Blog: Please Pray

12 June 2008

12 june 2008

Please Pray

(photo by David Blumenfeld)

For those of you that aren't involved in the Ethiopian adoption community, or don't know already, many families are in crisis right now because of the suspension of adoptions by MOWA (the Ministry for Women's Affairs) for children coming out of Enat Alem orphanage. Rumors about the why's and wherefore's and how long it may take to get sorted out are all over the map. Basically, no one knows all the details, and we may never know the whole story.

I'd like to ask you to pray for the families waiting for their sons and daughters whose adoptions are stalled (including our dear friends the Yateses waiting for baby D). My heart, and I know many of yours are too, is aching for the babies and children stuck in Ethiopia under a pile of red tape and for their Forever Families who've been on a journey to them for months and years now wondering how much longer the wait will be.

Please pray for the Lord to guide the officials at MOWA to complete this process quickly. Pray for a miracle! Let's pray these babies home! Amen!
