“Challenges in Adoption Procedures in Europe: ensuring the best interests of the child”

30 November 2009


The Council of Europe and the European Commission are organising jointly a conference on: “Challenges in Adoption Procedures in Europe: ensuring the best interests of the child”.

This event will be held at the Council of Europe Headquarters, in Strasbourg (Palais de l’Europe – Room 1), from Monday 30 November (09h30) to Tuesday 1 December 2009 (18h00).

The first day of the Conference will be devoted to national adoption and the second day to international adoption. More specifically, the following themes will be dealt with:

- the revised European Convention on the Adoption of Children and the best interests of the child;

- the adults in the adoption process;

- the role and responsibility of State Authorities;

- the access to one's origins: how to find a balance between the different parties involved?

- from National to International Adoptions: The 1993 Hague Convention on Adoption;

- the right to a family: is International Adoption the last resort solution?

- towards a European Adoption Policy?

This event is open to European Union and Council of Europe member States as well as all law practitioners and institutions or associations concerned with the adoption of children. Participants should ideally be experts in family law, and in particular in the adoption of children.