Alliance proposes independent adoptions supervision
7 April 2013

Alliance proposes independent adoptions supervision

Alliance proposes an independent supervisory body to ensure that adoptions to Denmark is according to the rules.

AT. 12:27

Green Alliance spokesman, Pernille Skipper.

Written by: Michael Roemer

Alliance welcomes the Social Karen Haekkerup (S) has set a provisional ban on adoption of children from Ethiopia after 21 Sunday identification of several shortcomings.

But we must also future-proof system, says the Alliance:

READ ALSO DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia

- We must have an independent oversight in countries where there are adopted children to Denmark. Someone who can keep an eye on the process in the country, says Green Alliance spokesman, Pernille Skipper , to ABC News.

READ THE Left requires DanAdopt suspended

Left will definitely suspend DanAdopt. And it can be considered, recognizing Pernille Skipper:

- Now we have a meeting with Minister of Social Affairs in the morning, and we of course also talk about this. And then we will consider it. I am not dismissive of that may be required.

"It should go very, very strong"


But it is only a short term solution, emphasizes Enhedslistens spokesman.

Turn cold water into the blood

Also Danish People's Party roses Minister of Social Affairs for her handling of the case, but expect a statement.

- And it should go very, very strong, says social rapporteur Karin Nødgaard to DR.

The Conservatives have full confidence that the Minister of Social Affairs will investigate this matter thoroughly.

- At the same time we would like to invite both the media and politicians to beat the cold water in the blood, while the investigation is ongoing. All parties in this unfortunate case, entitled to any. decisions are made on a fully informed basis, writes the conservative group, Brian Mikkelsen , in an email to DR.