BARO – Bureau d'Aide à la Recherche des Origines
26 June 2023

“Professional and free support for all adopted people”

“A restorative approach centered on the needs of the person”




Press release of December 8, 2023

BARO_Press release December 8, 2023




The origins tracing assistance office was designed by two adult adoptees who are professionals in providing origins tracing assistance.

Based on the assessment of the needs of adopted people living in Switzerland, it brings together the psycho-social and legal fields with that of investigation and mediation.

The office focuses on the social and personal needs of people affected by regular or irregular adoptions.




The BARO offers training and conferences in the academic, psycho-social domains as well as in the private domain that is the family.




The BARO is an association with associate members and professional support members in supporting the adopted person and their entourage.




Dida Guigan
Sociologist, trained in specialized intervention for victims within the meaning of the LAVI.

Nathalie Caracas 
Founder and director of Nanou Solutions Sàrl.

Marjory Winkler
Director of French-speaking association.

Stéphanie Romanens-Pythoud
Director of the French-speaking Coordination of Mental Health Action Associations.

Camille Perrier Depeursinge
Professor of criminal law and restorative justice at the University of Lausanne. Vice director of the UNIL law school.


Support committee


Dr. Etienne Marchand
Child psychiatrist who has followed numerous adoptive families in French-speaking Switzerland.

Blaise Pierrehumbert
Doctor in psychology; former researcher at the university child and adolescent psychiatry department in Lausanne.

Cécile Jeannin
Jurist, President of the International Academy of Children's Rights.

Daria Michel Scotti
Having accompanied numerous children and adoptive families, Psychologist specializing in FSP psychotherapy, Member AGPsy – IRHyS.




Dida Guigan
Sociologist, trained in specialized intervention for victims within the meaning of LAVI, founder of the Born in Lebanon association within which she supported more than 400 people adopted via irregular networks. Partner of foreign associations and foundations experienced in the field, member of the Group of experts set up by the Confederation for original research.

Sitara Chamot
Training in social sciences, social work and law. Has conducted several research studies on the themes of parentage and adoption and has provided continuing education for professionals in the field. Supported many adopted people for more than 10 years within Espace A, Terre des Hommes, Fondation Enfants Espoir and Born in Lebanon.




Sitara Chamot
Training in social sciences, social work and law.