About us

July 2009

About us

"In-Vitro" fertilization

Esthetic and plastic surgery

Other specialities


About us

Sabyc Medical Center is a pluridisciplinary clinic offering high quality medical services in various fields, such as assisted reproduction, gynecology, plastic surgery, stomatology, ophthalmology, naturist medicine, dermatology and orthopedics.

Our clinic was opened in 1999, being the third private "in-vitro" fertilization centre in Romania. Our assisted reproduction department was permanently operational during these nine years, bringing happiness in many homes. During this period, 1200 stimulation cycles were performed, with a success rate of 33%. The patients who addresses out center were both from Romanian and from abroad (Israeli, Italy, England), the infertility pathology being varied. Conventional fertilization procedures were applied (IVF), fertilization procedures with the micromanipulation of gametes (ICSI), complementary methods in order to increase the hatching chances, testicular biopsies in cases of obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia.

Sabyc Medical Center holds a sperm bank with a validity term of 20 years, as well as an embryos bank valid for 7 years. The professionalism and the high competence in the performance of the center’s activities were and still are our main concern, which is why we have maintained permanent contact with well-known centers in Israeli and we have requested the direct assistance and support of experienced specialists, famous in the field: Dr.Lewit Nathan( Bnei Zion, Haifa ), Prof.dr.Dov Feldberg( Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson, Tel Aviv), embriologi Dr.Ziskind Genia si Dr.Gili Paz( Clinica Bnei Zion, Haifa), embriolog Dr.Eli Girsh(Spitalul Hadasa, Ierusalim), Dr. Cornelia Sparios(Spitalul Niguarda Ca'Granda, Milano, Italia).

We offer the couples with procreating problems, a team of competent specialists trained in famous centers abroad (Israeli, France, Switzerland). Do not hesitate to contact us and let us join efforts in fulfilling your dream of becoming parents.

Address: Bd.Ion Mihalache nr.13, Sector 1 Bucuresti, Romania

Phone: 021-314.66.12-secretariate / office IVF, 021-318.64.81/83-reception

Mobile: 0728.666.661

Fax: 021-318.64.84

E-mail: sabyc_ivf@yahoo.com

About us In-Vitro fertilization Esthetic and plastic surgery Other specialities Appointments
