DanAdopt: We prefer perhaps out of Ethiopia

9 April 2013

DanAdopt: We prefer perhaps out of Ethiopia

The organization is considering to withdraw from Ethiopia.

AT. 17:03

The last days of revelations about the so-called børnehøstere and false death certificates has caused the DanAdopt have sent two employees to Ethiopia to investigate tilstanden.Beslutningen to be or not depends on the explanations they come home with. Photo: DR

Written by: Line Gertsen

Lars Ellegaard, Vice-President of the Board of DanAdopt stresses that right now is a serious consideration in the organization whether they should withdraw completely from Ethiopia.

- If we can not obtain sufficient assurance that it right, if we can not get satisfactory security for the legal, we can no longer maintain a communication from Ethiopia.

The last days of revelations about the so-called børnehøstere and false death certificates has caused that sent two employees to Ethiopia to investigate the condition, and the decision to be or not depends on the explanations they come home with, but Vice emphasizes the need good explanations.

READ ALSO DanAdopt: We did not know børnehøstere

- We have hitherto believed that what we did was ethically - we actually thought we did a good job - but if we can not be sure that it is correct, and there is nothing to suggest, then obviously a serious consideration.

Children Mower has surprised

Especially Children harvester has been a surprise to the organization that have given children from Ethiopia since 2006.

- It has been a surprise to me that there were used such methods. You can call me naive, but I did not know the phenomenon, so yes, it came as a surprise.

At adoption and society indicates President Jens Damkjær Mon basic that it is not DanAdopt own decision, but a political decision:

- So it is the politicians' responsibility to ensure that supervision works with those who disseminate child from Ethiopia, basically so the politicians must take their responsibility and ensure that it is legally correct and proper ethics. We have long said that we do not live up to the Hague Convention.


We have been wondering that nothing has happened politically in the organization:

- We know that there have been cases, we looked at each other in Adoption and Society sometimes, and asked each other: How can it be that there is not anyone learn from this.

Jens Damkjær points to the lack of adoption professionalism in relation to the entire adoption process, even when children have come to Denmark.

-We have asked for many years - I hope something happens now.