Agency to review adoptions from India
21 June 2010
Agency to review adoptions from India
21. jun. 2010 13.26 English
The Department of Family Affairs is going to review new information from India before making a decision on whether to suspend adoption of children from India. Thus, couples on the waiting list to adopt children from India, and even couples who have already adopted Indian children, are thus left in an uncertain position.
Following new information from Indian police authorities revealing corruption at high levels in the Indian adoption authorities, Dansk Folkeparti has demanded an immediate halt to adoptions from India. Socialdemokratiet, SF, and Det Konservative Folkeparti likewise demand a thorough inquiry into the Indian adoption market.
Single father conned out of children
Last night, DR news show 21 Søndag revealed that Indian authorities believe that an Indian orphanage conned a single Indian father out of his children, and subsequently adopted the children to Denmark.
The case grabbed media attention in 2007 and back then, the Department of Family Affairs suspended all adoptions from India while the case was under investigation. At the time, the Indian police concluded that the father of the children, Ramesh Kulkarni, had agreed to the adoption. Now, however, the Indian authorities back Mr. Kulkarni in his claims that he was conned out of the children.
Cut ties in 2003
Danish organization AC Børnehjælp was the go-between in adopting away the children to a Danish couple. Back in 2003, AC Børnehjælp cut all ties with the orphanage handling the adoption of Ramesh Kulkarni's children. At the moment, the organization has five couples on the waiting list to adopt Indian children.
A total of 24 children from India were adopted to Denmark last year.