PROVISIONAL DRAFT AGENDA: Provisional draft agenda for the Special Commission of 17 to 25 June 2010
1 May 2010


Projet d’ordre du jour

Draft agenda

mai / May 2010


proposé par le Bureau Permanent

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proposed by the Permanent Bureau

À l’intention de la Commission spéciale de juin 2010

sur le fonctionnement pratique de la Convention de La Haye du 29 mai 1993

sur la protection des enfants et la coopération en matière d'adoption internationale

For the attention of the Special Commission of June 2010

on the practical operation of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993

on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption Permanent Bureau | Bureau Permanent

6, Scheveningseweg 2517 KT The Hague | La Haye The Netherlands | Pays-Bas

telephone | téléphone +31 (70) 363 3303 fax | télécopieur +31 (70) 360 4867

e-mail | courriel website | site internet


proposé par le Bureau Permanent

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proposed by the Permanent Bureau

Provisional draft agenda for the Special Commission of 17 to 25 June 2010

on the practical operation of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption

proposed by the Permanent Bureau


The Academy Building of the Peace Palace


The Hague


The objective of the Special Commission is to review the practical operation of the 1993 Convention and to achieve consensus on the main elements of a Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation and Adoption Accredited Bodies. The one day discussion on the abduction, sale and traffic in children in the context of intercountry adoption on the first day, 17 June 2010, does not, however, follow the usual format of a Special Commission review, as some independent experts have been invited to speak on this subject. There will be a period of discussion after each presentation, one aim being to find common ground in responding to such cases.

In relation to the draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation and Adoption Accredited Bodies, the discussion will take place on Friday and Saturday morning, 18-19 June. It is not intended that the Special Commission should engage in detailed drafting for the Guide but rather consider its contents from the point of view of Convention obligations, general principles and possible good practices.

This agenda is a provisional draft agenda. It is being sent to participants so they may see the proposed outline for the meeting. The draft agenda could be considered as a work in progress and it may be modified before the meeting to adjust the time of some sessions and to add some discussion points. The draft agenda will be treated with some flexibility and may need to be modified in the light of continuing discussions in the Special Commission.

It is proposed that the sessions will last from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 to 6.00 p.m., with lunch breaks from 1.00 - 2.30 pm and breaks for coffee / tea normally from 11.00 to 11.15 a.m. and 4.00 to 4.15 p.m.

Thursday 17 June 2010 Abduction, sale and traffic in children in the context of intercountry adoption

Morning session

Registration of participants 8.00-9.30 a.m.

Official opening of the Special Commission at 9.30 a.m.

Presentation by the Permanent Bureau: a brief analysis of Questionnaire responses on abduction, sale and trafficking (approx. 15 mins)

Presentation: A Global perspective on trafficking: Professor David Smolin, USA (approx. 30 mins)

Presentation: An African perspective on trafficking: Dr Benyam Mezmur, Ethiopia (approx. 20 mins)

Plenary discussion

1.00-2.30 p.m. Lunch break

Afternoon session

Documentary film: Paper orphans

Introduction by Mr Joseph Aguettant, Terre des Hommes Foundation in Nepal (approx. 20 mins)

Showing of documentary

Abuses of the Convention: Hervé Boechat, ISS (20 mins)

Plenary discussion and discussion of possible conclusions for this day

6.00 – 7.30 p.m. Welcome reception offered by the Permanent Bureau

Friday 18 June 2010 Draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation

Morning session

Chapter by chapter review of draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation

1.00 - 2.30 p.m. Lunch break

Afternoon session

Chapter by chapter review of draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation (cont.)

Saturday 19 June 2010 Draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation

Morning only 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Chapter by chapter review of draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation (cont.)

Monday 21 June 2010- Friday 25 June2010 Review of the practical operation of the Convention

Monday 21 June 2010 Applying the safeguards of the Convention

Opening statements by experts on developments of particular interest in their States

Setting the scene - trends and statistics: presentation by Professor Peter Selman

Applying the safeguards of the Convention


Establishing whether a child is adoptable

Consents to the adoption

Counselling and preparation of the prospective adoptive parents

Agreements given under Article 17 c)

Financial aspects of the Central Authorities: issues not covered in discussion of draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation (days 2 and 3)

Tuesday 22 June 2010 Co-operation issues

Co-operation, communication and networking between Central Authorities

Sharing of responsibility between receiving States and States of origin

Intercountry adoption in the context of globalisation and international mobility

Co-operation (development aid) projects: setting the limits of ethical activity (issues not covered in discussion of draft Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation (days 2 and 3))

Wednesday 23 June 2010 Issues concerning Convention procedures

Certificate of conformity under Article 23

Recognition and effects of adoption

Private and independent adoptions

Surrogacy and intercountry adoption: connection and concerns

Use of Recommended Forms

Thursday 24 June 2010 Learning from experience

Monitoring of the Convention

Post-adoption issues

Statistics: the role of the Permanent Bureau in their collection

Non-Convention countries: a co-ordinated approach and the role of bilateral agreements

Technical assistance programme and other training programmes

Response to disaster situations: a common approach

Friday 25 June 2010 Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations of the Special Commission: discussion and agreement

1.00 p.m. End of the meeting


adop2010agenda_e.pdf (48417 Bytes)