Curriculum vitae Kees Waaldijk

Curriculum vitae Kees Waaldijk
Full name: Cornelis Waaldijk
Born: 25 November 1958
Nationality: Dutch
Senior Lecturer and Head of PhD Studies
E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden,
PO Box 9520, 2300 RA LEIDEN, The Netherlands
Telephone +31 (0) 71 527 5206 / 5200
Fax +31 (0) 71 527 5221
Home page
Ph.D., Rijksuniversiteit Limburg (now University of Maastricht), thesis defended on 10 November 1994 (Motiveringsplichten van de wetgever - The Legislature’s Duties to Give Reasons, published by Vermande in Lelystad; full text including Summary in English and Résumé en français available at
Master Degree in Dutch Law (cum laude), Faculty of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1977-1982.
Professional experience
From 2000, E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden: senior lecturer and head of PhD studies. Tasks include: running the training programme for around 70 PhD candidates, coaching them and their supervisors, providing training in research methods, and developing Faculty policy with respect to PhD candidates; and - as research fellow in the Institute’s research programme Securing the rule of law in a world of multilevel jurisdiction (sub-programme Fundamental rights in an integrating Europe) - doing research on sexual orientation and the law.
From 2001, Centre for research and comparative legal studies on sexual orientation and gender identity (CERSGOSIG): member of the scientific committee (see
2006, member of the supervisory committee of the government-funded evaluation research of the Dutch legislation on the introduction of registered partnership and the opening up of marriage, carried out at the Universiteit Utrecht.
2002-2004, coordinator, and member for the Netherlands, of the European Group of Experts on Combating Sexual Orientation Discrimination, conducting a comparative study (at the request of and funded by the Commission of the European Communities) on the implementation of the Employment Equality Directive with respect to the ground of sexual orientation (see
1999-2007, co-editor of the annual collection and commentary of opinions of the Dutch Equal Treatment Commission.
1996-2000, Faculty of Law, Universiteit Leiden: lecturer of Jurisprudence (until 2000; courses taught: Introduction to Law, Legal Methods, Family Law; also setting up and managing the Faculty’s new Evening Programme in Law at the University’s Campus in The Hague).
2000, Hastings College of the Law, University of California, San Francisco: visiting professor, teaching ‘Human Rights Law in Europe - as applied to family, immigration and sexual orientation’ (Leiden-Hastings exchange programme).
1998-1999, consultant to the government-funded evaluation research of the Dutch equal treatment legislation carried out at the University of Nijmegen.
1994-1999, member of the Dutch Council for Family Affairs.
1994-1998, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), University of Utrecht: part-time researcher (focussing on free movement of same-sex partners).
1996-1997, member of the Dutch Government’s Commission of legal experts advising on the opening up of civil marriage to same-sex couples.
1982-1995, Faculty of Law, University of Maastricht: lecturer of public law (courses taught, research done and publications made in the following fields: Constitutional Law, Legal Methods, Legislative Drafting, Homosexuality & Law).
1987-1994, Department of Gay and Lesbian Studies, University of Utrecht: part-time researcher and lecturer. Tasks included the management and supervision of several research projects on sexual orientation discrimination in the Netherlands and in Europe.
1989, Department of Law, University of Lancaster, England: visiting lecturer, teaching British Constitutional Law (ERASMUS staff exchange).
1989, Europa Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland: senior visiting research fellow (Leverhulme grant).
Selection of books published
(with Matteo Bonini-Baraldi) Sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union: national laws and the Employment Equality Directive, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2006.
Motiveringsplichten van de wetgever [The Legislature’s duties to give reasons], PhD University of Maastricht, Lelystad: Vermande 1994.
(with Andrew Clapham, eds.) Homosexuality: a European Community Issue - Essays on Lesbian and Gay Rights in European Law and Policy, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff 1993.
For a complete list of publications, see
Dutch: mother tongue
English: excellent reading, writing and speaking skills
French: good reading skills, reasonable speaking skills, moderate writing skills
German: reasonable reading skills, moderate speaking skills
From 1999, maintaining own website with information about law & sexual orientation (
From 1979, formal and informal ‘law & sexual orientation’ adviser to numerous individuals, organisations, lawyers and politicians, playing an active role in several test cases and legislative lobbies.