TLCH adoptions break CARA rule

16 February 2012

TLCH adoptions break CARA rule

February 16, 2012 DC Hyderabad a a a ShareAdd To My Pages email print


In what seems to amount to a violation of the rules, orphan girls from Teresa’s Tender Loving Care Home (TLCH), Erragadda, are being sent for cross-country adoption though the home does not have a valid licence to operate. A court case is also pending against the institution, which has violated rules of the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA).

CARA says that as per court orders, TLCH is not allowed to send children for cross-country adoption. It has not even renewed its licence. Other children’s NGOs allege that orphans in some institutions are being trafficked in the name of inter-country adoption. About a decade ago, TLCH lost its case in the family court, the AP High Court and the Supreme Court regarding falsification and fabrication of documents pertaining to adoption. Its licence was revoked in 2001.

The adoption centre admits that the formalities for adoption of four children by foreign couples is going ahead and being processed through the State Home, which comes under the aegis of the women and child welfare department. One of the four girls is aged 11 and is to be adopted by a 60-year-old Spanish citizen, Ruiz Garcia. “Mr Garcia is secretary to the Council, a well-respected politician and has adopted a girl before. We give children for adoption only after checking the credentials of all prospective parents,” said Sister Teresa Maria, who is the coordinator of the adoption institution.