29 June 2023

The people of the General Secretariat work across and for the continued success of the entire ISS global network

Jean Ayoub - Secretary General & CEO

With a beginning in the Red Cross as a volunteer, Jean Ayoub became operations director during the Lebanese civil war. He then served on several field missions for the International Red Cross before relocating to Geneva to re-design and supervise Red Cross Red Crescent response to worldwide natural disasters as Director of Operations and IFRC Director of Cooperation and Development.

Jean went off then to Paris as the Director General for the French Telethon to refocus systems and teams on the main vision and mission of the Telethon umbrella association (AFM). Starting 2005 he worked several years as an independent advisor, consulting mainly on turnaround management situations and leadership coaching.

Jean is currently and since 2008 the Secretary General and CEO of International Social Service (ISS) driving with a dream team the full transformation of the organisation ahead of its 100th anniversary in 2024.

Jean has travelled to more than 130 countries; has a deep understanding of the world’s humanitarian and social affairs. He is a strategic thinker and committed to organisational change and cultural diversity in the digital age.

Jean is passionate about having a role to make our battered world a better place to be, working with ISS worldwide in addressing child protection and children migration challenges.


Our consolidated team of motivated professionals



Beatriz Santaemilia

Children’s Rights Specialist

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Carlotta Alloero

Senior Child Protection Lawyer

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Fanny Baert

COO - Director Communications & Talent

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Ehab Iwidat

Network Development Officer

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Giovanna Ricciardi

Children’s Rights Specialist

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Jeannette Wöllenstein-Tripathi

ISS/IRC Director

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Juliette Duchesne-Roulez

Children’s Rights Specialist

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Margherita Ronconi

Intern - Assistant Alternative Care Programs

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Marie Jenny

Director Aternative Care Programs

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Mauricio Garcés Sepúlveda

Coordinator Administration & Finances

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Sabina Titarenko

Director Network Development & Partnerships

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Sonia Liliana Almenarez

Coordinator Knowledge Sharing & Senior Administrative Officer

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Talia Cohen

Volunteer - Network Development Officer

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