Pavel Astakhov - "KP": "Dima Yakovlev yet wasn't an orphan, and him already showed to Americans!"
27 December 2012

Pavel Astakhov - "KP": "Dima Yakovlev yet wasn't an orphan, and him already showed to Americans!"
2012-12-27 03:40 PM

Pavel Astakhov - "KP": "Dima Yakovlev yet wasn't an orphan, and him already showed to Americans!" Our correspondent phoned to the Comissioner for the President of the Russian Federation by the rights of the child


During check of that, how there was a process of adoption of Dima Yakovlev which name informally called the scandalous law, unexpectedly it became clear: the signature of the native grandmother in the document on her refusal of guardianship over Dima, - And on the basis of this “document” the child also was sent to the American family which finally and ruined it, “having forgotten” the boy on a heat in the closed car.

Who exactly went on signature falsification, and how many we asked the Comissioner for the President of the Russian Federation us similar cases - by the rights of child Pavel Astakhov.

- What will be to these officials what go on such frauds, and what you in this regard intend to undertake?

- First, in the Pskov area the crew of Investigative committee already left. I sent the address to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin with a request to make pre-investigation inspection, and in the presence of the basis to bring criminal case against these unfair officials, I don’t know, what they level - municipal or regional.

-  Concrete surnames aren’t present?

- It is a consequence question who knows - who forged this signature… The second: one more circumstance was investigated during our investigation. Our representative found out that Dima Yakovlev acquainted with Americans, Harison’s family, at the beginning of November, 2007. And he received the status of the orphan only on December 18, 2007! That is it started showing for one and a half month before he became an orphan! You imagine: the boy at mother, her yet didn’t deprive of the parental rights, and business already went!

The third circumstance - that his sister is in Russia under guardianship. This worst violation, at us it is impossible to separate brothers and sisters. They are very serious bases for criminal case.

-  With the sister living in the Russian family, anything bad didn’t occur?

- Data on such cases weren’t and isn’t present…-  Much at us such cases it is revealed?

- I addressed to Bastrykin with a request to instruct and inspect on all cases of death and sufferings of our children