Waiting period for child adoption goes up in AP
VISAKHAPATNAM: The waiting period for adoption of a child has been increasing for the prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) with each passing year in Andhra Pradesh. It is taking more than three to four years even for the referrals. For instance, only 90 children were placed for adoption in 2022-23, while thousands of PAPs registered their names for adoption with the 14 specialised adoption agencies of AP. Among the 90 children, 11 were intercountry adoptions. According to officials, more girls are being adopted in recent years, indicating a change in the society.
Speaking to TOI, Andhra Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights member Gondu Sitaram said that the long waiting period of the PAPs can be attributed to the fact that there are more waiting parents in comparison to a lesser number of children available for adoption in the state. "However, there should be no scope for any illegal adoptions, which may put the children at risk. The guidelines and rules formulated by Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) should be strictly followed for adoptions. Back in 2022, I had reported an illegal adoption case in Visakhapatnam to the police," said Sitaram.

The district children protection officer Ramesh said that the child welfare committee is taking care of these children. "Even for the children surrendered by parents due to financial issues or other problems, there will be a one month waiting period before registering them with CARA for adoptions. The limited number of adoptable children is making the wait longer for the PAPs," said Ramesh.
As per the eligibility criteria for the PAPs set in by CARA, they shall be physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially capable.
They shall not have any life-threatening medical condition. They should not have been convicted in a criminal act of any nature or accused in any case of child rights violation. No child shall be given for adoption to a couple unless they have at least two years of stable marital relationship except in the cases of relative or step-parent adoption.