Tobias Hübinette

Swedish name: Tobias Hübinette

Korean name: Lee Sam-dol

Date of birth: August 12, 1971

Place of birth: Cheolla Province, Republic of Korea

Citizenship: Swedish

Phone: 46-730-81 43 29




Doctor in Korean Studies and Reader in Intercultural Education.

Senior Lecturer and teacher in intercultural studies and comparative literature at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, and teacher and researcher at Centre for gender studies, Karlstad University.

Research areas and interests

critical race and whiteness studies, visual studies and postcolonial theory, cultural studies and critical theory, adoption research and migration studies, Korean and Asian studies

Interviews and coverages

Aftenposten, Aftonbladet, Al Jazeera, Arbetaren, Arbetet, ARD, Asia Times, Att Adoptera, Associated Press, Bang, BBC, Chosun Ilbo, Cora, Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter, Dalarnas Tidningar, Danmarks Radio, Denver Post, Dong-A Ilbo, Dongpo News, ETC, Euroaudio, Euronews, Expressen, Feministiskt perspektiv, Fokus, Forskning & Framsteg, The Guardian, The Guardian Weekly, Göteborgs-Posten, Göteborgs-Tidningen, Hankook Ilbo, Hankyoreh, Helsingborgs Dagblad, Helsingin Sanomat, Huffington Post, Hufvudstadsbladet, Iltalehti, Information, Irish Times,Joongang Ilbo, Kanal Global, KBS, Klassekampen, Kookmin Ilbo, Korea Herald, Korea Times,Kvällsposten, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Libération, Mana, MBC, Metro, Le Monde, Motala Tidning, Nerikes Allehanda, New York Times, Now Magazine, NRC Handelsblad, NRK, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen, Ohmy News, Ottar, Paris Match, Politiken, Pressian, Resumé, San Francisco Chronicle, SBS, Seoul Selection, Le Soir, Der Spiegel, Svenska Dagbladet, Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Television, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Teatertidningen, The Times, Toronto Star, Trouw, TT, tv-tv, TV4, Upsala Nya Tidning, La Vanguardia, Verdens Gang, Västerbottens-Kuriren, YLE, Yonhap, ZDF, Die Zeit, Östersunds-Posten, Östgöta Correspondenten etc.

Education and exams

High school education 1987-90

Humanities programme, classical variant (average mark: 4,8 of 5,0/19,2 of 20,0) in Latin, Classical and Modern Greek, Swedish, Russian, French and English at Platen High School, Motala.

B.A.-degree 1990-91

B.A.-degree in Modern Irish (120 passed with distinction credits/180 ECTS) at Department of English, Uppsala University, Uppsala.

M.A.-degree 1997-00

M.A.-degrantiree in Modern Korean (160 passed with distinction credits/240 ECTS) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Ph.D.-degree 2001-05

Ph.D.-degree in Korean Studies (160 mandatory credits/240 ECTS) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

2012 Reader in intercultural education at the Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

Employments and professions

1993 Secretary at Kulturföreningen Kaos, Uppsala.

1994 Principal librarian at SAC-Syndicalists, Stockholm.

1995-97 Research director at Expo, Stockholm.

1997-06 Lecturer, translator, advisor and research consultant for authorities and governmental bodies (Stockholms läns landsting, Civildepartementet, Korean Embassy of Sweden etc.), associations and organisations (Ungdomsriksdagen, Röda korset, Utrikespolitiska föreningen etc.), foundations and research centers (Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, McKinsey, Simon Wiesenthal Center etc.), companies and corporations (Opticom, Norstedts, Electrolux etc.), parties and trade unions (Moderata ungdomsförbundet, Centerpartiet, Svenska kommunalarbetareförbundet etc.), schools and universities (Danderyds gymnasium, Högskolan i Halmstad, Södertörns högskola etc.), journals and newspapers (Judisk Krönika, Dagens Nyheter, Upsala Nya Tidning etc.), media and production companies (Lystra Productions, duR-Film, Aspera Vision etc.), radio and television channels (Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Television, TV4 etc.) and homepages and listservs (Asienportalen, Intadoptresearch, Quick Response etc.).

1998-02 Media researcher at Sveriges Radio and Sveriges Television, Stockholm.

1998-02 Media researcher at Nordisk Film & TV, Nacka.

2001-05 Research assistant in Korean Studies at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

2002 Visiting doctoral student at the School of Liberal Arts, Dankook University, Seoul.

2006 Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

2006-09 Teacher in intercultural education at the Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2006- Personal assistant at the Uppsala Program for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University.

2007-15 Researcher at the Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2008 Researcher at the Korea Democracy Foundation, Seoul.

2009-14 Program Coordinator at the Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2010 Researcher at the Museum of Korea Emigration History, Incheon.

2010-12 Lecturer in intercultural education at the Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2011-12 Research circle leader in the Municipality of Botkyrka for ECAR – European Cities Against Racism.

2011 Acting Exhibition Coordinator at the Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2011 Researcher at the National Institute of Korean History, Gwacheon.

2015-16 Researcher in critical race and whiteness studies at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University.

2015-16 Lecturer in intercultural studies at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Lecturer in Swedish as a foreign language at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2017- Senior Lecturer in pedagogical work and teacher in intercultural studies and in Swedish as a foreign language at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

Research grants and distinctions

1990 Platen High School’s scholarship as the best student of the year. (5000 SEK)

1990-91 Uppsala University’s scholarship for undergraduate studies of Irish at the Department of English Studies, Uppsala University. (3000 SEK/semester)

1991 Grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers for three weeks of studies of North Sámi in Ammarnäs, Sorsele.

2000 Grant from the Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University for visit at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies in Copenhagen, the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and École Française d’Extrême-Orient in Paris. (15 000 SEK)

2001 Grant from the Chunbo Foundation for doctoral studies of Korean at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University. (8000 SEK)

2001 Financing from the Faculty of the Humanities, Stockholm University, for the production of an information brochure about the Division of Korean Studies, Stockholm University. (38 000 SEK)

2002 Honourable mention (+ Sara Lindström, Andreas Rocksén & Erik Sandberg) from the Investigative Journalists of Sweden for media research for the television documentary Fortet Europa I-III [Fortress Europe I-III] at Nordisk Film & TV.

2002 Prix Europa special commendation (+ Ylva Lindgren & Bosse Lindquist) from the European Cultural Foundation for media research for the radio documentary Varför är jag här? [Why am I here?] at Sveriges Radio.

2002 Prix Europa special commendation (+ Bosse Lindquist & Bo Öhlén) from the European Cultural Foundation for media research for the television documentary En gång var jag korean[Once I was a Korean] at Sveriges Television.

2002 Nominated by the internet magazine Swedish History as The year’s book on Swedish history for Den svenska nationalsocialismen. Medlemmar och sympatisörer 1931-45 [Swedish National Socialism. Members and sympathizers 1931-45].

2002 Financing from Stockholm University for initiating the Introductory Course in Korean Studies (5 credits) and the Introductory course in Korean 1+2 (10+10 credits) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University. (25 000 SEK)

2002 Grant from the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education for four months of doctoral studies of Korean Studies at the School of Liberal Arts, Dankook University in Seoul. (100 000 SEK)

2002 Grant from the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation for doctoral studies of Korean at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University. (25 000 SEK)

2003 E & C Bergström’s scholarship for doctoral studies of Korean at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University. (5000 SEK)

2004 Grant from the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation for participation in the 22nd conference of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe. (5000 SEK)

2005 Grant from the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation for participation in the 7th conference of the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network and in the 1st conference of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption, Identity and Kinship. (16 000 SEK)

2006 Grant from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research for participation in the 2nd International Conference on Adoption Research/ICAR2. (10 800 SEK)

2006 Grant from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research for six months’ visit as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (138 500 SEK)

2006 Production grant (+ Jane Jin Kaisen) from the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Arts for participation in the exhibition Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts. (4000 EURO)

2006 Sleipnir travel grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers for participation in the exhibition Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts. (1470 EURO)

2006 Funding from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (+ Carina Tigervall) for the accomplishment of the research project Adoption, discrimination and ethnic identity. (2 000 000 SEK)

2007 Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (+ Karen Balcom) for participation in the research project Domestic History of Transnational Adoption to the United States, 1945-1975. (3264 CAD)

2008 Grant from the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation for participation in the 9th Conference of the Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link. (8000 SEK)

2009 Grant from the Swedish Arts Council (+ Yael Feiler) for the accomplishment of a research report on the transnational cultural sphere in Sweden. (400 000 SEK)

2009 Conference grant from the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (+ René León Rosales) for the organising of the conference We are all exposed. A conference on urban violence at the Multicultural Centre. (65 000 SEK)

2010 Conference grant from the Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University, for the participation in the 2nd International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies. (10 800 SEK)

2010 Grant from the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation (+ Fataneh Farahani, Helena Hörnfeldt & René León Rosales) for the production of a postcolonial anthology. (35 000 SEK)

2011 Article selected as Editors’ pick and included in Journal of Intercultural Studies’ digital special issue on intersectionality.

2011 Conference grant from the Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University, for the participation in 1st Global Conference on Whiteness. (6752 SEK)

2012 Grant from Riksbyggen for the research project Constructing Citizenship and Community in Flemingsberg: A Study of Social Sustainability in Practice. (100 000 SEK)

2012 Nominated by Förorternas riksdag to Förortens forskare.

2012 Funding from Moggliden AB for the production of the exhibition Warning for race! An exhibition about Swedish whiteness and the future Swedishness. (200 000 SEK)

2012 Conference grant from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (+ Catrin Lundström, Katarina Mattsson & René León Rosales) for the organising of the conference Understanding the multiracial society: Critical perspectives on racialising processes in Sweden at the Multicultural Centre. (50 000 SEK)

2012 Conference grant from the Swedish Research Council (+ Catrin Lundström, Katarina Mattsson & René León Rosales) for the organising of the conference Understanding the multiracial society: Critical perspectives on racialising processes in Sweden at the Multicultural Centre. (55 000 SEK)

2012 Open Society Foundations’ funding (+ Charlotte Hyltén Cavallius) for the accomplishment of the research project Engaging marginalised majority populations and communities in European cities. (25 000 euro)

2013 Network grant from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research for the creation of a research network for Swedish critical race and whiteness studies. (300 000 SEK)

2013 Ministry of Employment’s funding for a knowledge overview of afrophobia in today’s Sweden. (180 000 SEK)

2014 Swedish writers of educational books and materials’ author grant for Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige [On race and whiteness in contemporary Sweden]. (5000 SEK)

2015 Open Society Initiative for Europe’s funding (+ Get Educated & Ibn Rushd Studieförbund) for the project Using Equality Data to Combat islamophobia in Sweden. (97 180 USD)

2016 Stieg Larsson Foundation’s stipend. (30 000 SEK)

2016 Article selected as Editors’ choice and included in Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race Nation and Culture’s digital 20-years’ special issue on race and whiteness.

2006 Funding from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (+ Carina Tigervall) for the accomplishment of the research project Adoption, discrimination and ethnic identity. (2 000 000 SEK)

2016 Karlstad Universiy’s Research Group for Culture Studies funding for the participation in the conference Asian Diaspora Space in Europe at the Intersection of Gender, Sexuality and Race. (4500 SEK)

2016 Funding from the Swedish Research Council for the accomplishment of the research project Racializing Sweden: Narrative constructions of a new Swedishness. (1 840 800 SEK)

2019 Karlstad Universiy’s Research Group for Culture Studies funding for the printing of the book Att skriva om svenskheten. (10 000 SEK)

2019 Funding from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (+ Peter Wikström) at Karlstad University for applying for external research funding for the research project Negotiations of the terms race and racism in public debate and social media discourse in Sweden, 2015–2020. (70 000 SEK)

2019 Funding from the Swedish Research Council for the accomplishment of the research project The Swedish r-word: Uses and negotiations of the terms race and racism in contemporary Swedish online and social media discourse. (3 900 000 SEK)

2021 Transnationally adoptees’ national organisation’s grant. (20 000 SEK)

2023 Funding from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (+ Peter Wikström) at Karlstad University for applying for external research funding for the research project Negotiations of the terms race and racism in public debate and social media discourse in Sweden, 2015–2020. (100 000 SEK)

2023 Designated as one of Sweden’s 100 most powerful persons when it comes to issues of sustainability by the magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet.

2023 Nominated as one of Sweden’s 150 most super communicators when it comes to issues of diversity by the magazine Resumé.

Commitments and commissions

2001-03 Co-editor of Orientaliska Studier and board member of the Association for Oriental Studies.

2001 Co-supervisor of Kristina Åhlander’s M.A.-thesis Korea’s alcoholic drinks, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2001 Co-editor of special issue on Korea of Orientaliska Studier 106/2001.

2002 Co-editor of special issue on orientalism of Orientaliska Studier 109/2001.

2002-03 Head organiser of the seminar series Orientalism Revisited: Cultural relativity and inter-cultural communication, Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University.

2002 Head organiser of and chairman at the conference Seminar on adoption research, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 2002-02-15.

2002 Head organiser of and chairman at the conference Seminar on orientalism, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 2002-05-03.

2002 Head organiser of and chairman at the international conference Orientalism Revisited: Cultural relativity and inter-cultural communication, Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, 2002-12-18.

2003 Head supervisor of Susanna Nyberg’s B.A.-thesis Women in Korea – an historical overview, Department of Economic History, Stockholm University.

2003 Co-editor of special issue on extremism of Orientaliska Studier 111/2003.

2003 Co-editor of special issue on orientalism of The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies13/2003.

2003 Co-founder (+ Hollee McGinnis) of the International Adoption Research Mailing List.

2003 Founder and co-organiser of the Research Day, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 2003-02-12.

2004 Head supervisor of Ji-Won Chai’s B.A.-thesis An introduction to chaebol, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2004-07 Board member of the Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies.

2004 Co-organiser of the Research Day, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 2004-02-20.

2004-05 Co-organiser (+ Sheila Ghose, Ylva Habel, Maria Wikse) of the seminar series Intersectional meetings: Ethnicity, gender, class and sexuality…, Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University.

2004-06 Co-organiser (+ Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist) of the reading group Hybridity, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2005-06 Co-organiser (+ Ylva Habel, Sofie Tornhill) of the seminar series Intersectional meetings: Ethnicity, gender, class and sexuality…, Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University.

2005 Co-organiser (+ Ylva Habel, Sofie Tornhill) of the session “Intersectionality: Knowledge production between body and culture” at the conference The many faces of gender studies, Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University, 2005-11-10.

2006 Co-organiser (+ René León Rosales) and chairman of the session ”Hybridity: Disruption and ambivalence” at the conference From Orientalism to Postcoloniality, Södertörn University, 2006-04-28 + 2006-04-30.

2006 Head organiser and chairman of the session “Going native: Colonial romanticism and white supremacy” at the conference From Orientalism to Postcoloniality, Södertörn University, 2006-04-29.

2006 Co-examiner (+ Charlotte Nyman) at the mid-seminar of Helena Hedman’s Ph.D. dissertation Gender constructions and life strategies in inter-ethnic couples in the Northern periphery of Sweden, National Graduate School of Gender Studies and Department of Social Welfare, Umeå University, 2006-05-31.

2007-08 Head organiser of the reading group Body and normality, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.


2007 Co-founder (+ Boon Young Han, Ross Oke, Kim Su Rasmussen, Jane Jeong Trenka) of the history project TRACK – Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea.

2008 Referee reader of a book manuscript for the University of Hawaii Press.

2008 Referee reader of a journal article in Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture.

2008 External examiner of Ian Goodwin-Smith’s Ph.D. dissertation The Amateur writes back: New Theoretical Directions for Progressive Left Politics and Social Policy, School of Social Work and Social Policy, University of Adelaide.

2008 External examiner of Beth Kyong Lo’s Ph.D. dissertation Personal narratives of Korean adoptees: A qualitative study on predominant themes, perspectives on mental health, and psychological treatment implications, Minnesota School of Professional Psychology, Argosy University.

2008 Co-organiser (+ Farhad Jahanmahan, René León Rosales, Juan Velásquez) of the seminar series Think the (un)thinkable: Body, citizenship and globalisation, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2009 Referee reader of journal articles in Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, International Social Work, Journal of Korean Adoption Studies, Comparative Literatureand Kult: En temaserie for overløbere.

2009 Co-organiser (+ René León Rosales) of the Symposium on the Use of Statistics in the Municipal Work against Discrimination and for Equal Rights, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2009-05-29.

2009 Co-organiser (+ Rikke Andreassen) and chairman of the panel “Representations of race and whiteness in contemporary Nordic media and visual culture” at the 3rd Conference of NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Lund, 2009-06-28.

2009 Discussant at the EIJS-SIIA Workshop: The Japanese-South Korean Relationship, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 2009-08-22.

2009 Co-organiser (+ René León Rosales) of the conference We are All Exposed: A Conference on Urban Violence, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2009-11-18 – 2009-11-19.

2009 Consultant for the Embassy of Sweden in Seoul regarding the exhibition 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Sweden and the Republic of Korea, Seoul.

2010 Referee reader of journal articles in Amerasia Journal, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Australian Social Work and Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

2010 External censor for an essay at the course The making of East Asian modernities (10 ECTS), Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.

2010 Evaluator of a Ph.D. project for the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Council for the Humanities (GW).

2010 Head supervisor of Viktor Ärje’s M.A.-thesis”Who shall teach who?”. An examination of psychiatric treatment from an intercultural pedagogical perspective, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2010 Head supervisor of Riitta Granath’s M.A.-thesis ”How do we recognize them in their stories?”. A narrative and semiotic analysis of life history interviews, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2010 Co-organiser (+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Eleana Kim, Kimberly Langlehr, Kim Park Nelson & Lene Myong Petersen) of the conference and chairman of the panel “The politics and poetics of Korean adoptee representations” at the 2nd International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, 2010-08-03.

2010 Head organiser and chairman of the panel “Introducing adoption cultural studies and Asian adoption studies” at the Intercountry Adoption Summit, Arden Park Hotel, Stratford, Canada, 2010-09-25.

2011 Head supervisor of Florije Ahmeti’s B.A.-thesis 2011 Huvudhandledare för Florije Ahmetis kandidatuppsats ”I school it was more difficult, particularly during high school”. A qualitative study of a school’s view of lesbians and a lesbian’s school experiences, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2011 Co-supervisor of Mikael Jarnlo’s thesis ”I fell in love with Africa”, Basic psychotherapy, Karolinska institutet.

2011 Referee reader of a book manucript for Sörmland Museum.

2011 External examiner of Ying Xiong’s Ph.D. dissertation Representing empire: Japanese colonial literature in Taiwan and Manchuria, Department of Japanese Studies, University of Sydney.

2011 Referee reader of journal articles in Sociology Mind, Journal of Intercultural Studies,Children’s Geographies, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Graduate Journal of Social Science, Tidskrift för genusvetenskap and Nordisk tidskrift för maskulinitetsforskning.

2011 Chairman of the session ”Inclusion/Exclusion” at the conference Intercultural versus Critical Education – Contrast or Concordance?, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University, 2011-04-16.

2011 Evaluator of a research project for Rannís – Icelandic Centre for Research, Gender Equality Studies.

2011 Co-organiser (+ Ulrika Schmauch) and chairman of the workshop ”Generation and racism” at IMER-förbundets konferens 2011, Arbetets museum, Norrköping, 2011-11-18.


2012 Referee reader of journal articles in MELUS: Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, Women’s Studies International, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Journal of Korean Studies and International Social Work.


2012 Evaluator of a book manuscript for New York University Press.

2012 Co-organiser (+Catrin Lundström, Katarina Mattsson & René León Rosales) of the conference Understanding the multiracial society: Critical perspectives on racialising processes in Sweden, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2012-11-15 – 2012-11- 16.

2012 Co-supervisor of Yousef Morshedi’s M.A.-thesis The Egyptian revolution and informal learning on human values, democracy and peace. An ethnographic study based on interviews with taxi drivers, servicemen and peace activists, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2013 Evaluator of a research project for Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities.

2013 Head supervisor of Fredrik Melin’s M.A. thesis The educational material’s and the pupils’ narratives of race, ethnicity and diversity. A combined textual analysis and reception study of a history book at a Swedish college, Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University.

2013 Member of the dissertation committee for Mirim Kim’s Ph.D. thesis, Department of communication, University of South Florida.

2013 Referee reader of journal articles in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, MELUS: Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States and International Social Work.

2010 Co-organiser (+ Eleana Kim, Kimberly Langlehr, Kim Park Nelson, Lene Myong Petersen, Elizabeth Raleigh & Aino Rinhaug) of the conference and chairman of the panel “ Issues of belonging, alienation and community among adoptees” at the 3rd International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, 2013-07-30.

2014 Referee reader of a book manucript for Albert Bonniers förlag.

2014 Referee reader of journal articles in Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Studies in Continuing Education, Journal of Family History and Journal of Intercultural Studies.

2014 Evaluator of a Ph.D. project for the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), the Humanities (GW).

2015 Referee reader of journal articles in Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Journal of Comparative Social Work,International Social Work, NORMA – International Journal for Masculinity Studies, International Journal of Intercultural Relations and Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture and MELUS: Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States.

2015 Examiner at the final seminar of Camilla Andersens’s Ph.D. dissertation Towards a mino professionality. ”Race”, early childhood and Deleuzoguattariann becomings, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, 2015-02-18.

2015 Referee reader of two book manucripts for Albert Bonniers förlag.

2015 Referee reader of a book manucript for Leopard förlag.

2016 Co-organiser (+ Sara Docan-Morgan, Kimberly McKee & Elizabeth Raleigh) of the conference 4th International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, 2016-08-03.

2016 Referee reader of journal articles in Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, NORMA – International Journal for Masculinity Studies, Kult: En temaserie for overløbere, Asian Journal of Social Science, MELUS: Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies and Orbis Litterarum.

2016 Head supervisor of Malin Andersson’s M.A. thesis Reading aloud at home and school. A study of parents’ perceptions about the significance of reading aloud for children´s reading development, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Head supervisor of Alexandra Jörgensen’s M.A. thesis Motivation and reading learning. A study on the motivation given by teachers and received by pupils, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Head supervisor of Sara Fredriksson’s M.A. thesis To create meaning and understanding in reading education. A study of four teachers’ teaching in reading comprehension and reading strategies, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Head supervisor of Hannah Karlsson’s M.A. thesis “You just read”. A qualitative study on reading literacy and reading strategies in the early years of primary school, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Head supervisor of Ahmed Dekazli’s B.A. thesis Multilingualism between theory and experience. How do teachers of Swedish as a second language, experience multilingualism in the introduction of language?, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Head supervisor of Maj-Lis Lindholm’s B.A. thesis ”Society – and working life” –  how are they depicted in textbooks made for SFI?, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2017 Referee reader of journal articles in Journal of Asian American Studies, Educare, Education Inquiry, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity and Irish Journal of Sociology.

2017 Head supervisor of Maria Rumar’s & Karin Hagstrand’s B.A. thesis The compensatory duty. A study of seven teachers’ view on an equal school for multilingual pupils, Department of Humanities, University College of Gävle.

2017- Examiner in Swedish as a foreign language at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2018 Referee reader of journal articles in Third World Quarterly, Scandinavian Journal of History, The Review of Korean Studies, Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race Nation and Culture and Ampersand: An International Journal of General and Applied Linguistics.

2019 Referee reader of journal articles in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, International Perspectives in Psychology and Asian Women.

2019 Evaluator of a book manuscript for Historiska media.

2019 Head supervisor of Joseph Davis’ B.A. thesis Pleasure reading and multilingualism. Factors affecting pleasure reading among multilingual middle school students, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019 Head supervisor of Sabina Kihlman’s B.A. thesis How to work with newly arrived refugees’ understanding of the criteria in Swedish as a second language at the Language introductionary program, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019 Head supervisor of Petra Jansson’s and Elin Haavikko Ekelund’s B.A. thesis Teachers’ views on translanguaging in a Swedish school, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019 Examiner at the final seminar of Lan Kieu’s Ph.D. dissertation “Narratives of love immigration. Power, ethnicity, self-referentiality”, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå University, 2019-11-05.

2020 Referee reader of journal articles in Education and Society, Journal of Asian Studies,Utbildning & Demokrati, Barnboken, Gender, Place and Culture. A Journal of Feminist Geographyand Korea Journal.

2020 Head supervisor of Susanna Lindsgård’s B.A. thesis Högläsning på mellanstadiet. En studie av lärares uppfattningar om högläsning på mellanstadiet, Primary education programme, Karlstad University.

2020 Head supervisor of Elin Zetterqvist’s B.A. thesis Lärares inställning till digitala verktyg i läs- och skrivundervisningen. En kvalitativ studie med lärarintervjuer, Primary education programme, Karlstad University.

2020 Head supervisor of Simone Tillström’s B.A. thesis ”I don’t like reading, because I’m not good at it”. An interview and questionnaire based study concerning educators’ and girls’ and boys’ attitudes towards reading with the class room book in focus, Primary education programme, Karlstad University.

2020 Head supervisor of Afërdita Raçi’s B.A. thesis The significance of digital tools in illiterate language learningA study on the use of digital tools in the teaching of A-course at SFI, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2020- Deputy supervisor of Ph.D. candidate Judith Kiros at the Research group for culture studies,Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2020 Evaluator of Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau’s Ph.D. dissertation Postinvandringslitteratur i Norden. Den litterära gestaltningen av icke-vita födda och uppvuxna i Norden, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, Helsinki University and Études germaniques et nordiques, Sorbonne Université.

2021-22 Member of the scientific committee for the conference G22: The 5th national conference for gender studies in Sweden at the Centre for gender studies, Karlstads University.

2021 Referee reader of journal articles in Scandinavian Studies, Sociology Compass, Utbildning & Lärande, Language, Child Abuse & Neglect, Culture and Society, BioSocieties, Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, Adoption & Culture and Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.

2021 Evaluator of a book manuscript for Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

2021 Member of the examining committee for Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau’s Ph.D. dissertation Postinvandringslitteratur i Norden. Den litterära gestaltningen av icke-vita födda och uppvuxna i Norden, Études germaniques et nordiques, Sorbonne Université (2021-12-11).

2022 External censor for Emilie Waldal’s B.A. thesis The elephant finds the third room: Construction and enactment of race in the context of transnational adoption in Norway, Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk, Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

2022 Member of the examining committee for Susanna Areschougs’s Ph.D. dissertation In the moral periphery. Youth culture, value and political subjectivity in rural spatialities, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University (2022-04-01).

2022 Discussant at the Critical Approaches to Romani Studies conference, Södertörn University College, Huddinge, 2022-05-19.

2022 Referee reader of journal articles in Nordic Journal of Migration Research, NORMA – International Journal for Masculinity Studies, Educare, Societies and Ethnic and Racial Studies (x 2).


2022 Head supervisor of Sara Bergström’s B.A. thesis Lärares inställning till digitala verktyg i läs- och skrivundervisningen. En kvalitativ studie med lärarintervjuer, Pre-school education programme, Karlstad University.

2022 Head supervisor of Rasmiya Ahmed’s B.A. thesis Sensory language in preschool. A qualitative study of preschool teachers’ approach to promotiong children’s multilingualism in the preschool enviroment, Pre-school education programme, Karlstad University.

2022 Head supervisor of Anna Sunneteg’s B.A. thesis Film som verktyg för att utveckla sfi-elevers muntliga förmåga, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2022 Evaluator of Youngeun Koo’s Ph.D. dissertation The Politics of care: Intercountry adoption and South Korean modernity, 1961-1979, Koreanistik, Fachbereich Asien-Orient-Wissenschaften, Philosophische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.

2022 Member of the examining committee for Youngeun Koo’s Ph.D. dissertation The Politics of care: Intercountry adoption and South Korean modernity, 1961-1979, Koreanistik, Fachbereich Asien-Orient-Wissenschaften, Philosophische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (2022-08-29).

2022 Evaluator of a report manuscript for the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.

2022 Head supervisor of Yul Cho’s M.A. thesis Exhibiting the East. An analysis of representations of Pacific Asia in three exhibitions in Stockholm, International Master’s Program in Curating, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University.

2023 Referee reader of journal articles in Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, Journal of Intercultural Studies (x 2), PARSE, Genealogy (x 2), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Critical Romani Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Acta Koreana and European Journal of Korean Studies.


2023 Member of the examining committee for Tim Roberts’ Ph.D. dissertation Language practices in Swedish-English families, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (2023-01-31).

2023 Evaluator of a book manuscript for Makadam förlag och Olika förlag.

2023- Co-organiser (+ Maria Moberg Stephenson) of the seminar grup Racism, migration and minorities, Karlstad University.

Membership and appointments

1988-89 Chairman of the Pupils’ Council, Platen High School, Motala.

1990-91 Co-editor of Nya Phosphoros, Uppsala.

1991 Principal librarian at Östgöta Nation, Uppsala.

1991-94 Founder and co-editor of Kaos, Uppsala.

1994 Principal librarian at SAC-Syndicalists, Stockholm.

1995 Co-editor of Stoppa Rasismen, Stockholm.

1995-97 Founder and co-editor of Expo, Stockholm.

1995 Co-founder (+ Stieg Larsson) of Expo Archive, Stockholm

1995-97 Director of Expo Research, Stockholm.

1995-97 Co-editor of Um & Yang, Stockholm.

1998-02 Editor-in-chief of Um & Yang and board member of the Adopted Koreans’ Association of Sweden.

1999-01 Member of the Planning Committee of the 2nd International Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees.

1999 Co-editor of Yoboseyo, Stockholm.

2000 Guest host at the press center for the Korean Embassy at the time of President Kim Dae Jung’s visit to Stockholm.

2000-03 Editor-in-chief of Yoboseyo and board member of the Korean Association in Sweden.

2001-02 Member of the Planning Committee of the 3rd International Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees.

2001-07 Member of the Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies.

2001-05 Member of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe.

2001-06 Member of the Association for Oriental Studies.

2001-05 Member of the Graduate Students’ Council, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2002-05 Member of the Graduate Students’ Central Council, Student Union, Stockholm University.

2003 Co-founder (+ Bosse Schön) of Samling angående svenska frivilliga i Waffen-SS och svensk nationalsocialism [Archive on Swedish volunteers of Waffen-SS and Swedish National Socialism], National Archives of Sweden.

2003-05 Member of the Department Board of the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2004-05 Member of the Graduate Students’ Committee, Swedish National Union of Students.

2004- Member of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture.

2004-13 Member of the Swedish Research Network for Transnationalism and Diaspora Studies.

2005 Guest host for director Park Chan-wook at Stockholm’s 16th International Film Festival.

2006-10 Member of the Nordic research network Post-Colonising the Nordic.

2007-16 Board member of the Antiracist Academy.

2007-10 Member of Migra Nord – the Nordic Research Network for Media, Migration and Society.

2008-19 Director of Research for the history project TRACK – Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea.

2008-10 Member of the Planning Committee of the 2nd International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies.

2009-16 Secretary of the housing cooperative Kullen, Huddinge.

2009-14 Program Coordinator at the Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2009- Member of the Editorial Board of Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture.

2009-12 Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Korean Adoption Studies.

2009- Member of the Nordic Research Network Postcolonialism in the Nordic Countries.

2009-10 Member of the Program Committee of the Intercountry Adoption Summit.

2010-11 Member of the Planning Committee of the conference Intercultural versus Critical Education – Contrast or Concordance?.

2011-14 Member of Theory Nord – Nordic Research Network for Media, migration, ethnicity/race and theory.

2011-14 Member of the Nordic research network Crisis and Nordic identities.

2011-13 Member of the Planning Committee of the 3rd International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies.

2011 Acting Exhibition Coordinator at the Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka.

2012- Member of World Association for Hallyu Studies.

2013-15 Board member of Fight Racism Now.

2013-18 Founder and coordinator of The research network for Swedish critical race and whiteness studies.

2013-14 Member of the Editorial Board of Mana: Antirasistisk tidskrift.

2014 Coordinator of European Network against Racism’s, Migration Policy Group’s and Open Society Foundations’ Equality Data Initiative in Sweden.

2014 Coordinator of Open Society Foundations’ och Tactical Tech’s project ”I am Swedish, I am Muslim” in Sweden.

2014- Member of the Swedish network for family and kinship studies.

2017- Member of the Editorial Board of Ohio State University Press’ book series Formations: Adoption, Kinship, and Culture.

2018- Member of the Editorial Board of Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture.

2019- Member of the Editorial Board of Culture and Empathy. International Journal of Sociology, Psychology, and Cultural Studies.

2021- Member of the Editorial Board of Korea-Europe Review: An interdisciplinary journal of politics, society, and economics.

2022- Member of the Advisory Board of Korean National Human Rights Commission’s investigation on the status of human rights with respect to South Korea’s intercountry adoption program.

2022- Member of Swedish PEN.

University teaching and administration

2001-06 Co-administrator and course designer of courses in Korean Studies, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2001-05 Co-administrator of courses in Central Asian Studies, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2001-05 Assistant at the Asian Library, Stockholm University Library.

2002 Course designer of the Introductory course in Korean 1+2 (10 credits/15 ECTS+10 credits/15 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2002-06 Course leader and course designer of the Introductory Course in Korean Studies (5 credits/7,5 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2002-06 Lecturer in contemporary Korean culture and society at the Introductory Course in Korean Studies (5 credits/7,5 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (5 lectures à 2 hours every semester).

2005 Course designer of the Course in Korean cultural studies 1 (2 credits/3 ECTS) at the Basic course in Korean Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2005-06 Course leader, head teacher and seminar leader at the Course in Korean cultural studies 1 (2 credits/3 ECTS) at the Basic course in Korean Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (8 lectures à 2 hours every autumn semester).

2005-06 Lecturer and seminar leader at the course in theory and method (2 credits/3 ECTS) at the Specialized course 1 in Japanese Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (1 lecture à 2 hours every spring semester).

2005-06 Lecturer in science history and theory of science at the Basic course in Korean Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (4 lectures à 2 hours every autumn semester).

2005-06 Public relations officer, fellowships coordinator and webmaster at the Division of Korean Studies, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2005-06 Head supervisor and co-supervisor of undergraduate papers (5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Specialized course 1 (4 supervisions à 2 hours every spring semester), of B.A.-theses (10 credits/30 ECTS) at the Specialized course 2 (4 supervisions à 2 hours every autumn semester), and of M.A.-theses (10 credits/15 ECTS) at the Master course in Korean Studies (4 supervisions à 2 hours every spring semester), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2006 Course designer of the Course in Korean cultural studies 2 (2 credits/3 ECTS) at the Intermediate course in Korean Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2006 Head teacher and seminar leader at the Course in Korean cultural studies 2 (2 credits/3 ECTS) at the Intermediate course in Korean Studies (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (8 lectures à 2 hours).

2006 Course leader and course designer of the Course in international adoption from Korea (5 credits/7,5 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University.

2006 Head teacher at the Course in international adoption from Korea (5 credits/7,5 ECTS), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University (8 lectures à 2 hours).

2006- Lecturer on international adoption at the Special course on the best interests of the child in Swedish law (10 credits/15 ECTS), Department of Law, Stockholm University (1 lectures à 4 hours every autumn semester).

2006-07 Lecturer on hybridity at the course Postcolonial theory and aesthetics (5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Master course in contemporary aesthetics (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (1 lecture à 2 hours every semester).

2007-08 Lecturer on ethnicity at the Introductory course to teacher education (5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Basic course in pedagogy (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (2 lectures à 2 hours every semester).

2007-08 Lecturer on postcoloniality at the course Pedagogy B (20 credits/30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (1 lecture à 2 hours every semester).

2009 Head teacher in cultural studies at the course Aesthetical expressions and social differentiation among children and youth (7,5 ECTS) at the course Child and youth culture (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (8 lectures à 2 hours).

2009 Head teacher in cultural studies at the course The local community: A pedagogical study (7,5 ECTS) at the course Intercultural education, advanced level (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (5 lectures à 3 hours).

2010 Head teacher in postcolonial studies at the course Identity construction in a globalised world (15 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (7 lectures à 2 hours).

2010-12 Head supervisor and co-supervisor at Pedagogy Master Course 2 (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (6 supervisions à 2 hours).

2010-11 Head teacher in postcolonial studies at the course Critical pedagogy and globalisation (7,5 ECTS) at the course Pedagogy B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (5 lectures à 4 hours every spring semester).

2010-11 Co-supervisor at the course Pedagogy B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (2 supervisions à 4 hours every spring term).

2010-11 Course designer of, course leader and head teacher at the course Adoption and identity in an intercultural perspective (7,5 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (10 lectures à 2 hours every spring semester).

2010-11 Head teacher and seminar leader in methodology (7,5 ECTS) at the course Pedagogy C (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (4 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours).

2011 Seminar leader on national minorities at the course Children’s socialisation and literacy (7,5 ECTS) at the course Education science B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (7 lectures à 3 hours).

2011 Head teacher in methodology (7,5 ECTS) at the course Pedagogy B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (6 lectures à 2 hours).

2011-12 Head teacher and seminar leader in theory of science (7,5 ECTS) at the course Pedagogy C (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (4 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours).

2011-12 Head teacher and seminar leader in methodology (7,5 ECTS) at the course Pedagogy C (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (3 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours).

2011-12 Head teacher and seminar leader in critical race and whiteness studies at Pedagogy Master Course 1 (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (4-7 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours).

2012 Lecturer on postcoloniality and intersectionality at the course Pedagogy B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (3 lectures à 2 hours every semester).

2012 Head teacher and seminar leader in postcolonial studies at the course Aesthetics B (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (6 lectures and 6 seminars à 2 hours).

2012 Head teacher and seminar leader in critical race and whiteness studies at the course Pedagogy A (30 ECTS), Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University (3-4 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours).

2014-16 Lecturer on race and whiteness at the Master course Full Colour (15 ECTS), Department of Design, Crafts and Arts, Konstfack: University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (1 lecture à 2 hours every year).

2014-22 Lecturer on race and whiteness at the Master course Visual communication, Department of Design, Crafts and Arts, Konstfack: University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (1 lecture à 2 hours every year).

2014-15 Lecturer on race and whiteness at the Master course Professor Balthazar and the Invisible Citizen (7,5 ECTS), Department of Design, Crafts and Arts, Konstfack: University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (1 lecture à 2 hours every year).

2014 Lecturer on race and whiteness at the summer course Migration and diversity (7,5 ECTS), Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm University (1 lecture à 2 hours).

2014- Lecturer on race and whiteness at the Master course Intercultural communication (7,5 ECTS), School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (1 lecture à 2 hours every year).

2015 Head teacher and seminar leader at the course Intercultural Communication (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (15 lectures and seminars à 2 hours).

2015 Teacher at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language C (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (5 lectures à 2 hours).

2015 Head teacher at the course Business cultures – locally and globally (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (5 lectures à 3 hours).

2015 Head teacher at the distance course Interculture (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (200 hours)

2015 Lecturer in intercultural studies at the Master course Advanced Professional Skills (15 ECTS), Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University (2 lectures à 2 hours).

2015-16 Head supervisor at the course Primary Education Programme (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (5 supervisions à 20 hours).

2015-16 Head supervisor at the course Swedish as a foreign language C (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (6 supervisions à 20 hours).

2016 Course leader, head teacher and seminar leader at the course Intercultural Communication (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (15 lectures and seminars à 2 hours).

2016-17 Lecturer at the course Business cultures – locally and globally (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (1 lecture à 3 hours every semester).

2016 Lecturer on race and whiteness at Pedagogy A (30 ECTS), Department of Education, Stockholm University (1 lecture à 2 hours).

2016-17 Lecturer at the course Media, arts and literature (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2016 Teacher and head supervisor at the course Independent work (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (20 supervisions à 2 hours).

2016 Course leader and head teacher at the summer distance course Cultural identities (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016-20 Teacher at the summer distance course Interculture (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Lecturer on postcolonial feminism at Gender studies B (30 ECTS), Centre for gender studies, Karlstad University (2 lectures à 3 hours).

2016-19 Teacher and seminar leader at the evening course Migration, culture and communication (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (3 lectures à 3 hours).

2016-19 Teacher at the course Migration, culture and communication (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language A (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Teacher at the course Second language learning (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2016 Teacher at the course Modernist legacies and constructions of whiteness (15 ECTS), Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm (6 days and 3 lectures).

2017 Course leader and head teacher at the distance course Interculture (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (200 hours)

2017- Teacher at the commissioned education program Fast track, Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (1 lecture à 5 hours)

2017-20 Teacher at the course Independent work (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2017-19 Teacher at the evening course Bilingual development (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (2 lectures à 3 hours).

2017- Teacher at the course Intercultural business communication (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2017- Teacher and seminar leader at the course Intercultural Communication (15 ECTS),Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2018-20 Teacher at the course Film and audiovisual media (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (1 lecture à 2 hours).

2018 Teacher in critical race studies at the course Literature and whiteness critique (7,5 ECTS), Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2018-19 Course leader and head teacher at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language C (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019- Teacher in critical race studies at the course Reading strategies and contemporary fiction (7,5 ECTS) at the course Comparative literature I (30 ECTS) Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2019 Course leader and head teacher at the course Independent work (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019 Teacher at the course Mother tongue tuition (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2019 Teacher at the summer distance course Migration, culture and communication (7,5 ECTS),Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.

2020 Head teacher at the distance course Interculture (15 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (170 hours)

2020-23 Teacher at the contract course Study guidance counselling and interculture, Karlstad University. (1 lecture à 1 hour)

2020- Teacher at the course Multilingualism and second language development (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language A (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (3 lectures à 3 hours)

2020- Teacher at the course Independent work (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (40 hours)

2021 Teacher at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language C (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (40 hours)

2020- Teacher in critical race and whiteness studies at the distance course Feminist postcolonialism and critical race studies (7,5 ECTS), Centre for gender studies, Karlstad Universityt. (2 lectures and seminars à 2+2 hours every year).

2021- Course leader and teacher at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language C (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (35 hours)

2021 Course leader and head teacher at the summer distance course Interculture (15 ECTS),Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (150 hours)

2021-22 Course leader and head teacher at Intercultural studies B: Theory, method and essay (15 ECTS) at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University.(33 hours)

2021- Teacher and head supervisor at the course Introduction to methods in multilingual research (7,5 ECTS) at the distance course Swedish as a foreign language B (30 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (6 supervisions à 4 hours).

2022 Course leader and head teacher at Intercultural studies C (30 ECTS) at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (33 hours)

2022- Course leader and head teacher at Policy and diversity (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (50 hours).

2022- Course leader and head teacher at Race and whiteness in Sweden (7,5 ECTS), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University (50 hours).

2022- Lecturer on afrophobia and Afro-Swedes at the Antiziganism in comparison with Afrophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia and anti-Sami racism II, academic paper (7.5 credits), School of Culture and Education, Södertörn University (1 lecture à 2 hours every semester).

2022- Lecturer in intercultural studies at the Psychology Programme, Karlstad University. (1 lecture à 3 hours).

2022 Head supervisor at Intercultural studies C (30 ECTS) at the Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Karlstad University. (33 hours)

University studies and courses

Undergraduate courses 1990-2005 (in total equivalent to 341 credits/510 ECTS):


B.A.-degree in Modern Irish (120 passed with distinction credits/180 ECTS) at Department of English, Uppsala University, Uppsala.

Title: Gaelic resistance poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries

Supervisor: Dr. Ailbhe Ó Corráin, Department of English, Uppsala University


Old Irish (20 passed credits/30 ECTS), Indology (20 passed with distinction credits/30 ECTS), Scots-Gaelic (10 passed with distinction credits/15 ECTS), North Sámi (10 passed credits/15 ECTS), Celtic Studies (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) and Old Swedish (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) at Uppsala University, Uppsala.


M.A.-degree in Modern Korean (160 passed with distinction credits/240 ECTS) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Title: The Swedish image of Korea 1904-38

Supervisor: Professor Staffan Rosén, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University


Race (10 passed with distinction credits/15 ECTS) and Migration and Ethnicity Studies (10 passed with distinction credits/15 ECTS) at Södertörn University, Huddinge.


Pedagogy (2 passed credits/3 ECTS) at the Center for University Pedagogy, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Postcolonial Studies (equivalent to 7,5 credits/10 ECTS) and Cultural Studies (10 passed with distinction credits/15 ECTS) at the Department of English, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Children’s Studies (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Center for the Study of Children’s Culture, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Pedagogy (3 passed credits/4,5 ECTS) at the Center for University Pedagogy, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Semiotics (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Department of Literature, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Sexuality and Ethnicity (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) at Södertörn University, Huddinge.

Visual and Material Culture (10 passed with distinction credits/15 ECTS) at the Department of History, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Media Studies (10 passed credits/15 ECTS) at Södertörn University, Huddinge.

Nationalism Studies (5 passed with distinction credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Department of History, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Pedagogy (equivalent to 1 credit/1,5 ECTS) at the Center for University Pedagogy, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Theories and Methods in Literary Studies (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Department of French and Italian, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Postgraduate courses 2000-2005 (in total equivalent to 83 credits/121 ECTS):


Asian Nationalism (equivalent to 5 credits/,7,5 ECTS) at the Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Ph.D.-degree in Korean Studies (160 credits/240 ECTS) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2005-12-02

Title: Comforting an orphaned nation. Representations of international adoption and adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture

Supervisors: Professor Staffan Rosén (2001-05), Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Dr. Ulf Björklund (2001-02), Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, and Dr. Lars Lindström (2002-05), Department of Political Science, Stockholm University

External examiner: Professor Koen De Ceuster, Center for Korean Studies, Leiden University

Examining committee members: Professor Raoul Granqvist, Department of Modern Languages, Umeå University, Professor Tiina Rosenberg, Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University, and Professor Johanna Schiratzki, Department of Law Studies, Stockholm University


Theory of Science (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Classical Chinese (10 passed credits/15 ECTS), Modern Korean (25 passed credits/37,5 ECTS), Korean Studies (3 passed credits/4,5 ECTS) and Librarian Science (2 passed credits/3 ECTS) at the Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Globalisation and Localisation in the Asia-Pacific (equivalent to 3 credits/4,5 ECTS) at the Swedish School of Advanced Asia Pacific Studies, Klubbensborg, Stockholm.

Diaspora and Transnationalism (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Center for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Migration and Ethnicity Studies (equivalent to 3 credits/4,5 ECTS) at the Association for International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Hotel Roslagen, Norrtälje.


Discourse Theory and Textual Analysis (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Performativity: Theory and Practice (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm.


Poststructuralist Feminist Theory (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Stockholm Institute of Education, Stockholm.

Queer Theory (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Center for Gender Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm.

Swedish Cultural Studies, (equivalent to 5 credits/7,5 ECTS) at the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden, Linköping University, Norrköping


Title Publication date
Author criticizes agencies for cashing in on int'l adoption 22 July 2022