Making the rights of children a reality is a particular responsibility for the adults of Kosovo – EUSR Feith

20 November 2009
Making the rights of children a reality is a particular responsibility for the adults of Kosovo – EUSR Feith
The European Union Special Representative (EUSR), Pieter Feith, attended today the UNICEF event to mark the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Addressing the children and adults present at the celebration, the EUSR underlined the particular importance of this international human rights instrument for children in Kosovo.
Pieter Feith said, (summary remarks):
In implementing its policies, the European Union supports the full range of rights protected by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and maintains close cooperation with UNICEF.
Kosovo is a very young society which needs to rely on its children for its future welfare and development. It is estimated that around one-half of Kosovo’s population is under the age of 18. That places a particular responsibility on the adults of Kosovo to make the rights of children a reality.
More can be done for the welfare and well-being of children in Kosovo and I am saying this fully aware of the difficult socio-economic situation in Kosovo.
We have seen improvements over the past few years in the legal framework for the protection of the rights of the child in Kosovo. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is also included in it.
During the past year, progress has been made in including children’s rights into the policies of the Kosovo authorities through the adoption of the Strategy and Action Plan on Children’s Rights.
Within the context of children’s rights it is important to remember that, like all human rights, these rights apply equally to all children. The children of Kosovo make up a diverse group with many backgrounds and cultures represented here. It is important that all children are assisted in maintaining their culture and language, while having equal opportunities to develop towards active participation in the political, social and economic life of Kosovo.
My Office is particularly engaged in the matter of education for all communities in Kosovo, in order to support the development of quality education that promotes inclusiveness, recognition of the value of diversity for the future development of Kosovo and equal opportunities for all children of Kosovo.
The European Union remains committed, also through the enlargement process, in promoting the adoption of standards of protection of the rights of children and in supporting the implementation of concrete and practical measures to improve the situation of children in Kosovo.
He addressed the audience alongside with the Deputy Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Agim Hyseni, EC Liaison Office Chargé d'Affaires, Kjartan Bjornsson and the Head of the UNICEF office in KosovoJohannes Wedenig
For more information on the children, please see also: