International Adoptions, Colombia. The data for the first two months of 2013: take the special needs, the collapse IAPAS
Date: 12/03/13
International Adoptions, Colombia. The data for the first two months of 2013: take the special needs, the collapse IAPAS
Perhaps 2013 will see the end of a practice that has been in Colombia for years a custom adoptions. You could put an end, in fact, to a certain way of doing international adoptions for years linked to private homes IAPAS (instituciones Autorizadas For The Adopcion) authorized by the central authority to manage the process of adoptive parents.
According to the statistics presented dall'ICBF (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar), regarding the performance of combinations to families through the IAPAS, in the months from January to February 2013, in which there is a dramatic drop in international adoptions over the same period the previous two years: 5 in the current year, compared with 22 in 2012 and 51 in 2011. A decrease by as much as 77%.
Of the eight private homes that make up the IAPAS, with 5 reported a change in negative -100%. "Casa de Maria y el Niño", "Casita de Nicolas", "Chiquitines", "Cran" and "Pisingos" have not assigned any children to foreign couples in the first two months of 2013, compared with a total of 18 adopted children total in the same period of the previous year through.
The only two IAPAS to record positive results were "Ayudame" and "Fana", which were given 4 children in the first two months of 2013 compared to no less than the same period in 2012.
The eighth private institution, the "Casa de la Madre y el Niño," he finally registered a negative trend of -75%, with the assignment of a single lower in 2013 compared to four in the first two months of the previous .
The situation they are experiencing international adoptions in Colombia is quite dramatic for about a year.
From 1 January to 22 February 2013, 136 children were assigned to families Colombian international or domestic, including both cases of special needs, both direct assignment (ie, less healthy, and / or under the age of 8, or not belonging to groups of siblings).
Comparing the number of assignments in 2012 and 2013 in the same period, there is a sharp drop from 230 to 136 combinations, equivalent to a decrease of 41%.
Of the 136 children adopted in Colombia in the first two months of this year, 63 have been assigned to international families (46%). Of these, 53 were cases of special needs, corresponding to 84% of the total.
The remaining 10 assignments to foreign families were instead cases without special features (16% of the total).
In total, 86 were combinations of children with special needs in Colombian families and not in the first two months of 2013, as it is kept equal to that of the same period last year, showing how the adoptions of special needs children has taken , contrary to direct adoptions.
With regard to the characteristics of these 86 children , 23 have health problems, 29 belong to groups of brothers and 34 are greater than 9 years (children under 8 years old are considered as children without special features).
From these data, we can see a rise in the availability of Colombian families to adopt special needs children.
These numbers are very discouraging for families on the waiting list , which are classified as follows, for Colombia: France in first place with 1018 couples waiting in second place with 949 families in Spain and Italy in third place with 464 households.