Protocol Working Method Bureau Central Authority when granting a permit to mediate in international adoption or extension of the validity period of that permit
19 May 2004

Protocol Working Method Bureau Central Authoritywhen granting a permitto mediate in international adoptionor extension of the validity periodof that permit


IntroductionThe inclusion of a foreign child in a Dutch family for the purpose of adoptionof the child is a very traumatic event. That is partly why the Dutch government feelswho is involved in this recording has a major responsibility. Thatresponsibility is reflected in the fact that intercountry adoption is surrounded by the necessary legislation that must ensure that certain principles andsafeguards are observed. For example, there are regulations regarding the organizations thatmediate regarding the admission of a specific foreign child in a specific Dutch settingfamily. These intermediary organizations cannot carry out their activities until afterthey have received a permit for this from the Minister of Justice.


protocolBT.pdf (43805 Bytes)