BCN Chapters - Netherlands

BCN Chapters

Over the last few years, the Better Care Network has observed a growing
global need and interest for regional and country-level networking, workshops
and capacity development trainings, best practice forums, and development
platforms for information exchange. The development of regional and
country-level initiatives will help ensure that advocacy, policy, and program
development around alternative care is culturally relevant and viable within
each national and local context. In response, BCN is taking a more active
convening role around promotion of country chapters and regional

Continue to watch this space for more information!

BCN Netherlands Chapter

The first national chapter of the Better Care Network was launched in the
Netherlands in November 2007. BCN Netherlands (BCNN) was formed by international
nongovernmental organizations and donors in the Netherlands with the aim of
raising awareness about appropriate forms of alternative care among the Dutch
groups and organizations. The chapter is coordinated by a part-time coordinator,
Ms. Bep van Sloten, who can be reached at To learn
more about BCNN, click here visit their website—which is in Dutch.

If you are interested in learning more about creating a national chapter of
the Better Care Network, please contact us.