Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

17 November 2013

Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

Madhavi Rajadhyaksha, TNN | Nov 17, 2013, 04.32 AM IST

Most Indian kids up for overseas adoption find homes in US

While the law allows one out of five babies to be given up for adoption abroad, ministry records show that only one in 15 on an average are sent overseas.

MUMBAI: Indian children put up for adoption overseas in the past three years have mostly landed up in the United States, followed by Italy and Spain, shows data from the ministry of women and child development. India handed over 308 babies to couples abroad last year, according to statistics presented by the ministry before the Lok Sabha in August.

This trail of overseas adoption has come into the spotlight after the Bombay high court ruled that Indian parents should be given preference in child adoption over non-resident Indians, overseas citizens of India and foreign nationals. The case pertained to a petition filed by a Pune couple who objected to a girl child being given up for adoption to a US-based couple.

Inter-country adoptions have been a contentious issue worldwide, owing to fears of trafficking or exploitation of poor children by developed countries. Many of the grey areas have, however, been ironed out in recent years. Indian babies being given up for overseas adoption are protected by guidelines governing theAdoption of Children 2011, based on the Hague Convention, and clearly prioritize desi couples for adoption of Indian babies. While the law allows one out of five babies to be given up for adoption abroad, ministry records show that only one in 15 on an average are sent overseas. In 2012 for instance, 4,694 children were adopted by Indian couples as against 308 sent overseas. Sunil Arora, vice-president of the Federation of Adoption Agencies, Maharashtra, explains many of these are children with special needs who they aren't able to place in Indian families, for instance, those with burn marks, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, physical deformity, or those older then five years.

"Adoption is increasingly being looked at only in terms of rules and procedures. But we need to keep in mind that every child has a right to a family," points out Nilima Mehta who formerly headed the state's child welfare council.

Contrary to popular belief, babies put up for adoption overseas don't come from poorer states such as Bihar or Uttar Pradesh. The relatively developed states of Maharashtra and Delhi have consistently sent out more children overseas than any other region.

India isn't the only country with concerns over sending children abroad. Russia recently banned its children from being given for adoption to foreign couples. Romania in 2004 clamped down on inter-country adoptions as well. But such draconian measures may only result in children living in institutions — which isn't a favourable option, point out child experts.