Estonia - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children


48. The following chart tracks the number of adopted children in Estonia between 2003

and 2008:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Adopted children 130 165 152 158 142 181

49. International adoptions of Estonian children are permitted only to the United States,

Finland and Sweden. The Special Rapporteur was informed that approximately 20 children a

year are adopted from Estonia by people in foreign countries. The consent of the Ministry of

Social Affairs is required for international adoptions.

50. The Special Rapporteur notes the efforts made by the Government to regulate national and

international adoptions, but reiterates the need to ensure the prevention of illegal adoptions as

well as to guarantee the best interests of the child. In this regard, the Special Rapporteur

encourages the Government of Estonia to have in place adequate review procedures of all

adoption decisions, as well as follow-up procedures once a child has been placed with an

adoptive family. The Special Rapporteur is encouraged by information provided that the

Ministry of Social Affairs, in cooperation with child protection officers, NGO representatives

and a court, have presented proposals for inclusion in the draft Family Law Act with regard to



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