The adoption center arranges its first group return trip to India!

9 April 2024


The adoption center has for many years arranged group return trips to Colombia and South Korea, and now we want to expand our offer with a trip to India.

The purpose of the trip is to get to know India as a country, and give you an opportunity to explore your cultural roots. We will not be able to assist with a root search or meeting with biological family in connection with this trip.

Before we put this plan into action, we want to see what interest there is in such a trip.

This is what we have in mind:

We travel either in a group or individually to Delhi where we stay in the same hotel for a couple of days. We will arrange interesting visits with adoption connection, sightseeing, markets and good food. After that, there will be the possibility to visit some other word in India, a little depending on where you want to go. We will have to limit supply due to human resources.

Our joint program is estimated to be approximately one week, and after that there is of course the possibility of staying longer on your own.

When: Tentative travel date in the first half of March 2025.

Estimated price: SEK 5,000/person. The price includes support before and during the trip, meeting with refreshments, welcome and farewell dinner in India, bus transport in Delhi, guided tour in Delhi, some transport in another location and possibly interpretation into local languages.

Flights to India, possibly. domestic travel, accommodation and other meals are paid for by each participant.  

Expression of interest: no later than May 31. The number of places is limited, first come, first served!

A warm welcome with your expression of interest!

Sandra and Anna T

08-587 499 06