Jane's Blog: Minnesota Adoption Factsheet- 2007 data - TAX IT

21 May 2010

Tax it.Posted on May 21, 2010 by jjtrenka

Minnesota Adoption Factsheet- 2007 data

Children’s Home Society and Family Services Annual Report 2007-2008 (based in Minnesota)

In 2007 –

There were 1,526 foster children in Minnesota waiting to be adopted.

CHSFS did 645 international adoptions.

CHSFS adopted only 32 of Minnesota’s “waiting children” out of foster care. They did 35 infant adoptions, for a total of 67 domestic adoptions.

645 international. 67 domestic.

1,526 American children waiting for homes.

How can we say this is “finding homes for children” as opposed to finding children to meet prospective adopters’ specifications?

Since internationally adopted children are commodities, let’s call a spade a spade and tariff those goods. Instead of giving internationally adoptive parents tax cuts, they should be taxed more, and those tax revenues could go toward supporting the American social welfare system and finding homes for American children. Or the agencies should lose their tax-exempt status and pay tariffs on imports. Let’s take it to the WTO. I see anti-dumping fines, stricter regulation, goods traceable back to their factory of origin with dates of production, etc. It would be like legalizing prostitution or marijuana for the tax and regulation benefits to the larger society.

What do you think?
