2 girls rescued from rly stations adopted

3 April 2024

Patna: Two girls, rescued from Patna and Rajendra Nagar railway stations when they were barely a few months old, were adopted by two couples — a Dubai-based and another one from Kerala — in the presence of Patna district magistrate (DM) Shirshat Kapil Ashok here on Tuesday. The adoption took place as per the recommendations of the Adoption Guide (2022) issued by the Union ministry of women and child development.

The girl adopted by the Dubai couple was rescued at Patna Junction platform 1 when she was just a month old, while the other was found deserted at Rajendra Nagar Railway Station when she was just nine months old. Both the girls were staying at District Child Protection Unit-operated Arunodaya, a special adoption institute in Patna.

Assistant director of DCPU, Uday Kumar Jha, said that nowadays couples were more interested in adopting a girl child rather than a boy. “Couples are even ready to wait for two to three years to adopt a girl child. In the last five years, 92 children were adopted, including 61 girls,” he said.

Earlier, children could be adopted only through family courts, therefore in a bid to make the procedures simple, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, was amended and henceforth the DM was authorised to issue orders relating to adoption.