De-institutionalising and Transforming Children’s Services: A Guide to Good Practice

Effects of Institutional Care

De-institutionalising and Transforming Children’s Services: A Guide to Good Practice

View documentAuthor: Georgette Mulheir & Kevin Browne 
Date: 2007 
File Size: 771 KB


This document begins with the paradigm that residential care is harmful to children and that community-based care is most beneficial to children.  However, the movement from institutions to community-based care is challenging and complex.

 The article has 11 chapters:

  1. Raising awareness on deinstitutionalization:  Provides research evidence on the negative effects of residential care
  2. Managing the process of deinstitutionalization:  Provides a framework for developing a strategic plan for deinstitutionalization
  3. Analysis at regional/country level:  Outline for conducting country/region analysis
  4. Analysis at institutional level:  Outline for conducting institutional analysis
  5. Design of alternative services:  Describes the necessary services for deinstitutionalization, including prevention, substitute care, community services
  6. Planning transfer of resources:  An aid for projecting the costs of services
  7. Preparing and moving children:  Highlights the trauma children experience when moved and how to support and monitor the children
  8. Preparing and moving staff:  Addresses possible resistance of workers and assessing them for suitability in the new services
  9. Logistics:  Planning for a timescale, preparation, movement, training and opening of new services
  10. Monitoring and evaluation:  Outlines state and local responsibilities in deinstitutionalization
  11. Conclusions and recommendation:  Broader perspective and summary of the model
The document also uses various case examples and visuals such as tables and figures to help illustrate the process.


The document also uses various case examples and visuals such as tables and figures to help illustrate the process.