issues such as the effectiveness, short-comings and possible future developments of intercountry adoption. Ms. Jennifer Degeling, in-charge of the Hague Legal Office, will open the legal session illustrating the general framework of the enforcement of the Hague Convention in the different Countries, with some critical remarks concerning hit and missed targets. Mr. Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Professor at the "Libera Università" of Urbino, will analyse the effects coming from the reform of the Italian Law, pointing out its strengths and weaknesses, while the Director of Social Services of the Veneto Region, Mr. Claudio Beltrame, will deal with the issue of integration between public and private service starting from the experience of the Veneto Region.

On Friday afternoon there will be a socio-psychological session. Ms. Femmie Juffer, Professor at the University of Leiden, Holland, will show the results of the greatest international surveys on the outcomes of adoption while Mrs. Elvira Forero Hernandez, General Director of the Columbian ICBF, has been invited to open a reflection on the aspects concerning abandoned children and their preparation to adoption. This session will end with a speech by dr. Marco Chistolini, Scientific Advisor of CIAI, about the kind of support to be given to the adoptive family and to the child. The debate shall start from the inputs offered by Ms. Rosa Rosnati, Professor at the Università Cattolica of Milan and by dr. Lucille Van Tuyll, psychologist and former Chairperson of EurAdopt.

The final session, held on Saturday morning 5th April will be cast into the future of adoption. Ms. Graziella Teti, in-charge of CIAI Intercountry Adoption, will offer a cross-section of reality concerning the effects of intercountry adoption in the Countries of origin. Mr. Leonardo Lenti, Professor of the University of Turin, will open a reflection on the possibility to consider "multiple" kinds of answers to the different needs of abandoned children, with a look at the experience already made by other Countries.

A Round Table, co-ordinated by Mr. Giovanni Anversa, a RAI journalist, will aim at discussing the issues posed during the morning session. Ms. Paola Viero, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Stefano Valdegamberi, of the Conference of Regions, Mr. Francoise Pastor, President of a Belgian authorized Organisation, Ms. Cinzia Bernicchi, President of "Oltre l'Adozione" ("Beyond Adoption") Coordinating Network will be among the participants. The Ministry Hirut Delebo from Ethiopia and Ms. Daniela Bacchetta, Vice-President of CAI, have been invited as guests. The Ministry Rosy Bindi has been invited to give the closing speech.

The event is organized by CIAI, EurAdopt and by the Veneto Adoption Project and it is sponsored by Veneto Region, Commune of Venice, CARIVE, Comitato Interregionale dei Consigli Notarili delle Tre Venezie, Unioncamere Veneto, with the support of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini.

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