Update: Adoption Policy Reform

1 October 2022

The Flemish Center for Adoption (VCA) is currently working on a renewed system for (intercountry) adoption . This reform is commissioned by the Flemish Government following the final report of the expert panel on intercountry adoption that was published in September 2021.

The focus is on three 'recruitments':

1. strengthening partnerships with the countries of origin,

2. linking foster care and adoption,

3. focusing on aftercare and guidance during adoption.

Parallel to these three yards, the current three intercountry adoption services are continuing the process towards a unified adoption service.

Stakeholder survey

Last summer, the VCA worked on a renewed adoption policy in collaboration with various organizations and working groups composed of members with the necessary expertise.

Substantive feedback on the work done so far will be collected this autumn via stakeholder groups of (experience) experts. Stakeholders could register via a previously launched call to participate in the stakeholder surveys.

For yard 1 'strengthening partnerships with the countries of origin'the VCA searched for adopted persons to evaluate the current collaborations with sending countries on the basis of information and advice from international organizations ISS, CHIP and UNICEF and - to a lesser extent - on the basis of information from the competent authority in the sending country, the international adoption services, FCA and VCA itself.

The dissemination of this call resulted in a limited number of applications from adoptees. For some sending countries, no adoptees were found to review the information. Ultimately, the VCA will make a decision based on the information/advice in the decision-making framework and the assessment by adoptees, the international adoption services and - in case of doubt - a children's rights organization. There are 3 possible decisions:

1. Cooperation with the sending country is positive

2. Cooperation with the sending country will be stopped immediately

3. Cooperation with the sending country requires more clarification via working visit

Forwharf 2 'connecting foster care and adoption' and wharf 3 'commitment to aftercare and guidance during adoption' a call was recently launched for stakeholders, so that they can make additions and suggestions based on their own experience. These stakeholder surveys will be held on October 17 (aftercare) and October 20 (foster care and adoption). The feedback from the stakeholders will be taken into account as much as possible in the further work, before the policy proposals are handed over to the current Flemish Minister of Welfare, Public Health, Family and Poverty Reduction, Hilde Crevits, at the end of this year.
