Slovak Blog: For pregnant children nezdvihli officials of ass or phone

24 October 2012

For pregnant children nezdvihli officials of ass or phone

I have information that the bearers of famous names and functions visited orphanages and the children chosen for intercountry adoption. These children then a very interesting circumstances went beyond the boundaries of our country. Most of them have never been contacted with domestic applicants for adoption. Although the law commands. The following children from Slovakia no longer interested. Although the law prescribes.

Well someone - specifically journal is interested in practices relating to the financing of these transactions.

opaque apparatus consisting of the right people in the right places ensure that they did not see the fingers. Coverage everywhere reigning injustice and justice sales have never been held accountable, although it probably should rot in jail. Can you imagine that in U.S. ports were sold black slaves. But you can not imagine that in the middle of the twenty-first century Europe someone selling small children. So read.

It was in the year 2008. Two little girls were deported beyond our state. No, not exaggerating. They were packed and relegated. Not entitled to any contact with people who love and care for them.

Were 10 to 11. They took them from professional families, where they lived for 6 years. They took them out of school, where they were classmates, clubs, interests. Ripped them from their friends. Broke away from their customs and culture. Broke away from their native language.

Yeah, these big girls sent to intercountry adoption. The way he did, was just one of hundreds harm to them in their short adult life provided. Read about distressful beginning of their journey. discussion first post under Rule is - that turn out well. Pregnant girl? Who cares! Juli and Jose will lose all sight somewhere on the sunny Sicily. It was a peaceful time for all those who have made ??the illusion of a happy life in their new home. No illusions recently died. Cocktail coincidences meant that one of the girls on the social networking site met with his former professional mom. Talked for a while, then said goodbye. And it was something special. Italian mother apparently wrote very hard and threatening letter Slovak mother that if once in contact with her ??daughters, her call to the police. Slovak mother did not understand what made ??a terrible, had to have the police in hot pursuit. But the girls did not want to interfere with the family and a new life, so that when the girl came, he wrote off that she really loves, but can not write together. Well, what happened then? Police arrived. Things quickly explained, but in the former we have remained uncomfortable feeling of something strange and bizarre. Consequently, when the girls came forward again through another social network, carefully questioned whether it be a new mom well if im missing anything, as they thrive in school. Came the shock. One of the girls - Jose it without unnecessary emotions poinformovalo that is fine, a year-old daughter and that she is very happy. She was born when and if a name is Dorothy. former mother quickly recalculates months of her pregnancy. After all, had to be 12 years old when she became pregnant! Twelve year old girl súložilo? With who? Having someone at home? In school? By force or by accident? What do the new parents? was brought to their attention more and more to girls fell silent. But former mother has abandoned the idea of fear and horror it could not sleep. Therefore it pleased when Jose came again. The joyful news. It is again pregnant. In fourteen. She managed only one question - Why? It came from diev?inky answer, because that always wanted to have twenty children. When it became clear that more information obtained, I netla?ila. But suddenly all the stones fit into the mosaic. Pregnant baby, new mothers fear of contact with Slovak, threats, and police silence on the Italian side. had death on your tongue? Who cares!

Several weeks passed before the computer flashed again. But Jose was not for you mama so often thought. It was her friend, who sent a message to Jose that is very bad and that is in the hospital. Nevládze and can not get to a computer, but leaves her acclaim. Former mother did not hesitate and wrote to Miss a phone number with the message that if Jose will want and need, let him hear. She will wait for it.

She came sms-ka. Jose said that the boy was born. In the sixth month. It was nice, but did not survive. And she almost did not survive either. Apparently very bled and still is doing wrong.

Upon this information the mother immediately dialed and called back. A lot of times called. After all, it was Christmas and beloved daughter was in the hospital. In serious condition. At a time when the peer unfold gifts under the tree and enjoyed their new toys, Jose lay in high fever. She was very weak. Supposedly got blood poisoning. In delirium wrote messages on the phone, he was going for it, a Slovak mother, and that he no longer sit together for a while for coffee. And show her daughter.

then you cry themselves to the handset. So far apart. So far in the past, which they associated.

How are you? I am pregnant. What's sister? Is pregnant

Once Jose recovered, communication is again limited to the occasional greetings. Then she said from New York. A turn to the shocking news. It is again pregnant. So shortly after his harrowing experience. Slovak mother about her worries. But Jose wrote it, that it may be the fear that this time everything is fine. In America with her ??husband. How can that girl be fifteen to twelve times to get pregnant, get married and live alone in America, and without that of anyone interested? - Asked the former worried mother. Miss the response to this, it has a passport in which it is entered by a different name, and also has his changed born, so that there called Rebecca and is 22.

mother has nothing understand. Only understood my fear and sadness.

Such clever, smart, talented and beautiful girl. Should enjoy childhood and run with my friends over there, bask on the beaches, sing and dance.

And what about little sister? How is he? What's new? - Interested in the Slovak mother also other, as usual. And more good news. Juli is fine. He lives now in Paris and expecting twins. In fourteen.

wrote to March 2012.

Shocking revelations parliamentary inquiry

This is just one of a number of cases described to me people who were children close. Even in these cases, I wrote party colleague Lucy Nicholson open letter . It is a fact that supervise the work of the Ministry and its institutions can only supreme legislature. Because of Ministers has no superior controller or not. So I asked her to initiate a parliamentary inquiry in the hope that it will be able to look into the files of children. I secretly hoped that the Ministry and CIPC (Center for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth) did what they had. I was hoping that the files include information on periodic inspections and photos of happy children. After all, this did not happen.

Lucy, after various ups and Maren really managed to launch a parliamentary investigation. Revelations were shocking. CIPC and the Ministry of Labour was held against the best interests of the child to the Slovak law and against international conventions.

According to the applicable laws and international conventions, all measures must be undertaken solely with a view to the best interests of the child. It was really in the best interest of the two girls that were taken out pre-pubescent age from their environment, where they had roots and emotional ties? It was really in their best interest to run for the cultural and linguistic barriers? According to the same law may go beyond just child even after using all possible means found a new family in Slovakia. Girls lived continuously for six years in one and the same professional family in Slovakia. Nobody do not try to place them in the Slovak family.

According to the same standards, the competent authorities have an obligation to follow the child abroad until they reach adulthood. And with increased intensity have to do so in the first years after the acquisition. This monitoring must be documented reports. So how do girls look file?

She was not pregnant, it just ate shrimp!

file in the Commission's decision is based (which is an advisory body CIPC) as to which the family is suitable for girls to learn. The actual official recommendation that just crossed and hands added at a totally different family name, which no one except not recommend it. A family that has been entrusted to the girls. We can only guess whether it is or is not connected to the abovementioned matter . predosvojite?skej care at the time of the first report was prepared. Was it that Jose was hospitalized for 5 days because of acute nausea. During her hospitalization was measured high value of HCG. HCG is a pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta when a woman is pregnant. The report is concluded that the increased value of the response that the girl food shrimp. Lucia Nicholson immediately teamed up with several gynecologists to this hitherto unprecedented response to a child's body checked by experts. Unison was told that such a strange reaction never heard of. Gate release from the hospital, or another demand on the health status of the child already in the file is not created. So here we have a child with increased pregnancy hormone in a family that is on probation (predosvojite?ská care), when the process can be reversed . At this time it may be possible inability of parents and children revealed returned to Slovakia. Neither the trial period neprimäla officials to raise their butt or phone and to check child odlifrovali beyond. To intercountry adoption as an average of 30 children a year, so let someone try to excuse sophistication. Only that would say anything more about it, why this family - added at hand, they desire to control.

Idyllic news room with stuffed animals

Another message is to the year 2011 and still one of 2012. These two reports are therefore of the period in which, as the professional mother, has been a relatively minor one great daughter, behind the dramatic consequences of abortion and according to the information to be present in both teenage sister pregnant. According to the information, none of the daughters is not the territory to which they were assigned, one of the minor should be moved around the world with a false identity and false documents.

So let's see what they say social news on their current lives. Just have to blink one eye and everyone is convinced that it is a fake. In both reports is:

... They are very dynamic and lively girls, are well integrated into the class and not study at home when they go to training volleyball, karate and women's soccer. They share a room and her many plush toys. They are devoted to various hobbies, listen to music, cook under the supervision of the mother, and especially Josephine writes poems and stories ...

That is the message of 2011. A miracle world, and one from 2012.

They are two absolutely identical and formal reports. It certainly does not mean that the girls at this moment asleep in her room with plush toys. It does not so much that they did in 2011, exactly the same as in 2012. That means one thing - that officials of not been able to change the reports or only word order of sentences, or use synonyms to the babble were not as noticeable.

obviously felt confident enough and boldly.

How to protect when they are completely sick of ...

Three months out two minor under limits that could be both pregnant, which is obviously not the place of residence and it is possible that unattended traveling on forged documents. Lucia Nicholson filed a criminal complaint in the case. However, while none of the physically competent (or any other) has not checked the actual situation in the family.

If you file these girls very likely lose, or if they developed deterrent maneuvers, either towards a new leadership CIPC, to Members, or multiple families and orphanages employees who are ready to testify in the case, it will be further proof that a particular people have so much dirt under fingernails, that it is worth risking the intimidation.

investigation, if the Slovak authorities can not do law enforcement, it just shows again the close link of people and it's testament to why you were so sure of their scam.

The Europol and Interpol, however, do not reach. Copies of statements of persons, sms messages, Communications of girls through social networks, as well as interesting materials relating to other children are securely archived. Any influence or obliterating traces is completely unnecessary. We will do everything to ensure that cases of missing children have been thoroughly investigated, and the perpetrators were punished in order to provide a measure that is never anything like this could happen again. absurd point

In light of these findings, it is a paradox, and even absurdity that Jose was shortly before leaving for Italy to attend the then Tomanova UN session on how beautiful we look after the children of the state. SITA : "The commemorative meeting of the General Assembly on Children on 11 . December 2007 spoke youngest delegate. Ten-year Josephine greeted the delegates in the hall of the UN General Assembly in New York. Spoke with the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Faith Tomanová. Slovakia is that crimes against defenseless and innocent children, we should understand how those of the most brutal, najnehumánnejších. While the culprits are usually apparent. This field should be zero tolerance. The consequences are very difficult to remove a child is a burden borne by all his life. Are negative phenomena and for the healthy development of society. When penalize other areas of the company, we should think of more efficient measures and mechanisms potierajúcimi tolerance and acceptance of the lawless situation in which we should most care about. Slovakia as the Presidency of the Council of Europe supports international efforts in this area. Josephine has also participated in several bilateral meetings with partners Minister V. Tomanová. "

Minister Jose showed the world how little trained monkey and had it ready to chant phrases on defenseless children and the crimes they committed, which is supposedly the most brutal and najnehumánnejšie. Less than two years later allegedly gave birth to her first child diev?inka. Madam Minister and the entire Slovak forgotten.

But as rightly said at the UN conference "culprits are mostly clear."

Just catching up.

Natalia Blahová , Wednesday 24 October 2012 08:08

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