Deputy Director-General Gan Weiwei Led a Delegation to Visit the Netherlands and United Kingdom

11 October 2009
Deputy Director-General Gan Weiwei Led a Delegation to Visit the Netherlands and United Kingdom
Date of Release:November 09, 2009 ¡¡¡¡Source:CCAA
At the invitation of Foundation Wereldkinderen in the Netherlands and the Department of Children, Schools and Families in the United Kingdom, a six-person delegation of CCAA led by the Deputy Director-General, Gan Weiwei, visited the NL and UK from 11 to 20 October, 2009. Five delegates were from the CCAA, and one, from the Department of Civil Affairs in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
During the visit, the delegation had conversations with the Ministry of Justice in the NL and the Department of Children, Schools and Families in the UK respectively to have some knowledge of the most recent adjustment that the two nations had made for intercountry adoptions. The delegates had also met with experts from the Permanent Bureau of International Private Law in Hague and officials of the Children, Youths and Social Care Directorate at the Scottish Government for the exchange of view points about some issues related to the implementation of Hague Adoption Convention.
In addition, the delegation visited the offices of Foundation Wereldkinderen and Stichting Kind en Toekomst in the NL, and participated in the gathering of adoptive families organized by the Meiling Stichting voor Adoptie en Projecthulp. In the UK, the delegation visited the Norwood Head office of an adoption agency, Children and Families First, and met with a group of adoptive families with their Chinese children adopted.
The visit aims at making negotiations with the Ministry of Justice and the adoption agencies in the NL about some problems that occurred during the process of cooperation, such as the overly restricted limitation over the children adopted into the NL, the unregulated roots travel made by Dutch families to China, and etc., pushing the UK for a quick adjustment of the structure and procedure of intercountry adoption programme with China as well as finding out how the Chinese children adopted are developing in a foreign country. These targets were finally carried out conscientiously, and the visit ended up as a great success.