Dutch paedophile prisoner dies (William Heum)

13 February 2013

Dutch paedophile prisoner dies

DC | V.P. Raghu | 15 hours 18 min ago


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Chennai: Puzhal jail came into the ‘limelight’ with notorious paedoph­ile William Heum, who was imprisoned there for child abuse, besides filming and uploading child pornography on the Inter­net, dying on Wedn­esday, while the death of another prisoner led to more than a dozen inma­tes staging a protest alleging that the hospital in the jail did not have adequate facilities.

William Heum, 60, a Dutch national, died in Royapettah hospital wh­ere he was admitted with symptoms of acute asthma. “He died early on Wed­n­esday morning without responding to treatment,” a jail official said.

Heum, who claimed to be a social worker, was arr­ested on November 7, 2009, from a house in Cho­o­laim­edu in Chennai, following an Interpol alert that he was uploading chi­ld por­no­grapy on the Inter­net. The case was the first such registered in India under the new IT Act.

The convict was first charged in May 2002 for allegedly abusing more th­an 40 orphans in the shelter opened by him in Mah­a­balipuram. Heum was ar­rested again for In­ter­net child pornography in 2009 and imprisoned in 2011.

In Puzhal jail, where Heum was imprisoned, mo­re than a dozen inma­tes protested against the dearth of facilities at the hospital there, following the death of Bhagyaraj, a murder accused who was suffering from a kidney-related ailment.

“The inmates protested for nearly 15 minutes before jail officials pacified them. Bhagyaraj died in Royapettah GH. Two inm­ates — one from the convict prison and another from the remand prison — died on Tuesday night,” jail sources said.