it's about Kerry Hasenbalg
Former Executive Director
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute
For more than a decade, Kerry Hasenbalg has worked on behalf of abused, neglected and vulnerable children.Kerry is co-founder and former Executive Director of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI),which serves as an informational and educational source to members of the United States Congress concerning adoption and the needs of orphans and foster children.
Well known in the child welfare community as a gifted speaker and teacher, Kerry has spoken on social welfare topics at such notable locations as C-Span live, Capitol Hill, JCICS, NCFA, National Council for Faith-Based Youth, Moody Broadcasting, Family Life, Focus on the Family, and in churches around the nation. She has traveled to over 30 countries and met with many presidents, prime ministers, and various leaders of government regarding the welfare of orphans, including nations such as China, India, Russia, Romania, Guatemala, and Uganda.