Stichting Interlandelijke Adoptiebemiddeling Nederland (IAN)

The organisation

IAN is the new, compact foundation that will be responsible for all mediations for intercountry adoptions, for those countries with which the Netherlands will continue its cooperative relationship. The foundation is being set up in the context of setting up a stricter system for intercountry adoption and will replace the current four intermediary organisations. The network in which the foundation operates consists of national and international chain partners. In addition to carrying out the mediation tasks, the foundation will also play a role in chain cooperation. The central starting point is the best interests of the child.


  • New foundation to be established
  • Central mediation organization for intercountry adoption
  • Small work organization with 12 fte
  • Start operational duties early 2024The function

The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the policy of the Board and the general course of affairs in the organisation. The Supervisory Board also functions as an employer and sparring partner for the director/director. The composition of the Supervisory Board is in line with the Healthcare Governance Code. The Supervisory Board to be formed consists of 3-5 persons, one of whom is the chairman. The Supervisory Board collectively has a number of areas of expertise. This includes: Stakeholder management, HR, organization and quality, Legal expertise, Finance and control, Substantive expertise (possibly experience expert) in the field of adoptions. The chairman leads the Supervisory Board and takes care of the agenda and the preparation of the meetings. Oversees the general course of affairs within the foundation and promotes the quality of services.