From Wereldkinderen Annual Report 2010 - page 20

1 January 2011
From Wereldkinderen Annual Report 2010 - page 20

Translated from Dutch:

Better Care Network

Wereldkinderen is part of the Steering Group of the Better Care Network. Het Better Care Network has as goal to get, through better cooperation between organizations,  a better support  for children without adequate parental care by sharing good practice and methods – gained in a country or a region – and so to improve implementation in other countries. The Steering Group is made up of Wereldkinderen, Unicef, Cordaid, Foundation Kinderpostzegels, Internaitonal Foster care Organisation, Stop Aids Now!, Defence for Children/Ecpat, International Child Support, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Fice/Vereniging Jeugd en Kinderzorg and ICCO.  Wereldkinderen is a member of the working group Alternative Forms of Care and is involved at the meetings about India and Kenya with as goal exchange of knowledge and networking.  End of the years the working group Adoption was established in order to, in 2011, share knowledge with the members of the Better Care Network and to bring subjects that connect organizations under the attention of the public. In 2011 the working group will, on the basis of the UN guidelines for the Alternative Care for Children investigate which possibilities exist to complement the paragraph that refers to adoption, or to explore possibilities of adoption as a measure of alterative care.