Spence-Chapin Colombia Programme


SPENCE-CHAPIN BEGAN WORKING IN COLOMBIA IN 1994, when we were approved by ICBF (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar), the Family Welfare Institute that oversees adoption in Colombia. We are pleased to offer several options for families wanting to adopt from Colombia. First, Spence-Chapin works directly with ICBF for the placement of children in governmental care. In addition, our agency works with Los Chiquitines, a small private orphanage, to find homes for children. Spence-Chapin also participates in the Kidsave Summer Miracles program through which prospective families can host a child 7-14 years old for a summer experience and either pursue adoption or advocate with families in their community to identify an adoptive family for the child. Colombia is located in northwestern South America and is defined by lush rainforests, urban areas, sprawling plains and mountainous regions. It is one of the largest and most populous countries in South America, making it both ethnically and culturally diverse.

Program Requirements and Specifics

Children in Need of Homes

Timing and Travel: From Application to Homecoming

Families Outside of the NY/NY Metro Area

Humanitarian Aid to Colombia

To learn more about our humanitarian aid programs and how you can support them, please view our Helping Children Abroad page.

Cost Guidelines

Celebration for Children Adopted Internationally
