Parents criticize DanAdopt for failure
29 November 2012


Parents criticize DanAdopt for failure

AWAY. A scene from the documentary. When parents here seeks DanAdopt office in Addis Ababa to ask for news about their children four years after adoption, they are thrown out. - Photo: Frithiof Film

Adoptive parents of the girl Masho has been the target of much anger. Even experienced an adoption, how much did not go by the book.


First, DanAdopt country manager jailed for child trafficking, since they met a money-grubbing orphanage owner. Mrs Gertrude and Henrietta from Holbæk that Monday night just laid their failed adoption process in the film 'adoption come price' on TV 2, does not have many Words of praise for the Danish adoption agency DanAdopt .

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They had been on the waiting list for four years, when the long-awaited phone call that two children were waiting for them in Ethiopia, came. It was in July 2007, and Gert and Henriette was told that it was a matter of urgency, because the children's parents were very sick with AIDS and almost died.

"But then everything becomes delayed due to problems with DanAdopt contact. It takes many months longer than usual. The only reason that we can keep the extra waiting time out, is that we know that the children are with their parents and not in an orphanage, "said Henriette.

Rejected charges against Megersa Yosef

Since DanAdopt opened its first country office in Ethiopia in 2006, employees of a leader named Megersa Yosef.

Around the turn of 2006/07, American media and websites to tell that Megersa Yosef was involved in a major case of child trafficking, extortion and sexual abuse of children adopted to the United States.

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Through ten months DanAdopt rejected all charges against Megersa Yosef. Only when the Ethiopian authorities stopped all DanAdopt cases to investigate Megersa Yosef, responded DanAdopt and switched him out with the current boss, Denkai Hadgu seen participate in several of the scenes in 'adoption come price'.

The orphanage

authorities stop meant long delays for Gertrude and Henrietta and a number of other families. In March 2008, they could finally travel to Ethiopia to bring the two children who six weeks earlier had been handed over to the orphanage ENAT Alem of the parents.

There is always that feeling that it's all about business

Gert, adoptive father

Even the short orphanage stay has not made ??the children well. "To the day I close the lid of my coffin, the image of Roba [mishos brother, Ed,] who stands holding his mother's hand and looking up at her as he jets of happiness, be with me. Six weeks later, he stands at the orphanage - apathetic, tonsured and with a large swelling on one side of the neck, "says Henriette. Heaters orphanage director of the first week, while waiting for the case goes through the courts, visiting Gert and Henriette children at the orphanage a few hours each day and meetings among other orphanage director, Aderejew, which works closely with DanAdopt. "We meet him at the orphanage, and we get a very bad impression of him," says Gert.

"Roba's sick, but he will not send him to the hospital, because it costs money. He would however like to have that we take him to the hotel, even though it is illegal in the trial and can give us big problems. He excites himself up and becomes furious when we insist that Roba be hospitalized, and he is highly irritated when he's going to the hospital late at night. There is always that feeling that it's all about business. "

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Before they take the kids to Denmark, they must also meet the biological parents. This is normal and something that DanAdopt recommend, partly because the Ethiopian parents place tremendous emphasis on meeting their children's new family of Ethiopian culture are counted as part of the extended family.

An unworthy meeting

but the meeting is a confused affair. "Then we sit there on a step out on the grassy verge. It is not okay to put a meeting with two dying parents that way. It feels unworthy, that you can not even offer them a cup of tea, "says Gert. Via the movie, they later learned that the children's biological parents - like the girl Amy's mother - do not have access to the reports of their children, they have been promised, and as Gertrude and Henrietta punctually have filed. It is the anger.

FACTS Amy and Misho - two adoption cases with common features

"The biological parents should be supported. It is an extreme failure that is bereaved parents down there who do not get the reports on their children, they must have, "said Henriette. Politiken has presented criticisms of DanAdopt director, Marianne Wung-Sung, who replied via email: " DanAdopt does not deal with adoption cases in the media. If the family has something they want to discuss or complain about, they should apply directly to us. "