Fiom: Vacancy Case Manager International Searches (ISS) (24-32 hours)
4 November 2023

Are you internationally oriented and do you like to easily make contact with people on the other side of the world? Are you interested in family relationships and want to help reunite relatives around the world? And are you also great at organizing and keeping an overview? Then this position as International Search Case Manager is made for you!

What does the job involve?

You conduct international searches for family members in both adoption-related and non-adoption-related contexts. You do this from a multidisciplinary team of colleagues, including care providers, policy officers and the national search team. You are approached by international correspondents who refer a search case to the Netherlands, or you refer cases to international correspondents to carry out searches all over the world. Below is a selection of your work:

  • When a new case comes in, you determine how you can best help the searcher in his or her search
  • You conduct intake interviews with new clients (searchers) to collect all available information about the wanted family member and to explain the search process in the country in question.
  • Together with the care provider involved and a colleague from the national search team, you discuss the developments and challenges in one of your current cases. Together you will find ways to move forward, taking into account what is best for the seeker and the person sought.
  • You investigate search options in different countries. This means that you contact organizations in countries of origin to discuss their working methods and search options, for example via a virtual meeting.

Who are you? 

You are enthusiastic, interculturally interested and you have strong communication and organizational skills. You find it a challenge to find information through organizations at home and abroad and thus help your client in his or her search for family. You can keep a good overview of the various files in your care and know when you need to take action somewhere. Naturally, you register everything neatly in the client registration system.

We also think it is important that you:

  • have at least HBO working and thinking level. A legal background is a bonus;
  • speaks and writes Dutch and English very well (minimum C2 level). If you also have knowledge of Spanish, that is a plus;
  • can handle Microsoft Office 365 well;
  • you are digitally skilled and can quickly master new computer systems

What do we offer? 

  • Work that matters on a highly dynamic theme.
  • A temporary appointment for 12 months with the prospect of a permanent appointment.
  • Salary in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Social Work, scale 8 (max. €4,372 gross per month for full-time employment of 36 hours per week). A collective labor agreement increase of 4% will follow as of 1 January 2024.
  • Room for personal growth and development through a personal career budget
  • Holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, both part of a flexible individual choice budget. 
  • A cozy head office in the bustling heart of 's-Hertogenbosch and a modern office in Houten, both within walking distance of the station.
  • Hybrid working with a laptop and telephone on loan
  • An arrangement for compensation for commuting costs and a home-working allowance

About Fiom/ISS

Fiom is the center of expertise in the field of unwanted pregnancy, distance & adoption and kinship questions. We provide information and assistance with unwanted pregnancies, education and aftercare in the field of adoption and guide people in their search for biological family at home and abroad. We also manage the KID-DNA Database, which enables a match between a donor child and an anonymous donor.
The starting point of working at Fiom is the right of self-determination of unwanted pregnant women, the right of a child to know where it comes from and to grow up while retaining its own identity. We do all this with approximately 100 passionate employees from our offices in 's-Hertogenbosch and Houten and from our home workplaces.

Fiom has the Dutch representation of the International Social Service (ISS) network in its organization. ISS is an international social work organization with headquarters in Geneva and a network in more than 100 countries. Within Fiom, the ISS department, in collaboration with its international network, conducts international searches for first- or second-degree relatives of the searcher.


Does this vacancy appeal to you, but do you still have questions? Your possible future colleague Alice Fredriksson, case manager for international searches, will be happy to answer them. You can reach Alice on 06-51903493. If you have any questions about the procedure, you can contact Hanneke Bergsma, HR advisor on 06-82092109. Do you want to apply immediately? Send your CV and motivation before November 20, 2023 to stating application Case Manager for International Searches (ISS). When you start employment, we will request a Certificate of Good Conduct from you.

We reserve the right to close this vacancy earlier if there are enough suitable candidates.

Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.