Wikileaks - adoption fraud - Uganda

27 October 2009


¶22. (U) Ugandan law restricts a foreign citizen's ability to adopt a

Ugandan child, and the adoption process is complicated. Ugandan law

requires that foreign adoptive parents be physically present in

Uganda and foster the child for three years before an adoption is

executed in Uganda. However, Ugandan High Court judges have

exercised discretion granting legal guardianship in lieu of

adoption, permitting non-resident prospective adoptive parents to

take the child out of Uganda and reside permanently in another

country. This has led to an increase in the number of IR 4 cases

processed by Post.

¶23. (U) Post has encountered legal guardianship cases where the

child did not appear to be an orphan as defined by the INA, but the

true circumstances of the child were openly disclosed during the

court proceedings and visa application process. Fraud was not a

factor in these cases, but the children clearly did not qualify for

an IR 4 immigrant visa.

¶24. (U) Recently, Post has also encountered a small number of cases

where fraud was a factor. The biological parents were reportedly

deceased, but field investigations and/or DNA testing confirmed that

one or both parents were still living. In two of the cases, the

claimed deceased biological mother had presented herself in court

proceedings and at the visa interview as an aunt. These cases

generally do not involve traditional orphanages, but rather children

connected to prospective adoptive parents through charities and

child sponsorship programs. The biological parent(s) often reached

out to the charity originally claiming the child was an orphan with

the belief that this would make the child eligible for charity

support and sponsored education. Subsequently, American financial

sponsors would inquire about possible adoption and the biological

parent(s) continued with the false information regarding the true

history of the child.

¶25. (U) Given the difficulties and false information that Post has

encountered with IR 4 visa cases, Post relies increasingly more upon

field investigations to verify orphan status. This has

unfortunately delayed the processing of IR 4 visa applications, but

Post has found that the Ugandan authorities have no oversight

mechanism in place or means to verify the orphan status of a child.

It has also been widely reported in the media that the judiciary is

known as one of the most corrupt institutions in Uganda.

¶26. (U) Very recently, Post has encountered possible cases of child

trafficking. One particular case involved an American family who

showed the adjudicating officer a list of fees charged by the

orphanage to adopt a Ugandan child. While Post is aware of the high

costs of adoption abroad, the fees were exorbitant (upwards of

$15,000 directly to the orphanage and not including travel fares.)

One fee was for a "donation" to the orphanage, which the Consular

Officer felt could be construed as child buying. The case was sent

to USCIS Nairobi for adjudication as it was considered no longer

"clearly approvable".

¶27. (U) Currently, Post is in the middle of a large scale

investigation involving a Ugandan branch of an American adoption

organization. During the course of interviews with three separate

families, it became clear to the adjudicating officer that the home

in Uganda was presenting false documents. A total of six children

were being adopted and about 11 death certificates for the

biological parents of these children were presented at the time of

the interview. Each of the death certificates indicated the exact

same occupation for the parents and the exact same manner of death.

While this is entirely possible and could be mere coincidence, Post

felt obligated to investigate further.

¶28. (U) Post's FSNI found out that the director of the home was

actually forging documents to present to local government officials,

who then used them to prepare authentic documents that were

presented to the Consular Officer during adjudication. When further

questioned, the director stated the organization is not yet

registered with the Government of Uganda and that the home does not

actually have legal guardianship over any of the children living

there. He also admitted to presenting false documents to the

Consular Section. In-depth field investigations are now required,

consuming most of Post's FSNI's time. These cases are still under

investigation and will be sent to USCIS Nairobi shortly.

¶29. (U) Post is also preparing a stand-alone fraud cable on this

issue to send to CI.

Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin

09KAMPALA1241 2009-10-27 09:12 2011-08-30 01:44 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Embassy Kampala



DE RUEHKM #1241/01 3000912


P 270912Z OCT 09










E.O. 12958: N/A




¶1. (U) Uganda is a country in political and economic transition. It

is estimated that 31% of its 30 million people live below the

poverty line, and in northern Uganda, over 70% of the population

lives below the poverty line. A high unemployment rate and the lack

of a living wage for many Ugandans fuel a desire to seek better

opportunities in the United States and elsewhere. Corruption is

endemic, and document and other types of fraud are common but

generally unsophisticated. The vast majority of Post's nonimmigrant

visa (NIV) applicants are Ugandan, and the most common type of fraud

encountered is the use of counterfeit, altered or fraudulently

obtained documents. Post's current assessment of the level of fraud

encountered locally is high, but generally unsophisticated, with the

exception of Ugandans and non-Ugandans obtaining genuine passports

in false identities.

¶2. (U) Uganda also serves as a transit point for migrants from other

countries. Thousands of Indian nationals reside in Uganda, active

in business and other sectors. Some Indian nationals have lived in

Uganda for decades and are well-established professionals. Others

are recent immigrants who entered Uganda as tourists, obtained

temporary work permits, and now seek to emigrate to Europe or the

United States. Past and ongoing conflicts and/or economic

instability in neighboring countries such as the Democratic Republic

of the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea provide a

steady pool of other third-country nationals seeking to emigrate to

the United States. Most encounters with these nationalities are

limited to following-to-join asylee (Visas 92) and refugee (Visas

93) beneficiaries.


Tourist/Business Visas

¶3. (U) In processing tourist and business visa applications, Post

finds that the visa interview is the most effective means to

adjudicate these cases. Many Ugandan business and tourist travelers

have well-documented travel histories to Europe and/or the United

States. Ugandans are limited to two year B1/B2 visas by U.S.

reciprocity, and similar visa validity to the United Kingdom and

other European countries. This requires that they apply for visas

every few years. Applicants who present new passports or passports

that demonstrate limited regional travel are interviewed in greater

detail. Suspect letters of invitation and support, counterfeit bank

statements, and inflated claims of income are common.

¶4. (U) During the reporting period, several B1/B2 applicants were

refused for fraud and misrepresentation after investigations found

they had presented counterfeit employment letters and other

documents. In many cases, Post does not verify documentation as

information obtained during the visa interview clearly indicates the

applicant does not overcome 214(b) regardless of the validity of

supporting documents. On occasion, Post has had success checking

previous visa records to ascertain if the claimed signatory on a

letter of support or employment has also applied for a U.S. visa in

the past. Post reviews the signatory's previous visa application to

ascertain if the signature on a letter of support or employment

appears genuine. Such checks also provide independently verifiable

phone numbers for claimed employers, and phone calls sometimes

reveal that the letters of support or employment are forged.

¶5. (U) Similarly, Post also has good success identifying the

individual in the United States whom the applicant seeks to visit.

A common trend is that the applicant is an extended family member of

someone residing in the U.S., and checks of previous visa records

regularly indicate that the inviting individual entered the U.S. in

recent years on a B1/B2 visa and remained. Such information is very

useful when reviewing the current applicant's own ties to Uganda and

whether or not they are also an intending immigrant.

¶6. (U) Post's most recent B1/B2 visa validation study found an

overstay rate of 4.5 percent, with a 2.5 percent margin of error.

Post assumes from the receipt of I-730 following-to-join asylee

petitions that many of these overstays obtained asylum in the United


¶7. (U) In one recent fraud case adjudicated at Post, biometrics

assisted in discovering an applicant using a second identity to

obtain an NIV. He had a strong history of travel to the U.S. and

was using a diplomatic passport, so his visa was submitted for

checks and eventual issuance. When the Facial Recognition (FR)

check came back, it was clear that he had traveled to the U.S. under

an alias. He was called back into the embassy and questioned, and

admitted using two different identities to travel to the U.S.

¶8. (U) Post just witnessed another similar case where a young lady

had applied for visas under three different names, but the

adjudicating officer was not aware of this until the FR came back

showing the prior cases (and refusals).

¶9. (U) Another similar case involved a young lady who claimed she

had changed her name when still a minor to be able to retake a test

in school. She used the name for the better part of the next 20

years and had an NIV refusal under the new alias. She then changed

her name back to her original name and reapplied for a visa under

her original name and the only way Post was able to discern that she

had two aliases was through FR.

¶10. (U) Another vehicle many applicants tried to use over the busy

summer months was that of the Uganda North American Association

(UNAA) convention held in Chicago, IL in conjunction with the U.S.

(Illinois) Uganda Trade and Investment Forum also held in Chicago,

IL. FPP ran a text search on UNAA and of 30 cases since 2003, 17

returned from their travel, 2 claimed asylum and 11 overstayed or

became LPRs. The results of this search indicated an approximately

37% overstay rate. Applicants registered online or in person at a

satellite office located in Kampala for the convention. They

received a letter from the organizers of the convention: Lt. Frank

Musisi and Noah Bukenya. Many of those letters stated that UNAA

would pay for their accommodation and/or travel. Obtaining this

document fraudulently was not difficult for applicants. They often

did not know the name of the convention nor how they wanted to

participate in the convention. In this case, Post would not issue a

visa. Many people also tried to obtain visas under the guise of

entertainers or press. These people were scrutinized more heavily

and were expected to have either the proper petition or credentials

before Post would issue.

Student Visas

¶11. (U) In a previous reporting period, Post noted a number of

student athletes had secured partial scholarships to U.S. colleges.

Checks of academic transcripts presented by a number of these

student athletes disclosed that the transcripts had been altered and

a number of the applicants were refused for misrepresentation.

During this reporting period, Post has noted a decrease in F1 visa

applications by student athletes. The typical student applicant

where fraud has been documented is from a poor-to-middle class

background, presents a suspect bank statement and claims the sponsor

is an uncle or other more distant relative. The presentation of

counterfeit and altered academic transcripts is also common. In

order to combat student visa fraud, Post seeks to verify suspect

academic transcripts with the Ugandan National Examinations Board

(UNEB), secondary schools and Ugandan universities.

¶12. (U) In addition, Post often requests that financial sponsors

attend the visa interview. Given circumstances in Uganda, it is

common that one or both biological parents of a student applicant

may be deceased and that the applicant claims to have been raised by

an uncle or guardian. The term "uncle" is used interchangeably

between individuals who may be paternal or maternal uncles, or even

non-relatives who reportedly provide financial assistance to the

applicant. Independent interviews with financial sponsors of F1

student applicants are very useful in determining the true

relationship with the applicant, and the degree of support that the

sponsor will provide for the applicant's tuition in the United

States. Sometimes an "uncle" called for an interview cannot name

the applicant's immediate family members, or where the applicant

attended secondary school.

¶13. (U) Over the past several years, there have been frequent

reports of malfeasance and academic transcript fraud within Uganda's

largest university, Makerere University. Officials at Makerere have

stated that they plan to introduce more secure methods of recording

grades and issuing transcripts, but these changes are still pending.

Similarly, officials of the Ugandan National Education Board

(UNEB), responsible for the administration of Uganda's O and A level

secondary school examinations, have also stated that future national

examination certificates may contain more advanced security


¶14. (U) More recently, Post has seen a significant increase in

applicants applying to community colleges in rural or remote U.S.

cities. There have not been any confirmed cases of fraud with regard

to community colleges, but the vast majority of those applying to

these schools were below average applicants. They often spoke very

poor English (a consideration in a country where English is an

official language), had very poor to weak economic ties to the

person sponsoring them, and rarely knew the difference between an

Associate's Degree and a Bachelor's Degree.

¶15. (U) There were also a number of students currently enrolled in

undergraduate programs at universities in Uganda who then wanted to

transfer to Community Colleges to work on Associate's degrees. For

several applicants, this was an attractive method to gain entry to

the U.S., as many had other family members already studying and/or

residing in nearby cities.

Religious Worker Visas

¶16. (U) Applications for R1 religious worker visas are less frequent

than B1/B2s, although active cooperation exists between religious

organizations in Uganda and the United States. A number of B1/B2

applicants encountered by Post are religious ministers engaging in

evangelical tours of the U.S. as permitted under B1/B2

classification, and not taking an appointment with one church.

¶17. (U) Post has noticed an increase in American sponsors retracting

sponsorship of religious workers for a number of reasons, but

religious workers are under more scrutiny than in previous years.

K3 Spouse of American Citizen Visas

¶18. (U) Post encounters suspect K3 visa applications that generally

fit into two categories. The first is a Ugandan female applicant

who met the American petitioner over the Internet. Typically, the

Ugandan is unemployed. The couple exchange E-mails for several

months then the American travels to Uganda and stays for several

weeks. During the visit, the couple marries and the American

subsequently files I-130 and I-129F petitions in the United States.

The other category often seen is a male spouse of a female refugee

who was resettled in the United States. Upon becoming a naturalized

American citizen, the female travels to Uganda and weds a refugee

living in Uganda to whom she was introduced through a friend or

extended family member. In both scenarios, the petitioners and

beneficiaries have never met in person until the petitioner arrived

in Uganda for the wedding. The marriage certificates in such cases

are generally genuine, although in many circumstances the petitions

are returned to USCIS for recommended revocation, as it appears the

marriage was entered into for the sole purpose of facilitating the

beneficiary's immigration to the United States.


¶19. (U) Post assumed processing of immigrant visas for adoption

cases in October 2006. All other immigrant visa applications are

processed by American Embassy Nairobi. Post assists Nairobi with

verifying marriage certificates and other documents, such as birth

and death certificates and school records for immigrant visa cases

when necessary.


¶20. (U) All Diversity Visa cases are adjudicated by U.S. Embassy

Nairobi. Most diversity visa inquiries received by Post involve

members of the public who have been victims of Internet scams

promising individuals U.S. visas in exchange for fees. Post warns

the public of these scams when advertising the annual kick-off of

the Diversity Visa Lottery. Post issued a press release in

response to one diversity visa scam that targeted high level Ugandan

officials, who reportedly paid around USD500 to the scam artists.

Post also assists Embassy Nairobi in verifying certificates

presented in support of diversity visa cases.


¶21. (U) Post has not encountered any recent ACS or passport fraud,

although it occasionally receives passport applications for adults

who have never been documented as American citizens and are unable

to provide credible evidence of their identity and birth in the U.S.

If questions arise regarding the biological relationship between

the American citizen and a Consular Report of Birth Abroad

applicant, DNA testing is usually required.


¶22. (U) Ugandan law restricts a foreign citizen's ability to adopt a

Ugandan child, and the adoption process is complicated. Ugandan law

requires that foreign adoptive parents be physically present in

Uganda and foster the child for three years before an adoption is

executed in Uganda. However, Ugandan High Court judges have

exercised discretion granting legal guardianship in lieu of

adoption, permitting non-resident prospective adoptive parents to

take the child out of Uganda and reside permanently in another

country. This has led to an increase in the number of IR 4 cases

processed by Post.

¶23. (U) Post has encountered legal guardianship cases where the

child did not appear to be an orphan as defined by the INA, but the

true circumstances of the child were openly disclosed during the

court proceedings and visa application process. Fraud was not a

factor in these cases, but the children clearly did not qualify for

an IR 4 immigrant visa.

¶24. (U) Recently, Post has also encountered a small number of cases

where fraud was a factor. The biological parents were reportedly

deceased, but field investigations and/or DNA testing confirmed that

one or both parents were still living. In two of the cases, the

claimed deceased biological mother had presented herself in court

proceedings and at the visa interview as an aunt. These cases

generally do not involve traditional orphanages, but rather children

connected to prospective adoptive parents through charities and

child sponsorship programs. The biological parent(s) often reached

out to the charity originally claiming the child was an orphan with

the belief that this would make the child eligible for charity

support and sponsored education. Subsequently, American financial

sponsors would inquire about possible adoption and the biological

parent(s) continued with the false information regarding the true

history of the child.

¶25. (U) Given the difficulties and false information that Post has

encountered with IR 4 visa cases, Post relies increasingly more upon

field investigations to verify orphan status. This has

unfortunately delayed the processing of IR 4 visa applications, but

Post has found that the Ugandan authorities have no oversight

mechanism in place or means to verify the orphan status of a child.

It has also been widely reported in the media that the judiciary is

known as one of the most corrupt institutions in Uganda.

¶26. (U) Very recently, Post has encountered possible cases of child

trafficking. One particular case involved an American family who

showed the adjudicating officer a list of fees charged by the

orphanage to adopt a Ugandan child. While Post is aware of the high

costs of adoption abroad, the fees were exorbitant (upwards of

$15,000 directly to the orphanage and not including travel fares.)

One fee was for a "donation" to the orphanage, which the Consular

Officer felt could be construed as child buying. The case was sent

to USCIS Nairobi for adjudication as it was considered no longer

"clearly approvable".

¶27. (U) Currently, Post is in the middle of a large scale

investigation involving a Ugandan branch of an American adoption

organization. During the course of interviews with three separate

families, it became clear to the adjudicating officer that the home

in Uganda was presenting false documents. A total of six children

were being adopted and about 11 death certificates for the

biological parents of these children were presented at the time of

the interview. Each of the death certificates indicated the exact

same occupation for the parents and the exact same manner of death.

While this is entirely possible and could be mere coincidence, Post

felt obligated to investigate further.

¶28. (U) Post's FSNI found out that the director of the home was

actually forging documents to present to local government officials,

who then used them to prepare authentic documents that were

presented to the Consular Officer during adjudication. When further

questioned, the director stated the organization is not yet

registered with the Government of Uganda and that the home does not

actually have legal guardianship over any of the children living

there. He also admitted to presenting false documents to the

Consular Section. In-depth field investigations are now required,

consuming most of Post's FSNI's time. These cases are still under

investigation and will be sent to USCIS Nairobi shortly.

¶29. (U) Post is also preparing a stand-alone fraud cable on this

issue to send to CI.


¶30. (U) Post frequently advises applicants of the availability of

DNA testing to verify claimed relationships in following-to-join

asylee (Visas 92) and refugee (Visas 93) cases. Post also sees DNA

testing used in support of Consular Report of Birth Abroad

applications. All collection of DNA was conducted by a laboratory

technician at the office of Post's Panel Physician. As an

additional measure, one of Post's local employees is required to

observe collection of the DNA and sealing of the specimen envelope

before it is forwarded to a U.S. laboratory for testing.

¶31. (U) With the new guidance issued by the Department, Post will be

changing its procedure to begin on-site DNA sample collection. Some

details on fee and sample collection must still be resolved with the

panel physicians' office, so DNA collection is currently on hold

until agreement is reached.


¶32. (U) In adjudicating Visas 92 following-to-join asylee cases,

Post has observed a number of asylum claims that lack credibility.

Officers sometimes encounter similar claims that appear to have been

used previously and recycled by multiple petitioners. Post has

encountered a case where the Government of Uganda funded the

applicant's travel to the U.S. and facilitated their visa

application with a Diplomatic Note, and the applicant successfully

claimed asylum. Post also encounters cases whereby the petitioner

in the U.S. claimed persecution by the Central Government, yet when

the following-to-join family members appear for interviews, it is

sometimes discovered that the relative who has been providing for

their care is a Central Government employee in good standing. Post

also encounters a number of Legal Permanent Residents returning to

Uganda, and the information often presented indicates that they

gained LPR status via the asylum process.

¶33. (U) Post encounters a significant amount of relationship fraud

in processing Visas 92 cases, and utilizes DNA testing, field

investigations and interviews when adjudicating the cases. Almost

all Ugandan birth certificates submitted in support of Visas 92

cases indicate the births of the following-to-join family members

were registered in the weeks just before the petitioner traveled to

the U.S. (contradicting the common claim by petitioners that they

did not consider asylum until after their arrival in the U.S.). In

other cases, the births were recorded after the petitioner had

remained in the U.S., and in preparation for an I-730 filing. Many

Visas 92 cases involve children from multiple relationships, and

polygamy is practiced in accordance with local customs. Many

Ugandan families care for nieces and nephews who were never formally

adopted, and petitioners often falsely claim these relatives as

biological or legally adopted children. Post has started to receive

an increasing number of Visas 92 Eritrean cases, and a small number

of Rwandan cases. The Rwandan cases have involved fraudulent

adoption claims for multiple beneficiaries.

¶34. (U) In possible response to its request for adoption

documentation, Post is seeing more and more "adopted" beneficiaries.

This has led to an increase in investigations to verify the

authenticity of the adoption documents.

¶35. (U) Post also processes Visas 93 following-to-join refugee

cases. Historically, these cases involved middle-aged, Somali males

with no evidence of identity or the claimed relationship seeking to

join wives granted refugee status in the United States. Post's

holdings of these types of cases have been reduced significantly.

Instead, Post is now encountering increasing numbers of K3, spouse

of American citizen cases of Somali males living as refugees in

Uganda married to American citizens during short two-week visits.



¶36. (SBU) Uganda's location within East Africa and its porous and

remote borders can be exploited by Al Qaeda and other terrorist

organizations as well as organized crime syndicates. While the

section documented no cases of fraud related to organized crime or

terrorist travel during the reporting period, Uganda is a transit

point for such travel. The Ugandan government regularly detains

individuals suspected of involvement with terrorist associations

and, during a previous reporting period, deported two South African

nationals with reported terrorism links. Two other suspected

terrorists were arrested in Germany, and were allegedly planning

travel to Uganda.

¶37. (U) Post communication with airlines indicates that the most

common trend encountered at Entebbe Airport is imposters who use

borrowed or stolen documents to attempt to board flights to Europe.

In most cases, the suspected imposters are of Somali origin. In

this reporting period, airline officials reported two incidents

involving Somalis presenting fraudulent I-551 cards. One involved a

female Somali passenger traveling alone, the other case involved two

Somali males accompanied by a Legal Permanent Resident of Somali

origin who attempted to assist/facilitate the accompanying mala fide

passengers through the airport check-in process. Individuals using

fraudulent documents obtained in other countries also pose

challenges to airlines. Iraqi nationals have been intercepted

posing as Turkish tourists, and individuals using photo-substituted

South African passports have also been intercepted. Afghan

nationals were also intercepted attempting travel on fraudulent

Canadian visas. According to contacts working at the Entebbe

Airport, corrupt immigration, airline, and document clearing staff

have assisted mala fide passengers to board aircraft bound for


¶38. (U) Recently, three travelers were stopped at Entebbe

International Airport for traveling on fake French Passports.


¶39. (U) In cases of criminal fraud, the Regional Security Office

(RSO) collects as much evidence as possible and refers the case to

the police. In many circumstances, the subjects may be arrested

but, if released on bail, the subjects never appear in court. Post

has had success with cases where a private firm or Ugandan

government entity actively seeks prosecution of the subject; for

example, cases where applicants presented counterfeit government

identification cards or employment letters.


¶40. (U) As noted above, the most common type of fraud encountered is

use of suspect documents, such as bank statements, letters of

employment or support and academic transcripts. A lack of internal

controls also makes acquisition of genuine but fraudulently obtained

birth and marriage certificates a fairly simple process. A

"declarant" for a birth certificate is not required to be a family

member or authorized legal representative, and only has to attest to

the validity of the information presented when applying for a birth

certificate from the Registrar's Office. This makes genuine birth

certificates based upon fraudulent information readily available.

In turn, the birth certificate may then be used to support a Ugandan

passport application.

¶41. (U) Reports of corruption within Uganda's immigration service

and a lack of internal controls indicate that Ugandan passports are

obtainable for those seeking to change identities or who have no

real claim to Ugandan citizenship. In the past, Post encountered

about one applicant every three months who has previously applied

for a visa in Kampala or another Post under a different identity.

These encounters have now decreased, most likely because of the

deterrent effect of biometric procedures. In addition, Post also

brings cases of Ugandans with multiple identities and passports to

the attention of the Director of Uganda's immigration service when

encountered. This action serves to facilitate investigation of the

subject holding multiple identities, as well as counters malfeasance

within the Ugandan immigration service. Passports currently issued

by Ugandan immigration authorities are machine-readable and

photo-digitized. Previously issued laminated passports are valid

until their designated expiration dates.

¶42. (U) Post has seen an increase in Ugandans with more than one

valid passport. This issue has been raised with the Director of

Uganda's immigration service. It remains to be seen how this will

change in the future.


¶43. (U) Host government, local-level officials, and religious

organizations generally cooperate when Post seeks to verify civil

documents, but corruption does impact Post's ability to combat

fraud. The Director of Immigration has participated in a USG-funded

border security program in the U.S., and in meetings with Post

officials has expressed a willingness to investigate Ugandan

passport fraud and malfeasance. It remains to be seen whether he

will be successful at these efforts.

¶44. (U) Recently, Post's FSNI was denied the verification service

provided free of charge to foreign missions. A mid-level official

within the Registrar's Office demanded a fee for the service. Post

was surprised to hear this and pursued the matter only to find that

this officer was skirting established protocol. A subsequent letter

from the Registrar-General confirmed that no fee was to be charged

to foreign missions for authenticating documentation.


¶45. (U) In MONTH of this year, a Consular associate was fired for

malfeasance. She admitted to accepting money from outside entities

in exchange for FILL IN. The entire staff was warned about this

practice and it seemed as though the issue was resolved. In

September, the Acting Consular Chief received a call from an

American citizen in the U.S., stating that she was aware of a fraud

scheme and wanted to notify Post about it.

¶46. (U) The Acting Consular Chief went to the RSO with the

information obtained and the RSO began an investigation. It turned

out that the fired Consular Section employee had opened a visa

"coaching" business and was supplying paying customers with

fraudulent documentation and false narratives to present at the time

of their interviews. She was also claiming that she still worked in

the Consular Section.

¶47. (U) RSO in conjunction with local police raided the offices and

private residences of the suspect and her chief accomplice. Post is

currently knee-deep in confiscated evidence and has a TDY DS

investigator arriving to assist the RSO in sorting through and

documenting the evidence. The primary suspect (the fired Consular

employee) and her chief accomplice are currently in custody and RSO

is working very closely with Ugandan police and judicial officials

to press maximum charges against them.

¶48. (U) There is concern that at least one current employee may be

involved in this scam as well. RSO has investigated two employees.

One was cleared of any suspicion, but the other has had significant

contact with the primary suspect. RSO has been unable to find any

hard evidence against this employee but she is aware she is under

probation. She was temporarily suspended from work pending RSO

approval to allow her return to the Section.

¶49. (U) Currently, RSO is continuing its investigation and Post has


¶50. (U) Post's Fraud Prevention Unit consists of a Consular Officer

assigned the role of Fraud Prevention Manager. As a two-officer

Post, fraud prevention duties are in addition to other full-time

duties which include visa adjudications, ACS services and all other

assigned tasks. Previously, Post's Regional Security Office and the

Consular Section shared a locally employed fraud investigator, but

this position was vacant until August of this year. Post has hired

a full-time locally-employed fraud investigator who has assisted the

section immensely and completed many successful investigations in

his short time here.