Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights

10 March 2009

Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights

Written by Kingsley Adegboye  
Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Ahead of its “Caregivers Training Programme” scheduled for  June 2009,
Sponsor A Child (SAC), an NGO involved in health and education mission
delivery projects through community aid and education in collaboration with
Adoption Centre (AC) International Child Support, Denmark recently held a
five-day training programme for community based organisations in the field
of child adoption and social development. Mrs. Olatoun Williams,
Coordinator, SAC noted that  officials from AC International,  would train
local partners from community based organizations across the country in
adoption and social development of children as well as resource persons for
the June training programme.

“Cathe and Lene will help sharpen the skills of staff of SAC and our
partners so that in June, we will be ready to roll out the caregivers
training programme. Our rights campaign reinforces the need to pay attention
to the psycho-social development of children at risk so that they can
develop a deeper sense of well-being and stronger social identities, which
is the right to mental and spiritual health, the right to name, family and

She said the campaign focuses on building the capacity of child caregivers
in remand homes and orphanages to be family for at risk children by
delivering good child care and  builds the capacity of officers of the law
charged with the enforcement of child protection by providing rights
awareness and a clear explanation of rights principles rooted in compassion
and respect as well as a drive to rehabilitate rather than condemn.”

Cathe Pedersen, Programmes coordinator and social worker, AC  International
Child Support said: “our focus primarily is on development of projects in
Bolivia, Colombia and Ethiopia. We would like to expand our activities in
Africa, and since we are already collaborating with Nigeria about
international adoptions.“