Slovak Blog: Adoption - Rescue or Russian roulette?

20 February 2013

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Adoption - Rescue or Russian roulette?

Extraordinary steps around solving problems with intercountry adoption grad. Ne?udujme is. Competent on the Slovak side for many years and decided to act in terms of their motives as yet elusive. Created a non-transparent system that causes that today can be very difficult to check what is happening with the Slovak children outside of our country.

Case Julka and Jojo in Italy addressed the crew JOJ. No official information publicized denial did not work. Why is that?

First, we should ask why these children have not been checked none three years ago, when the first report came about girls. Stood in it, that one of them had increased pregnancy hormone and was hospitalized. Man in his right mind will come insane that twelve girl lying in hospital with suspected pregnancy. The correct response was to immediately pick up the phone and be all the requested information directly from Italy and insert them into the dossier, or to take the necessary steps urgently to go after them. Yet there was no decision on the adoption and ran probation. But Slovak officials did not even savvy enough to warrant dismissal reports from the hospital.

But it is not just about these two children. Slovakia cumulative shipment of about five hundred children in international adoption. These adoptions take place under an international convention ratified by 73 states. Traditionally, however, went to children mainly from Slovakia to Italy so that their numbers consistently exceeds all other states combined. Refer to the table from which it is clear of all proportion to what we say:

Source: CIPC

Returning to Old Article, where an editor suggests that it is in contact with the Italian pair may have been illegal enrichment is as high payments for adoptions knew none of competent justified.

testimony of Austrian workers, adoptive agencies, we know that it is true that such . Austria should not be foster parents interested in Slovak children. Quite the contrary. They do not even prejudices regarding Roma children. It also said the representative of Denmark, who confirmed that not to be obstructions on the Slovak side, Denmark could take up to 700 abandoned children annually.

Z incomprehensible reasons, however, these countries avoided and children ended up mainly in Italy. That was based on a serious doubts whether our bodies were really the best interests of the child and that these abandoned children find permanent families. Or was something else.

All of these concerns, identified specific cases of children and non-transparent procedures CIPC and the Ministry led to a number of controls. The deputies' survey Ombudsman to check if the ministerial audit. These controls confirm significant failure.

Suspicions also led to discussions at the international level between the Italian and Slovak side. After last week's negotiations CIPC director announced that it can not tell you how many adopted children in Italy, of which we know nothing. Adoption of Slovak children to work because the agency and two Italian, one lost her license. This could mean that dozens of children who have just gone through this agency are lost to us. He was interested in them at all anyone?

I suppose not. Italy is in fact in their own orphanages 20,000 children. Of these children to adoption as a fraction. Why? Because feeding system. , to every Italian child in a children's home state spends € 120 per day. Together it is roughly a billion euros a year by 1800 swallows orphanages. These children are prisoners of the system.

Italy thus "buys" out there. A in such numbers that the man suddenly dizzy. Just in 2011, Italy adopted 4022 children from all over the world. Sources: here

The Italian territory is thus tens of thousands of adopted children. These children must report regularly. Individual responsibilities are fragmented and disorganized. A country that has no interest in their children and insist on the agreed conditions, can probably forget someone his initiative will adhere to these terms any time by informing. Private agencies or cease to exist, and create chaos. And in all the chaos, of course, corruption thrives. Otherwise, he could not play as one of appalling cases detected when Nadežda Fratta under the guise of fake Italian adoptive agency illegally exported from Russia over a thousand little children. Of these children were able to find only five.

The UNICEF official meeting in Rome in 2009, the Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said that it has a reasonable suspicion of child trafficking for the purpose of obtaining organs. The proof for him hundreds of missing children from abroad in Italy.

spite of these reports, signs and suspicions continue sending Slovakia and Italy to send their children.

It relies on vague formulated international convention and talk about the best interests of the child. In doing so, the competent authorities are unable to verify the existence of their children, originally Slovak citizens who were sent abroad. Everything is wrapped up facades assistance sad and unfortunate abandoned children.

Recently Russia halted adoptions to the United States. They can not get to the bottom of their children, openly talking about dead children and that adoption was accompanied by the corrupt behavior of horibilnými amounts. Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Russian Federation is asking - we want to play American roulette with the lives of children? Instead of gambling with their lives cut off the chaos and adoption prohibited.

Children are valuable commercial article. Who looks the business spirit thing, says that a few percent of losses are acceptable. But who looks at a human thing, you say that you can not risk even a single life or health of the children.

I do not know about you, but I for these uncertainties, suspicion and obfuscation want to know if really all Slovak children from all over Italy and the world are kdeko?vekvo okay. We have indications that the reports are not complete, the updates are carelessly prepared to come casually, or even missing. I want to be a relevant source and officially confirmed that all the children are alive and do them safe. Until a clear and up to date news about our children abroad, is incredibly irresponsible to send out there to even one other child.

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