Holt Moses Project = ica

Our work in Africa begins in Uganda…
In 2001, Holt broadened our reach to the continent of Africa, establishing our first program in Uganda – a country so devastated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic that over half the population is under 18 years old. After developing a partnership with a local NGO, we began providing services to help keep vulnerable children and families together.                 

But not every child in Uganda has living parents or relatives able to care for them. For these children, adoption is often the best avenue to a stable, loving home.

Uganda Adoption

Finding families for children…
In order to begin finding families for children, Holt worked with the government of Uganda, the Ministry of Justice and local child welfare professionals to implement the Moses Project – a pilot program demonstrating the best standards of practice in international adoption. Although Ugandan law requires families to reside in Uganda for three years prior to adopting a child, the Moses Project offers an alternative.                              

In 2009, six Ugandan children were formally matched with Holt families.  The first two joined their families in the U.S. at the end of 2009.